
joined 1 year ago
[–] 44 points 1 week ago (5 children)

I donate regularly to a charity and don’t try to dictate how they spend that money, because I have faith that they’ll responsibly use my donations.

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

And their venom HURTS. They’re not particularly deadly or anything but their venom will land you in the hospital or at least laid up in bed for a while. My stepmother grew up out in the bush in NSW the ‘70s and received one of the few recorded platypus envenomations and she described it as the most painful experience of her life. She said childbirth was a breeze compared to the platypus sting!

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

It’s the political extremism ouroboros - any political ideology that is based upon hate inevitably ends up eating itself as they need to keep inventing things to hate and eventually turn inwards. I love to see it.

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

You guys can use €0.50 coins?! Over here in Australia it’s either a $1 or $2 coin. I wish I could chuck a 50¢ piece in the trolley.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

And that edit can be as minute as changing a single bit of data that is imperceptible to the human ear. As long as a human being has put input into it, they’ve edited it, and there’s copyright that can be protected.

[–] 52 points 1 month ago (7 children)

It’s really sad to me that Americans get put in the awful position of choosing between tipping, which supports the low wages, and taking responsibility for ensuring another human being has a living wage. It’s just such a terrible position for a consumer to be placed in, having to make ethical and moral choices about how much money to pay for goods and services.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

The NRLW in Australia is an awesome comp and is growing rapidly in viewership too! It’s a great game to watch and young female athletes are finally getting some serious role models they can aspire to as well. I’m not much into rugby union being a New South Welshman but the league games are intense.

[–] 25 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Once upon a time, professional athletes weren’t even allowed to compete in the Olympics. While I think that rule was a bit silly, it underscores how it’s always been up to individual nations to fund their athletes; the IOC just provides a stage once every four years. In ages gone by, professional athletes would have second jobs or would work during the off seasons because of a lack of pay. I’m not sure how this is a modern or a new problem.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

With enough time

A week is enough time? Nah.

it’s gonna turn green and start pitting

Neither of those have happened - it’s tarnished brown and chipped but not green nor pitted.

It’s called bronze rot.

This isn’t bronze rot. This is poor quality plating that’s being stripped by bodily oils in less than a week. I’ve bought bronze-plated cheap Chinese jewellery that’s lasted for years under strenuous conditions before greening or pitting.

[–] 19 points 2 months ago

Honestly, most conservatives are just directing their rage toward whatever conservative politicians and talking heads tell them to direct it at. Conservatism lives and thrives on hate, requiring in-groups and out-groups that must be pitted against one another. The new fad is to care about a person’s genitals.

You see, conservatives don’t believe in gender equality, so someone who isn’t a cis woman will always perform better than cis women, because they believe that women are inherently weak and men are inherently strong, failing to believe that any other form of gender identity even exists.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

For reference here in Australia my wife has been asking to get mammograms for years now (in her 30s) and she keeps getting told she’s too young because she doesn’t have a familial history. That issue is a bit pervasive in countries other than the US.


My wife has been on a rom-com binge over the last year or so and something I’ve noticed when I’m vaguely paying attention or walking past is that almost every single rom-com features people who are, at the very least, middle to upper-middle class. These characters all live in gigantic houses/apartments, have beautifully sparkling brand-new cars, take month-long vacations to their beachfront properties… it’s just so unrealistic and out of line with the life that the vast majority of us lead.

I understand some concepts - large rooms are easier to film in, rich people own nice things that set a beautiful scene, it’s not interesting to discuss financial issues all the time etc. but this seems (from my anecdotal perspective) to almost be a rule of the genre.

Some more food for thought:

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