I never understood why they thought it would be a good idea to have them in it. It's not like they are known well enough to have a huge pull
I'm in the opposite camp, lol. I feel like Prometheus and Covenant both were deeply unnecessary. The most hurtful thing you can do for a horror franchise is add too much detail. Even if it is as weird and convoluted as Prometheus and Covenant
As far as I can remember the Movie did terrible, especially since it didn't really stick to the source material
That's kind of a low bar, but yeah, the series is pretty good
Wie tödlich wäre es sich Kaffee in die Venen zu leiten? Mal angenommen der wäre nach dem Kochen steril gehalten bis zur Injektion
Das Wort beschreibt das aktuelle Gefühl irgendwie gut. Man guckt sich die Welt an, Kriege, Eskalationen, Klimakatastrophe... Und dann den absoluten Unwillen der verschiedenen Regierungen da sinnvoll gegen zu steuern oder sogar die Befeuerung dieser Probleme durch Policy Entscheidungen. Man fühlt sich tatsächlich als würde man nur noch auf den Abpfiff warten, nachdem es dann vllt wieder bergauf geht, wie tief das Tal bis dahin auch immer werden mag. Leider gibt es keine Uhr, die einem sagt wie lange man noch durchhalten müsste...
I have a shrine to the Omnissiah next to my server closet if that helps you
Freiwillige Selbstverpflichtung kein absoluter HuSo zu sein
I'm sure sensors can pick that up within seconds, ST sensors even faster. Especially since you don't need the rotation, but just the alignment of known points around the galaxy
What could that glass be used for, other than building houses? Can you sink in the deeper parts like NASA feared when they send the first people up?
Up is where, if you look down, the galaxy spins clockwise. There, you're welcome
Sure she is, but not in that movie :D