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[–] 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

I literally don't believe that about testosterone and pain, and yes I looked up studies and they are there, you are correct. I think it's probably cognitive priming affecting results, the idea men should be more resistant to pain so they do so, similar to how IQ tests cause discrepancies (See: Delusions of Gender by Cordelia Fine).

In my actual experience as a proDominatrix beating people, men with testosterone tolerate SIGNIFICANTLY less pain than estrogenized counterparts. And these are men in MMA and former military etc. They just can't mentally handle agony the same for the most part. I don't think they enjoy the sensate texture of pain like women subs do. Stuff that makes women moan and whimper makes men scream and yelp and jump back in shocked pain. And perhaps this has to do with cognitive priming relating to their perception of me; however I will say even pretransition subs follow this. A transwoman who has never taken hormones tolerates pain the same as a ciswoman in my experience. I think we force women to tolerate abuse automatically and they just tend to deal with it better, and enjoy playing with the sensation more. I also think women tend to be more skilled at empathy and tend to tolerate pain better when I'm feeling something strongly - I think they go on my emotional journey as a Domme to escape their emotional journey as a sub.

Re: cognitive priming - Look at all the videos of period cramp simulators - men have been cognitively primed to quit earlier and do quit most of the time while women chill and pokerface.

And I've had other Dom(mes) agree, including male Doms, about this. Women tolerate pain and violence more in real life settings, and also tend to request it more.

Now there are two distinct parameters of pain tolerance and maybe that's where the study is confusing itself, because I don't see clarity between these definitions. One is pain sensitivity, how much pain you actually feel. There is a woman in the UK with a lot of natural anandamide* who isn't senstive to pain at all - but if she feels equivalent pain to another person for some reason, it's possible she cannot tolerate it the same. Tolerating pain is different than how much pain we actually feel, but science has a hard time measuring these things. Perhaps testosterone does indeed help "numb" people to pain, but I still think women tolerate or endure actual pain sensation better.

Oh and PS cognitive priming is likely why men don't go to the doctor as well

[–] 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (11 children)

It's funny because eating flesh and blood is a "woman" thing in most species. Ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, flies - all the ones biting you are female looking for a blood meal. Arguably, in ancient times men gathering meat was probably to provide for the women in their lives. Even roosters will do this for their hens - bring them bugs or peck at food on the ground to show the hen where it is without eating it.

That all being said, the gender dichotomy is stupid and we are a bit more sophisticated than all that.

Healthcare for all makes sense in NUMEROUS WAYS and they won't give us that

[–] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (4 children)

The thing is, fallacies do matter because they are meant to describe what is not "good faith" argumentation. They are sophistry. It's like, the basis of our modern western philosophy, and our current legal system. How can a student tell if a philosophy is valid if they don't even know if it's logically consistent or argued in good faith? They don't even know what good faith is. Fallacies are the basic arithmetic of philosophy. It's like having students memorize math problems without ever connecting math to the real world, and then expecting those kids to actually be math literate. You can't do it. You're neglecting fundamental (and I mean that word emphatically) knowledge.

It's like mental gardening. The ability to recognize and respond to fallacies in our own internal thinking helps us stay organized within our own minds and not fall victim to traps or scams.

No, fallacies are not something that you just accuse another person of. An ad hominem attack is a specific thing. A strawman is a specific thing. Yes, fallacies can be quite complicated to identify and understand (eg appeal to authority) - but that's okay. It's okay to learn a complicated subject.

Sometimes though, when people don't want to do that hard mental load of learning fallacies (because they'd have to change their own mind regarding many of their own fallacies and heuristics), they dismiss fallacies and say "meh, but I don't wanna!" That doesn't invalidate learning about them.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I emailed Trump and Biden both about implementing a free national online school prek-college, using adaptive learning and with no time restrictions. Kids can use this online school as a supplement to regular schooling or in lieu of. This way, parents who are concerned about school shootings or illness can still feel like their kid is getting an okay education.

Adults who have already graduated can take these classes to refresh knowledge (helping to combat misinformation online). If Christians want to teach and learn Christian theory, fine, that can be in a Christian theory area (Christian science should not be considered actual science but instead a theology).

Teachers can compete for best online class and schools and teachers could get bonuses for the most popular material. The grading should be done by either a computer or paras who are employed at the national level.

Students then can also have access to various language accomodations and disability accomodations for all their lessons. This is also why there should be no time restrictions - kids with learning disabilities might take a year to learn a half semester of algebra, or young adults with jobs might also need extra time too. The time limits we place on learning are arbitrary and only help out people with advantages already.

Last there should be no general studies requirement with the adaptive online learning. If a kid LOVES trains, let the adaptive learning teach them all about trains. Maybe that means the kid will learn about calculating the impact speed of two trains colliding, so they incidentally learn math and physics. But we shouldn't require they learn math and physics if they don't choose to.

Anyway, I wrote this out to them and got really lame letters back too. It's crazy because this school idea is a legacy program that could cement a president's name forever in education, like how Teddy Roosevelt is associated with National Parks. Yet Trump didn't want the idea. Biden neither. Maybe Harris will like it. It's quite elegant imo and win/win. I've spoken with numerous educators about it and they have no criticisms. It's like our government doesn't want progress

I mean that, reading between the lines, the character storylines are likely based on real life Hollywood rumors. I think that's the point and why there are so many references. That implies that there really is a celebrity that had sex with an Octopus or other animal. There's actually a (really unsubstantiated) rumor about Tom Cruise and a fish, and since the Deep is sort of made to be Tom Cruise in the Scientology cult... I think there are a lot of Easter eggs like this in the show. It's a warning.

Gee, it's almost like what you said was really callous and you failed to make your meaning clear as I am not the only one to take issue with it. And now that it's been made clear how fucked up your statement was (since you aren't a slave and since you're alive, have never been a slave), you are refusing to participate. Fine, I accept that you quit and were wrong in how you communicated at minimum.

[–] 5 points 3 days ago (9 children)

Just need courses on logic and fallacies and that would be 🤌

[–] 54 points 3 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (4 children)

As someone who farmed for the first couple of decades of my life - no. We need to utilize drones for farming and ban the use of tires and fossil fuels (which deposit heavy metals) on fields.

Also pretty sure glyphosate/Roundup caused health issues for everyone I know and myself (all farmers/in farm communities). It's a neurotoxin and is in the entire Ogallala acquifer and most ground water around farms and their watershed. I spoke with a lead state toxicologist in the PNW about this. It verifiably has effects on fish and insects in the watershed here (which Monsanto claims is too diluted to have effects).

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

You were speaking about someone else's real death, actually, and saying "better off dead than a slave." It comes across callous.

If everyone lived by your recommendation, all employees would kill themselves because their lives aren't worth living as a slave. Do you really think all employees qualia is so worthless that it's better they kill themselves? They should be further abused by slavery by being denied what joy they can squeeze from it? Don't you think this just helps the people who want to harm us and genocide us?

Don't you find a joy in spitefully opposing capitalists and slavers? Every time you enjoy life without paying a penny for it, you thwart capitalism. Every time you enjoy life outside of capitalist bullshit, you break the trance and lies it's trying to market to us.

Autonomy and power work like roots in a rock. Let the little tiny parts work through and the bigger ones will come too to break it apart. Seize the little powers you can and then work on bigger ones. Use your rights.

[–] 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Well, a lot. Stupid question. Both are slavery, yes, but chattel slavery in the US south was a special type and it really hurts modern slavery causes to equate them. Please stop doing this if you actually care about stopping modern slavery.

First off - when the prisoners have children, the prison doesn't own that child. The child has an opportunity to stay with family. That's markedly different. It's not like generations of prisoners have been born in a prison, lived there their whole lives, and died on that same prison - that happened on plantations. It's not like a prison can take your baby and bait alligators with it. They can't force your child to help them bathe. They can't rape your 15 year old sister, Sally Hemmings, and force her to act as Thomas Jefferson's sex slave for decades.

Prisoners are allowed to read and write and practice their own religions. Prisoners are allowed to learn math.

There are laws meant to protect prisoners from brutality. At the time of antebellum slavery, while it was generally illegal to kill a slave needlessly, it was not illegal to beat or punish them and if they happened to die, that was not usually considered part of that law. LaLaurie in Louisiana is an example of someone who violated that law - it had to be particularly obscene and cruel (note that she was charged previously for cruelty to slaves, probably would have been charged for this, but fled mob justice).

Yes, I agree with you that it's slavery and personally there's a lot more slavery than that here (children are parents' property). I agree that chattep slavery gave birth to this prison system slavery too. I don't think it's helpful to compare it to that specific type of slavery as if it's the exact same.

[–] 0 points 3 days ago (6 children)

Isn't that genocide? You think slavery conditions that are so bad people die is a good thing?

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