
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Don't apologize. You're the one-in-ten, at best, that my "list of random bullshit"-approach had the intended effect on. I appreciate you.

Only at the local gay bar. Usually involves more new friends than cigarettes, when I most need nicotene and to be reminded what an awful person I am.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

No need to worry about ground-based Russian Anti-Air if you're staying away from territory under Russian control. If the Su-34's Air2Air capabilities were much good, we wouldn't be here reading/discussing OP's post.

Stealth(F-35 "stealth" anyways) ain't shit versus Russia's ground-based assets. It's use in an all-out invassion would be more down to its beyond-the-horizon capabilities, if they even served well there. Try to keep up.

Seriously though, Russia, and Russian territory, are sooo not the match-up you want for the F-35, no matter how much of the complex's Kool-Aide you've drank. This isn't the war, not even the right hemisphere, that it was designed for.

Nah. I'm the guy they wrote the "civilian use of weapons of mass destruction" law for. At least according to how they used it against this poor bastard(my personal hero, minus he did it for free).

Me? I would have to plead guilty. Yes, your honor, I fired it because I could, and there was money involved. Why are we wasting time sending me to jail when we could be pointing me at randos you don't like over some oil or whatever?

TL;DR: I would never be charged.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

What on God's Green Earth are you talking about? I hack electronics. Okay, mostly, I fix them, but I thought this community was about electronics. I said in my first comment I would enjoy completing this captcha, so why would I hack the forum that supposedly uses it?

Is "these forums" the name for some cool new russian tamagotchi clone or soviet calculator clone or digital slavick bird call? Then, for hacking purposes, you might have caught my interest. Still wouldn't learn the language though. Yes, I was already well aware that translators can generally handle cyrillic.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Personally, I would rather hack it, copy/paste, and talk to whoever would be willing to communicate with me about it in English. I said niche interest, but that wasn't about the time I'm willing to sink into a given project. Learning Russian would be investing months to save hours from an electronics perspective.

Rather let my desire to travel and communicate with a given group of people in person dictate what languages I might study and in what order.

[–] 14 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (11 children)

Can't remember ever looking to purchase a bike helmet online, so of course this one is only available in Europe so far.

That said, at least its a real product you can buy, today. Over half the time when an award-winning design sparks my interest, that is not the case.

No one has mentioned the idea of having double-decked stations to make it so you don't have to worry about moving to the right floor in advance of your stop.

I would posit this as a given if we bothered to make taller tunnels for taller train-cars, but based on other comments here, I'm not sure this idea actually makes the concept of double-decker subways any more sensible or useful.

It looks like those metros that have a use for the idea have made it work in their own way and places that haven't tend to have significant reasons of their own for not going this route. Enlarging existing tunnels vertically seems to be a non-starter in most places, for instance.

I see nothing to hmm at. Dude has his priorities.

I wouldn't be wearing long-sleeves and leather shoes in his position, but maybe his AC/de-humidifier setup is exceptionally on-point.

[–] 29 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

More like, you're the ideal operator. I would do it for you though. I would do unholy things in order to have the honor of firing this thing at some Russian tanks, even if I could never tell my friends exactly what I did without offending them.

Fuck, now I need a cigarette.

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago (11 children)

Wait, did you think you had to convince me I'm missing out?

That said, I'm still not learning Russian any time soon. There's at least a dozen other languages I would rather learn first, and at least a hundred other countries I would rather visit first, my niche interests be damned.

[–] 19 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

The F16 is more useful to Ukraine at the moment. Until Ukraine is approved to engage in deep strikes on Russia, that will probably remain the case.

The F16 is faster, more maneuverable, and cheaper(including maintenance), vs the F35.

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