
joined 1 year ago
[–] Jimbabwe@lemmy.world 2 points 15 hours ago

Use vs. Possession

Possession is the behavior that’s typically illegal, but use is legally tolerated because people can be exposed to it (the article gives the example of farmers being exposed while producing legal hemp).

[–] Jimbabwe@lemmy.world 19 points 5 days ago

Those are all basically the same thing and qualified by the main point: Like elsewhere in the world, there are crappy people in quantities relative to the population size, given disproportionate exposure by the unflattering confirmation bias of media.

[–] Jimbabwe@lemmy.world 42 points 5 days ago

I got banned from r/firstimpression due to super generic “nsfw activity.” A woman had posted a picture of herself in green and brown clothing and sitting amongst some flowers and her post was titled “What do you think my job is?”

My ban-worthy cheeky comment was “wood nymph”

Oh no!! Anyway,..

[–] Jimbabwe@lemmy.world 31 points 5 days ago (6 children)

I dunno what that other guy is smoking, I appreciated the level-headed perspective your explanation offered.

[–] Jimbabwe@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Anything’s a sport if you’re sporty enough!

[–] Jimbabwe@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

Hi. I finally 100% Jacob and Esau on hard mode and now I’m coming back up for air. Now only the lost remains.. sigh. Oh and all the tainted characters. Sigh.

[–] Jimbabwe@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago

Y’all are describing me with astounding accuracy, hah!

Moved from big city to small nearby city for the garden, work from home, no cable or fiber internet, so gotta rely on Starlon Lusk

[–] Jimbabwe@lemmy.world 11 points 2 weeks ago

The fun is just starting. Only a matter of time until the glaciers melt even more and release untold hell upon us!

[–] Jimbabwe@lemmy.world 11 points 2 weeks ago

Agree with the others! Good stuff, keep it up!

[–] Jimbabwe@lemmy.world 3 points 2 weeks ago

Cock-a-doodle DRIP

[–] Jimbabwe@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

The “joke” is that it’s an issue that people feel compelled to comment on, but the sleeping person can’t. Predictably, most people are blowing straight past this and commenting their opinions, but most of the other replies are joking or whimsical. Yours is straightforward no-nonsense. If I had to guess, I’d say that’s why you’re being singled out.

[–] Jimbabwe@lemmy.world 7 points 3 weeks ago

Unfortunately I’m not young enough to pull this off anymore, but back in my early 20’s I would engage in some light identity theft for the purposes of free luxury golfing. I have two rich uncles who are both avid golfers and both members of a ridiculously expensive country club in the city where we live. They also both have sons, and the club benefits extend to all minor children. So, I’d pretend to be my 17yo cousin and with my other cousin (who was only lying about his age, not who he was), we’d regularly hit the links. For non-members, the typical price for a round of golf was like $200


Hello, and thank you in advance.

I'm making a privacy friendly "ring" cam/doorbell following this guide: https://tristam.ie/2023/758/ which has been great, but requires running a micro-usb cable down to the doorbell for power. I'm hoping to improve on this by using the existing doorbell power instead.

The problem is that I'm a DIY electronics noob and I can't create a mental model for how it should all work. The picture I attached is my existing doorbell wiring scheme, which is as simple as it comes. I totally get how this works. Pressing the doorbell completes the circuit and makes the bingbongs. But this will have to change so the new door cam gets power full time. Ideally without the chime bingbonging full time.

In addition to the ESP-32CAM, button, ring lights, etc., I also bought these: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079FJSYGY which I thought might be needed to complete the circuit?

I measured the voltage after the transformer and it was around 18 volts, but maybe this is AC and I want DC?

Generally I don't know where in "the loop" to put things. Also, all the existing components are very far apart from each other, so I would love a solution that doesn't involve running any new wires through the walls.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you!!


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