
joined 7 months ago

......fuck, how are we living where someone’s like this and has these kinds of mental gymnastics going on all day every day?

Critical Thinking, or subjects heavily reliant upon critical thought are intentionally not taught very much in required courses throughout K-12. Direct discussion and development of that skill is pretty much exclusive to after HS. And so when they are told to fear, and why, they lack the skillset supported by healthier development.

How can we eradicate bigoted, hypocritical leadership?

We don't even have to do that (also, it's impossible over time, the threat will persist as long as we do) We do it by teaching. And teaching those skills, especially to those already "finished" with traditional schooling are going to have to be some of the most patient people ever.


He conned a sizable group of americans with a valid disappointment/desire in regards to their view of the government's role in their lives. A smaller subset of suporters were not conned, but saw through his words and voted for him not out of fandom, but because they knew it meant short term gains.

In short, fear in the masses, and greed from the top.

Im surprised left of right media hasn't seemed to remembered the lesson we learned the first time the dork ran.

There is no lead, because polls don't matter and we haven't voted yet. Polling is just news media for the town gossip.

I'd say the medical fields are probably going to be the only "industry" (🤢) that has a chance of seeing an ROI from AI.

Human ability to find patterns of use in data/experiences is pretty friggin good on a singular organism scale. (Meaning humans are incredible at the intake and processing of the amount of information an average person interacts with throughout one lifetime). But pattern recognition involving datasets that are exponentially larger than we could ever have time to take in during one Human lifespan is literally the only thing AI is good at. (And writing the professional email to describe it too I suppose.)

And that is exactly the tool that will is already churning out significant results in medical research fields.

I can tell a lot about a source's bias by the question(s) they state and the answer they claim to have.

Does the answer they give match the question?

Does the question even have a relevant/importantly relevant answer, or is it unknowable to the point of lacking usefullness?

Some people would be shocked to realize just how much crap gets caught by those two things, for me at least. Obviously Fox [or really insert your least favorite source] isnt publishing 100% truths, but sources that myself and those with similar ideals seem to more frequently trust, publish crap articles pretty frequently too.

I lived the first part of my life pretending to be a man, and then I wised up. I'll just name my most recent moment of acknowledging that particular distinction in society.

If a pair of suburban mothers saw a car pull into a nearby space, and watch a man get out of the car leaving the door mostly ajar and walk around to the passenger side of the car, grab a small grocery sack, and walk it to the nearest trash can and back... they might say something or keep an eye on him. But if he absentmindedly were to have also left the radio on loud enough for you to know he was listening to the building up of a particularly spice scene of a romance audiobook and ...... there would be some discomfort.

But if they saw a woman in the same scenario, who only made it about halfway to the trash can before realizing, then make eye contact as they ran to turn it off embarassed... well they just giggled and asked what author that was.

You're forgetting 1. Only the Queen can blow upthe Queen/unimatrix. (Andduh she wouldn't0 and 2. This applied to drones too essentially. They shut themeselves down when not function long correctly.

Litterally its just "all for one"

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

There is/was no cube hierarchy. You have the Borg queen and then everything else. Ship sizing wasn't an indication of anything there than use case iirc.

Plus, a collective, as well as one ran by a leader, has no use case for a tiered authority structure. Unless compromised, Borg already always know the current plan. Thats why any ship could destroy every other ship.

Capitalism and Oppression.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

~~Test comment to see if still unable~~ issues seems to have been worked out. Ignore.

Agreed. But as we have recently seen, its of more value to google than some of us ever thought. They are fighting long practiced User Blocking/geohoping and whatnot, and they are burning through serious cash and social credit with some of the bullshit they've been doing.

I know damn well my data is worth a fair amount more to the market, and that's reason enough for me.

Fortunatly, the cost to construct one has not changed similarly, and there are at least a few projects around the country (US) where land is owned by a charitable organization/person/collective and tiny homes are being as a solution for some people.

I really wish I knew of any in my area, I'm currently unhoused and live in a car, doing gigs for the greedy (waiting on a previous state to send mine my background info... for what is now 2 fucking months, so that I can be approved for working in my field) and living in a safe situation without the risk of others doing something to me, is something I very much want to have for the first time ever in my 30 years. I'm a cross country trans refugee, who's somehow unknowingly rented from a neonazi, a "friend" who robbed me, another "friend" that just took my (sub)rent money and split without paying the rent, or my childhood with an abusive family.... so I have concerns....

And a tiny home at a fair price/rate would likely be affordable for me, but I just haven't found anything.

[–] 21 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Your data has monetary value to google. Giving them access, without getting any money from them (or even knowing what ways it will be used) is not something you must do.

If the app provides enough value that is unique to it, then thats OK, but if a data-respecting alternative exists that costs nothing to download or use, and fits the same (or more) needs, then using it just makes sense.

If thats not you, then thats ok.

I also use keep, but thats because I haven't degoogled my phone yet, so they already have most if not all of that data. Once I am in a position to be able to root and remove google without risking bricking my device (currently unhoused, and just cannot risk it rn), then I plan on never touching the damn thing.

To each their own.

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