
joined 6 months ago
[–] 2 points 20 hours ago

Well isn't that lovely. Must be someone who got lost and found their way off reddit by accident.

We can hope that they'll grow and learn as a human being and stop perpetuating misogynistic perspectives. For their sake and ours.

[–] 3 points 20 hours ago (2 children)

Maybe they don't know how babies are made?

[–] 12 points 1 day ago (4 children)

In the past they've been socially aware enough to keep it to themselves. Since Trump became a thing they've gotten bold.

I live in New England so I'm close-ish to where this happened... I'd like to throw something on them like wine to stain their ghost costumes but who knows if thats legal and i dont want to end up in jail since i have responsibilities to people other than just me.

Is tossing glitter on them not assault? I want something that sticks and makes it so they don't want to wear that outfit anymore. Glitter that's fine enough never comes out.. because it's micro plastics. I normally avoid glitter but feel this might be an exception. Any other ideas non-violent ideas to make them feel unwelcome??

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

The mail carriers didn't do anything wrong, why would I send something through the mail that could completely ruin their day?

I'm looking to offend that rich cunt, not some poor worker who has to clean up a package full of shit if it gets destroyed in transit. Plus, mailing a piece of paper with a drawing of shit is far cheaper than mailing a box.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

It depends on the farm. It's not completely unskilled labor, especially if you're dealing with livestock or large machinery like what's used for harvesting/spreading manure/tilling.

Implementing something like what's being suggested would require some sort if funding from the government to train people to get ready to do it, and honestly a lot of farmers aren't going to want a bunch of green farmhands all at the same time. In a lot of cases it'd be more trouble than it's worth.

Asking someone who has never been on a farm to just jump in on an operation and be helpful is kinda setting everyone up to fail. There's more to a farm than picking crops and cleaning up animal poop.

I mean, something simple like fixing a fence can be a pain in the ass if you dont know what youre doing. Plus, theres a lot of ways to get hurt or killed if you're not familiar with the environment.

[–] 10 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

I worked on a farm from 23-30 and my body is kinda destroyed now. Had surgery on my wrist, my back hurts all the time. I'm getting arthritis in my fingers and knees. All at the ripe age of 36.

It's definitely valuable work, but there's a reason old farmers tend to walk like Arthur Morgan.

[–] 8 points 3 days ago (2 children)

One baby can go through 6,000 diapers until potty trained.

One condom vs 6,000 diapers. I think your right about the condom doing less damage to the environment.

[–] 5 points 5 days ago

It was more or less a throw away comment pointing out that rich people and corporations don't get legally held accountable for the same transgressions the same way normal people do.

Rules for thee but not for me with this crap is getting tiresome.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Dude, I 100% get what your saying.

Unfortunately what your asking of people requires personal sacrifice, and people will mentally go all over the place to resist that.

A personal anecdotes is that I'm no longer in contact with my family because I refused to see my racist grandfather on his deathbed and didn't attend his funeral.

My grandfather was an abusive, literal stereotype of a racist(would say things like "them n-words down the road are fucking up this town") and a raging alcoholic. The world is better because he's fucking dead. Now I don't have a family of origin because I wouldn't pretend he was a good person.

Men will lose friends and family if they start calling this shit out. It's hard. You get told to "mind your business" or "it's just a joke " or get your masculinity questioned. Or the whole "but they're family" thing. I get why people resist it. No one wants to lose their social support, but often that's what it comes down to, and they'll make it feel like you're the one who's in the wrong the whole time.

Social pressure is a hell of a thing. I think framing the context around why men don't call this stuff out will help them recognize why they should.

[–] 19 points 5 days ago (4 children)

Guess they'll have to shut down reddit since they have their analytics boosted by large amounts of bot activity.

The whole point of advertisers paying reddit for ad space is so people will see the ads.

[–] 18 points 6 days ago

Also it's good to let people know because dogs absolutely love that shit and you have to be careful to keep it out of areas dogs can get at it.

I worked in a green house and one customer's dog dug up an entire tree she planted to get at the blood meal she put in the bottom of the hole. Dog was okay, but needed to stay at the vets a few days to monitor the vomiting and their iron levels.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

Even more environmentally friendly if you eat your enemies first, then drink from their skulls! It's the ultimate trifecta of saving the environment. Depopulation, less factory farmed meat consumption, AND using less plastic.

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