Und die Hälfte davon kommt gefühlt auf meiner ersten GMX-Adresse an. Mittlerweile gehen da 10-20 Spam-Mails am Tag ein. Manche haben sogar einen "Diese Mails abbestellen"-Link drin aber so verzweifelt bin ich dann doch wieder nicht.
verfluchtes bild
It just says "mod" for me.
I've used Lemmy for a while and just recently felt like I was missing a feature for the first time: I'd love if there was some kind of mod mail functionality. One of my posts was removed by a moderator and I wanted to ask why, but I obviously didn't know which mod did it, so I just randomly messaged someone from the list. There should be a more "elegant" way to do this, like some kind of functionality that allows a user to send a message directly to the community or the moderation team itself.
Damn, that's a long-ass nail. Was the rim not damaged at all? I've seen one get impaled from a metal rod on the highway, it went all the way through but the chances are probably lower if you're not going that fast.
Hauptberuflicher Lassmich-Moderator
Ich erinnere mich noch gut an einen Schulausflug zur Arbeitsargentur. Das Computerterminal hat damals nach einem Quiz eine Liste an potentiellen Stellen ausgespuckt. Bei mir war der einzige Vorschlag "Friedhofsgärtner". Ist immer noch ein Running-Gag in meinem Freundeskreis. Vielleicht kriegt die KI das ja besser hin...?
Probably not, I've never read a British tabloid.
Chleudert den Purchen zu Poden!
I can't quite place it but there is something extremely British about this image.
They appear to have run towards Ukraine, which is probably their best chance to get out of this conflict alive. I'm sure Ukrainian units in the area have been alerted.
Wer seine Protonmail-Adresse auch in Zukunft spamfrei halten möchte, der sollte sich mal https://simplelogin.io/ anschauen.