The X3D chips were a fine addition to the AM4 line up. Everything after that was pointless releases to increase yields and not being liable for dropping AM4 before their official EOL.
"Stands strong" with pointless releases to fulfill a somewhat meaningless promise of platform support.
The trailer doesn't really "click" with me, unfortunately.
I don't get how you were able to arrive at that conclusion by looking at the console output, but sure, why not.
Oh, what I would give for a proper HD remaster of Gargoyles.
redeemed seasons 3 and 4
I hated that part. It was so unbelievable that a man like him suddenly becomes a saint. Also, at some point suddenly nobody seemed to think of Cardassians as evil anymore, while previously they were portrayed as raping mass murderer fascists.
But props to Marc Alaimo, he really played Dukat extremely well.
I’d say it’s time for a clean install and thinking of a new root password.
Huh? What has that to do with a possibly failing drive?
Hier die FAQ der Tagesschau zum Sicherheitspaket:
Hätte uns doch nur jemand vor der Installation von proprietären Rootkits gewarnt!
Das ist aber schon eine sehr pauschale, sehr negative Sichtweise der Dynamik zwischen Live-Content-Creators und Viewern.
Als Viewer kann man durchaus den Content enjoyen, ohne auch nur jemals mit dem Creator oder dem Chat zu interagieren. Und als Creator kann man durchaus Content machen, ohne auch nur ein einziges mal zu irgendwelchen Spenden oder sonstigem aufzurufen. Dieses Verhältnis dann pauschal als "Whoring" zu bezeichnen, finde ich schon sehr zynisch.
Thank you, I didn't know about the 4kxx projects.
Das regelt der Markt.