
joined 1 year ago
[–] Ibaudia@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Looks yummy. Add some rice noodles for filler, shrimp, maybe some more herbs, and that's my ideal weekend dinner.

[–] Ibaudia@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

If you want actually good deals don't use Temu or Alibaba, use those amazon return/overstock bidding sites. Just the other day I got a 2-arm VESA mount for $3 and it works great. Thing id like 30 pounds of steel and normally costs a hundo brand new. Only problem was some missing screws that weren't even necessary to the functioning of it.

[–] Ibaudia@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

Being genocidal and a fascist tend to be nested topics but are not necessarily related. You can be one without the other lol.

[–] Ibaudia@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Because Trump is very deeply popular with a huge voter block. Going against him means he'll just point those people at you and say "this guy's bad, also probably a pedophile or some shit idk" and then your career is over.

[–] Ibaudia@lemmy.world 12 points 4 days ago (4 children)

There are no sidewalks near any of my nearest gyms ironically, and I live in a fairly large city. Just busy stroads as far as the eye can see.

[–] Ibaudia@lemmy.world 30 points 4 days ago (9 children)

One time when my mom visited France, she asked a shop's clerk for directions. She tried French but kind of gave up and used some English words scattered throughout her sentence for words she didn't know. The clerk acted annoyed and pretended not to understand, so my mom tried to use only her broken French. The clerk responded very quickly in French.

My mom then said, in English, "I'm sorry, I didn't get that, French is such a beautiful language but I'm having a hard time learning it". The clerk then completely 180'ed her attitude, acted all happy and switched to perfect, fluent English, with almost no French accent.

That situation taught me that some French people apparently just want you to suck the metaphorical dick of their culture before they choose to be nice to you lol.

[–] Ibaudia@lemmy.world 70 points 4 days ago (5 children)

I think this model of education is damaging to kids and the government should do something about it

I'm going to train my kids to fucking kill you

Most normal libertarian response

[–] Ibaudia@lemmy.world -3 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I was more thinking any and all forms if sex work, however you want to transpose their equivalents in a post-scarcity society.

[–] Ibaudia@lemmy.world 81 points 6 days ago (4 children)

The more you read into the themes of Rowling's work, the more you realize she just has very poor media literacy in general.

[–] Ibaudia@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

I hope you're right, because tools like these are going to be used whether we like it or not ha.

[–] Ibaudia@lemmy.world -3 points 6 days ago

I don't agree, I think it's possible to compartmentalize certain sexual activities as not romantic and also not obligation-based, while still being fulfilling and work-related in a post-scarcity society. Like helping clients overcome sexual insecurity or barriers with sex surrogacy, for instance.

[–] Ibaudia@lemmy.world 22 points 6 days ago

Taxes exist to provide common goods, I think preventing mass food insecurity is a common good lol. Healthier population of your country is good for everyone in it, not just the people getting the food.


Thinking about this because of a greentext I saw earlier complaining about OF models.

It feels like a lot of the stigma surrounding sex work in the modern day (that doesn't just boil down to misogyny/gender norms/religion) is based on the fact that selling intimate aspects of one's self places a set value on something that many see as sacred; something that shouldn't have monetary value.

Not to say anything about the economic validity of a society without currency, but I think that, hypothetically, if that were to exist, sex work would be less stigmatized since this would no longer be a factor. Those engaged in sex work would be more likely to be seen as doing it because it's something they are good at/enjoy, and less because it's an "easy" way to make money, as some think. It would also eliminate the fear of placing set value on social, non sex-work related intimacy (not that those fears were well-founded to begin with).

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