
joined 4 months ago
[โ€“] 6 points 23 hours ago (2 children)

Don't give any ideas we're going to have to add another gender exclusive to dipshits like Elon, just known as X or Zed or some fucking dead Alphabet letter

This broke my heart.

I wish we could all pick our families, because I know how real this answer is. Idk how old you may be, but trust me, it gets better the further away you get in both time and space. Sometimes its radically better, other times it seems to be at a snails pace. Either way, it does get better. ๐Ÿซ‚

I read this in the narrator voice from Em's albums

For those who thought this was a serious question:


This is why I have to overcome my phone call anxiety and inform anyone that I can't even acknowledge a notification on my phone without risking forgetting, and they need to call me if they want any kind of timely response. And since I'm currently unmedicated I force myself to just not acknowledge/dismiss/click on any notifications until I know for sure that I'm prepared to take the time it takes me to respond to something.

Its both the holywood depiction of an idiot with poor planning on one hand, combined wit h the other hand-the somewhat callective fantasy of many a culture, especially one such as the Brits, of clearing out the miserableb power structure in such dramatic ways. Thats why the holiday is still around. It wasn't anything in particular about that plot by itself, after all I'm sure since then but didn't have caught many of more political terrorists.

When it comes to news, I already know that very few possible events would have facts that were notable enough to change how I feel overall about the topic/event.

But, since I intentionally consume way less news than I used to, other than some Jon or John clips, I read my news.

Any fact finding I end up doing it just a hodgepodge of finding what I can through search, relying on primary sources where possible obviously.

So, when it comes to news, reddit was, and Lemmy is the place I go to be aware of events that I'd see if I watched legacy media / social media. And to just vent and maybe learn something.

I'm a title only kind of gal these days. Anything more, and I'd end up as a headline myself in short time.

See my reply to the other comment, but yes, and also no.

[โ€“] 15 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Typically though, for mtf post-orcheictomy and post-feminization from hormones, many women reduce the dosage of estrogen. After it becomes apparent that the major physical changes have stopped while taking the highest safe dosages, continued usage of estrogen suppliments is no longer for transitional purpose. At that point, its taken and prescribed for the same purpose as any other CIS woman, and therefore can often be reduced in dosage so as to preserve kidney function better.

All i'm saying is that, at some point, I'd prefer to be done thinking of myself as "transitioning" to just "woman" or at least post-transition in a medical treatment sense (y-chromosomal issues outside of hrt are obviously unrelated, like ex. Prostate cancer etc).

[โ€“] 22 points 4 days ago (5 children)

I would think that, at least in some cases, stopping treatment isn't as much a "halting" of treatment, but more like a "finishing" of it.

I know in my case once i'm rid of T-producing organs, I plan on stopping my related meds. And once I've achieved all the feminization Estrogen injections can provide, I'll no longer be taking it for any transitional purpose. (Likely just going to be whatever level feels right for emotional/mental support, which I'd argue isn't in most peoples concept of transition treatment.)

If you like romance literature, I can name a few, but suffice to say, my favorite narrators are really great at lending each character their own tones, inflections, and cadence, while not being too disracting to listen too.

In traditional reading, you get used to the idea that (") before a sentence indicates that what follows is said aloud by a character, and you often don't need any context to figure out who said what. And the (") at the end indicates that what follows isn't said by them. Your brain hardly even notices them and yet you very rarely are reading dialogue without knowing its speaker, unless its the purpose of the author that you don't.

Any narrator who can help convey the concept of quotation marks as seamlessly as my brain can while reading text is very appreciated in my books.

Because everyone's is already being recorded if you're in the US placing a phone call. Not cuz they were accidentally just happened to catch you and some other guys wiretap. They don't bother with wiretaps except to justify what they're already doing in front of a court.


As promised yesterday, here's probably the first photo I've ever posted of myself


I guess googleads sucks even more than I thought

Love the app! Bought the adfree for reddit, plan on buying this one too once I move out of my car.


Found out tonight that my mom is in the hospital and been diagnosed with late stage lung cancer. I've been low contact with her since shortly after coming out. It sounds like they don't expect her to leave.


After helping some others on here, I realized its both OK, and a good idea for me to ask for help with my current situation. I've posted some details about my situation before, but I tried to write a more concise explanation on my fundraising page.

Thanks for even bothering to read this, and for any help you may be able to give. Thank you ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

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