
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 4 days ago (6 children)

I'll have my friend check the

As for port forwarding, my friend has tried to set it up multiple times over the past year for different things and he can't get it to work. Idk what exactly he's doing and every time I offer to help, he doesn't want help even though I work in IT and this shit is part of my job. I've offered troubleshooting tips for this whole thing and he hasn't been receptive.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago

We've tested both and neither work. We quadruple checked the IP. Windows is the host. I'll have my friend double check his firewall settings to be safe.

[–] 14 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Hell yeah white baby

[–] 12 points 6 days ago

I'd say "what the fuck" but I'm not even surprised that he said this. Bro is scum.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Worked at a place where the average age of the people in charge was 80. Oldest person making decisions was 95. I hated it

[–] 13 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Only ever left a doctor's appointment mid-appointment once. The doctor said he doesn't believe some of my medical conditions don't exist and I wasn't dealing with that shit

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

I have the nightlight setting on my phone turned all the way up. Every color shown except the first one was green to me lmao

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Yep. Apparently my records for years showed it and nobody ever said anything to me. I'm looking into replacing a lot of my doctors because of it. I also keep a better eye on results on my own now.

[–] 20 points 1 week ago (10 children)

I was like this. Saw a new rheumatologist who took my various symptoms seriously. Turns out I'm chronically deficient in vitamin D. Had to take weekly megadosea for 3 months and now I'm on a daily supplement of a lower dose. I also started hydroxychloroquine for whatever autoimmune disease I have (I'll hopefully be getting a formal diagnosis on the 16th)

I feel so much better than I did. I actually have a life now and can go out and do things I enjoy.

Absolute life-changing treatment. I've been trying to get rheumatologists to take me seriously for 20 years.

[–] 19 points 1 week ago

I lived by a historic covered bridge as a kid. The people in the area would have been PISSED if something like this happened. The bridge was originally designed for horses and buggies, so if your vehicle weighed too much, you couldn't go on it.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

I feel attacked

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

I would hang around in a specific and lesser-known classroom in college. The professor gave a few students permission to get it unlocked by administration when we wanted to hang out in there. We'd mostly go there for naps and to watch movies.


Want to write a novel-length story and I want to post it somewhere as I write for others to see and enjoy and critique. Idk where to post it though.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!


Unsure of what settings to adjust to fix it. It's bothering my eyes pretty bad. Also, people on screens in game are moving in slow motion, but that's not an issue for my eyes. Got the Steamdeck 2 days ago, so it's brand new.


Spent so long waiting for end-users to be ready for me to fix their shit lmao


Asked him very politely to move so I could sit and he gave me this look.


My hand joints are getting better finally and I wanna learn an instrument. The thing is, I'm dumb and have struggled really badly with reading music in the past.


I have very painful joints and expect to get formally diagnosed with arthritis tomorrow. I love cross stitching, but my god does it make my hands hurt. I also work in IT, so my hands are in use all day for my job. I want to be able to craft after work to relax, but my hands just hurt and cramp immediately when I try to work on a project.


I need to settle an argument I started. My argument: olives are gross.

I will die on this hill.


Constructive criticism welcome. :)


People and their kids like to come over unannounced, and without permission, to look at my ducks like it's the fuckin zoo or some shit.

Need some humor for this situation to ease my frustration


My goldendoodle puppy doesn't ever want to come back inside. I told my beagle "go get your sister" as I tried rounding up the puppy. Now when I say "go get your sister" the beagle runs to the puppy and baits her into chasing him into the house.


Mama Duck is interested in them, but not enough to leave her nest. She doesn't attack me on sight anymore though lol


My puppy chewed the cord for my fave blanket and I am very upset.

It was a gift, and the original packaging is long gone. The only info I have for it is the big tag on the blanket and what the remote looks like.

Kinda desperate for a replacement cord.

I have no idea how to even go about searching for this stuff. I googled the model listed on the tag of the blanket, but I couldn't find one that had the right remote for it.

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