
joined 11 months ago
[–] 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

The problem is that the gaffes are just the tip of the iceberg.

Many prominent Biden allies are pushing for him to step down. It's not the media or George Clooney- its Congressmen. It's a crisis when many of your closest allies question your ability to do the job.

Democratic candidates are crying as they leave "reassurance" meetings with Biden. They understand better than anyone else that their election chances are dire with Biden as an anchor at the top of the ticket.

It's a crisis when the Republicans are on track to control all 3 branches of government in a few months.

[–] 9 points 3 days ago

Compare any Biden debate or press conference performance from before 2016 to what he looks like now.

The issue isn't the gaffes, it's the obvious cognitive decline.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

But what about the terror group known as IDF? They have unlimited free reign to spread their genocidal message and recruit followers. They also buy ads, and have a budget larger than all the terror groups you mentioned combined.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I haven't personally run for office, but I have volunteered for a few campaigns, both local and national, and the experience really radicalized me.

I used to have faith in the Democratic party. I used to believe they were interested in serious policy. I used to believe the party had a moral compass. After seeing it from the inside, I no longer believe these things.

The people used to run the Democratic Party, but now corporations are in control. The final straw was the Clinton administration, since then the Democratic Party is just Republican-lite.

One of the biggest issues for the Bernie campaign was that the DNC was actively working against him. But on this subject I may be more hopeful than you- I believe Bernie was extremely close to the presidency, and I believe the next person to seriously take up the Bernie mantle will have a great chance at winning.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

If theres only two tracks, the full-on genocide Trump track, and the slightly slower genocide Biden track, then yes the moral choice is the Biden track. But in the real world there are infinite tracks.

Biden can choose a track where he stops sending American weapons. Biden can choose a track where the US stops vetoing UN peace plans. He can choose a track where his state department doesn't repeat false Israeli propaganda to the American people.

This idea that US politicians must be subservient to Israel or be voted out is from a bygone era. The modern electorate is much less Zionist than it used to be, and the voices of Palestinians are finally starting to gain traction. Now is the time when a principled leader could end the genocide with popular support, but unfortunately Biden is neither principled nor a leader.

Doing a genocide in order to prevent Muslim bans and border cages is not a principled stance, it is not realpolitik morality; instead it is the banality of evil.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago

You're right, but you aren't acknowledging that the current path we are on is an absolute disaster too.

Bidens poll numbers are 12-15% lower than they were 4 years ago when he barely defeated Trump.

To win now, Biden needs to pull off the biggest comeback in US presidential history. And the political fallout from Biden's disastrous debate and interview performances hasn't even settled yet.

With Harris, at least we would have a shot at defeating Trump.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Well I'm not at the "destroy the US system" stage yet, I do believe the system can be reformed.

But if it would get to that point, then the justification is simple utilitarianism. If a million people are going to die, and you pull the trolley lever and half a million die instead, then you've done a noble thing.

I agree that politics is dirty, no one is going to have 100% clean hands. But this logic is dangerous, it can be used to justify anything. This logic can be used to justify mistakes and minor corruption, and it can also be used to justify the Holocaust. We have to draw a moral line somewhere. Committing genocide cannot be the cost of doing business.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago (7 children)

Thanks for your thoughtful response.

You're right that Biden has taken tons of bribes from Israel. AIPAC has directly given him a record-breaking $5 million dollars, and that doesn't count all of the dark money.

For my defense, I dont think I am being naive- I think I have a relatively clear eyed and nuanced view of the US political system. What I am, however, is an idealist. I cling desperately to idealism like it's a life raft in a sea of evil.

I'm not asking for sainthood, but each president in my lifetime has the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocent humans on his hands. If each US leader continues to be a mini-Hitler, I will not support any of them. And if this is truly the only outcome possible for the US system, then the only moral choice is to destroy the US system.

I find inspiration in the words of Aaron Bushnell, shortly before his heroic self-immolation in protest of the ongoing Israeli genocide:

Many of us like to ask ourselves, 'What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?' The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (9 children)

I'm happy to hear any pushback or argument.

As for your question, when I think of all the ways the United States is evil: militarism and neverending war, economic imperialism, racism and xenophobia, corporatism and the rotting "middle class", obsession with weaponry, a lack of critical thinking; all of these are fascist traits. Donald Trump embodies each one of these traits. He is a fascist.

Fascism is the most destructive and evil ideology in the modern world. In my opinion, if a fascist dictatorship ever gains control of America, the human species will go extinct.

Trump has some mitigating factors: he is an idiot, and he is motivated by narcissism. If he were instead a competent ideologue things would look significantly worse. But even with those mitigating factors, I believe he is the most dangerous politician of my lifetime, perhaps the most dangerous in the history of America.

[–] -2 points 1 week ago (11 children)

Biden has been on the wrong side of almost every political issue in his career. I don't want to write a full essay so I'll just name a few.

His political achievements include championing the brutal, racist crime bill; making student loan debt undischargable even in bankruptcy, and fighting against the public option.

Once when I worked at a credit card company, and it confused me that every bank in this nation had the same address for their billing dept- Wilmington, Delaware. I learned later that this was largely because "the Senator from MBNA", as Joe Biden was once known, was the most corrupt pro-corporate Democrat. Reducing the tax and regulatory burden on corporations is a race to the bottom. Biden won this corrupt race, and walked away with pockets full of ~~bribes~~ campaign contributions.

Later in life I went through a medical bankruptcy, but I still have my student loans thanks to Biden.

And now, whether due to dementia or Zionist fervor, Biden has gone further than other rightwing warmongers like Reagan and HW Bush in allowing Israel to do whatever it pleases with US weapons. Biden circumvents US law to send weapons to Israel, and he addresses the nation to spread false Israeli propaganda. Remember when Biden said, multiple times, that he saw "pictures of 40 beheaded babies"? I can't get over how disgusting that lie is. How can anyone with even a shred of morality lie to the entire nation like that...

Biden is aiding and abetting a genocide. If the Nuremburg laws applied to US presidents, he would be found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

As for Kamala, I hate her for her faux progressivism and because she is a cop. When she started her primary run, her policy platform was center-left; she was trying to be a milquetoast Bernie Sanders. When this failed, she adopted the center-right mainstream democratic party platform (and failed again). This demonstrates to me that she is not dedicated to policy or ideals, and will instead always shift with the political winds.

[–] -1 points 1 week ago (13 children)

Surely some Biden naysayers are Republican ops, and some are lifelong Biden-haters like myself. But look at the state of the race: Biden is losing horribly.

If you think democracy is on the line, if you're afraid of fascism and project 2025, then how can you continue to support a candidate that is almost sure to lose? Biden needs to pull off the biggest comeback in modern political history, yet he can't form a coherent sentence.

Yes, I hate Kamala too. And yes, changing candidates would be chaotic. But at least with Kamala we would have a chance to stop Trump.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Well it seems a bit unfair since no one answered my questions, but I'll bite.

Kamala Harris has lower poll numbers because she has not been campaigning for herself. Being at the bottom of the ticket is not the same.

Once she is nominee, she will have hundreds of millions of dollars to sell herself to the American people. She will be front and center in campaign rallies, press briefings, high profile interviews, and (hopefully) the debate stage against Trump.

What can Kamala do that Biden can't? She can speak without showing obvious signs of dementia.

It's been 8 years of Trump vs. Biden, most voters know where they stand in that race. But Harris vs. Trump means voters can reevaluate their position and get a fresh view. Democrats are being destroyed in the polls, they desperately need a refresh.

I think most people don't care about their primary votes- remember it was mostly Biden vs. Uncommitted. People understand it was not a real primary when theres only 1 viable option on the ballot. I think the overwhelming majority of the party will gladly adopt Harris now that Biden has shown how bad his dementia is progressing.

Kamala is not charismatic, her politics suck, but at least her brain works well enough so that she would have a shot at beating Trump.

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