
joined 1 year ago

I thought that was called using meth?

Really? I'll have to check again. Last time I looked it was a defunct Facebook page.

What could be more American than making merchandise to amplify a historic event?

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

If only the local IWW wasn't a defunct facebook page...

Lot of good points here. I work in electronics manufacturing so I'll add on a bit. Yes, much of what has been explained about solder and flux is correct. I will caution about trying something like conformal coating a board in this setting. It is hard to work through and can beat up your iron. Lead free is great but sucks for working it into the joints. It just doesn't heatt the same. Even IPC build standards have explicit instructions about visual inspections of non leaded joints looking like shit.

If you are planning to coat the board, I would do outdoors as well. Extraction fans are great for general soldering but we use fume hoods for conformal coat. Just something to keep in mind.

I really would love to even test drive the keys or the layout but the price point is just absurd for these things. Anyone have a suggestion for someone wanting to jump into the ergo keyboard game?

I did the same jump, the same way last year. I'm still daily driving Pop_OS! After a year. I went through much the same way when I can over from windows with program placement. Welcome to the club.

So a rich guy who can put on a mask and beat up the poor while advancing the arms race with criminals becoming more unhinged or a guy whose family was murdered and starts turning to vigilante justice and became what every cop wet dreams that they actually are?

....Sure. That'll help. /s

[–] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Teledildonics is my new favorite word.

[–] 6 points 2 months ago (1 children)

It depends on how the company goes about it. The larger the company, the more established the HR department. They may use their HR platform to conduct the check which may find any and everything. The smaller companies may only check recent background with a local firm. Price is the name of the game. The more in-depth the background check, the more it costs. If you are going to work in a bank or with kids, be prepared to for the company/school to use the state equivalent of the FBI. For mom and pop shops, they may just take your word on the application. If you see a national HR platform like Paycom, then the results can vary depending on the package the company purchases.

[–] 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You can doubt all you like but we keep seeing the training data leaking out with passwords and personal information. This problem won't be solved by the people who created it since they don't care and fundamentally the technology will always show that lack of care. FOSS ones may do better in this regard but they are still datasets without context. Thats the crux of the issue. The program or LLM has no context for what it says. That's why you get these nonsensical responses telling people that killing themselves is a valid treatment for a toothache. Intelligence is understanding. The "AI" or LLM or, as I like to call them, glorified predictive textbars, doesn't understand the words it is stringing together and most people don't know that due to flowery marketing language and hype. The threat is real.

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