
joined 1 year ago

Proctor became the lead investigator after state police were called in because Albert has a brother with the Canton Police Department. But Proctor's own connection with other witnesses were called into question at the trial. Proctor acknowledged that he is close with his sister, Courtney, who is friends with Julie Albert, the homeowner's sister-in-law.

The trooper came under fire after testifying about texts he sent during the investigation to friends, family members and colleagues, including superiors with the state police.

In them, he called Read a "whack job" and a "c***," made disparaging remarks about medical conditions, and said he had found "no nudes so far" when going through her phone.

When a friend said they were "sure the owner of the house will receive some s***," Proctor replied, Nope, homeowner is a Boston cop, too."

[–] JustAManOnAToilet@lemmy.world 8 points 2 months ago

She isn't, but you're right the others involved were. The trial itself didn't exactly paint them in a great light. The lead investigator texted that he was going through her phone looking for nudes, the security footage from Canton PD somehow happened to become mirror imaged yet weirdly the timestamps weren't, the entire investigation itself was an absolute shit show (red solo cups are totally fine for blood evidence, right?) the homeowner (cop) got rid of his dog, destroyed his phone, refloored his basement (possible crime scene), sold the house for $50k under value, and according to him "butt dialed" a potential co-conspirator during sex with his wife at 2am while a dead man was on his lawn. Said butt dialed was "butt answered" according to the ATF agent he was calling who then butt hung up before butt dialing him back.



Outside the courthouse, cheers erupted from Read’s pink-clad supporters in a driving rain

Judge Beverly Cannone declared a mistrial in the Karen Read murder case Monday after jurors said they remained deadlocked following nearly a week of deliberations.

“To continue to deliberate would be futile,” the jury foreman wrote in a note to the judge. In a note earlier Monday, the foreman wrote that the panel was “deeply divided.”

“Despite our commitment to the duty entrusted to us, we find ourselves deeply divided by fundamental differences in our opinions and state of mind,” the juror wrote. “The divergence in our views are not rooted in a lack of understanding or effort, but deeply held convictions that each of us carry ultimately leading to a point where consensus is unattainable. We recognize the weight of this admission and the implications it holds.”


New to watching, keep hearing people talk about tomorrow's race being a "flag to flag" and to me that just sounds like any race since there's a green starting flag and checkered finish flag. What am I misunderstanding?

[–] JustAManOnAToilet@lemmy.world 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

Tank bags are one of those black magic things I'm still hesitant about. What's your experience? Any scratches on the tank?

Edit to add: I usually wear a backpack for clothes and stuff for a few nights going somewhere, but it gets a little uncomfortable after an hour or so. Ideally I'd like to not have to wear the backpack at all but I guess at the very least a tank bag would lighten the load.


MT-09 owner, no rack/bars/brackets back there just the passenger pegs to strap to. Any luggage suggestions?


Looking at the Denali soundbomb, wondering if anyone here has and likes/dislikes it or has a suggestion of another horn to look at.

[–] JustAManOnAToilet@lemmy.world 1 points 7 months ago

Absolute legend. He's selling Colorado's Most Wanted t-shirts if you want to support him.

[–] JustAManOnAToilet@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That philosophy might hold water if we weren't living in a world where products have to be designed to a price point for consumers. The highest quality engineered lamp will be outsold by orders of magnitude by the okay lamp that costs less than half as much. Not everyone makes airplanes.

[–] JustAManOnAToilet@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago (4 children)

It's almost like business school teaches a few things random commenters on a website might not fully grasp.


He did it three times in a single speech last month – falsely claiming to have witnessed a bridge collapse in Pittsburgh in 2022 (he actually visited the site more than six hours after the collapse), falsely claiming his grandfather had died just days prior to his own birth at the same hospital (his paternal grandfather died more than a year prior in another state), and again repeating a long-debunked false story about a supposed conversation with an Amtrak conductor who was deceased at the time the story would have had to take place.

In 2021 and 2022, he falsely claimed to have been arrested during a civil rights protest (he had previously said merely that an officer had taken him home from a protest), falsely claimed he “used to drive an 18-wheeler” (the White House said he once had a job driving a different vehicle, a school bus), falsely claimed to have visited the Pittsburgh synagogue where worshippers were killed in a 2018 mass shooting (he had spoken to its rabbi by phone but had not gone), falsely claimed to have visited Iraq and Afghanistan as president (he made repeated visits as a senator and vice president but not as president), told a false story involving a late relative and the Purple Heart, and falsely described his interactions decades ago with late Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir.

[–] JustAManOnAToilet@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I completely understand not wanting to buy from him, but taking the depreciation hit selling an otherwise perfectly good car that you already own is sort of dim. Just, you know, don't be a repeat customer.

[–] JustAManOnAToilet@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

It's a 3 hour biopic, just watch it at home.

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