They aren't comparable. Autodesk is a business product, not for consumers. The product makes you money and the price for it is a business expense and tax deductible. While subscriptions to Spotify, Netflix, etc. aren't.
The reason why it took so long: The card machine to pay the tax was broken. Banks were closed, ATM limits too low, so he had to wait for a replacement card reader to arrive.
It's unclear if he actually failed to declare it or if there was some other kind of mistake. It's also unclear if he had to pay a penalty or just the tax.
However, a source told CBS News, the BBC's US partner, that Schwarzenegger was not asked to fill out a declaration form.
So yeah, the headline and article are making a big thing out of no information.
Dijon-Senf gibts in scharf und mild. Kommt stark auf die Marke an. Der scharfe gehört zu den schärferen Senfen die es gibt. Aber schärfe bei Senf funktioniert ja anders als bei Chilli und kann man so auch nicht vergleichen.
Das Kirchenrecht gibt es in dieser Form nicht mehr. Priester landen genauso vorm Staatsgericht wie jeder anderer auch. Ist egal ob es sich dabei um Sexuellen Msbrauch, Diebstahl, oder sonstige Straftaten handelt. Der Wikipedia Artikel beschreibt nur was Kirchenrecht war aber nicht die derzeitige rechtliche Lage.
Der Grund warum so viele Fälle nicht strafrechtlich verfolgt werden ist weil die Straftat verjährt ist. Sexuller Misbrauch verjährt nach 30 Jahren. Der Herr der in diesem Fall misbraucht wurde ist 62 Jahre alt. Es wurde nicht erwähnt in welchen Alter er misbraucht wurde, aber ich nehme an es er wurde nicht in seinen 30igern oder später.
Das ist was die UKA aufarbeitet.
Aber wenn ein Prieser irgendjemanden heute sexuell misbrachen würde, und das Opfer auch Anzeige erstattet würde der Priester sehr wohl vorm Gericht landen und falls gültig auch im Gefängiss landen. Leider hat die Kirche noch immer sehr straken Einfluss auf die Gesellschaft und deswegen erstatten viele Opfer oder die Familie des Opfers keine Anzeige. Dann wird das halt nur intern in der Kirche geregelt. Hier ein Beispiel von nem Priester der ins Gefängniss geschickt wurde.
Du weißt schon dass Hochzeitstauben zurück zu ihrem Taubenschlag liegen? Die werden nicht einfach wilde Stadttauben. Man kann ein argument machen dass die nicht OK sind wegen Tierquälerei aber die haben absolut keinen Einfluss an der Anzahl der Tauben in der Stadt.
Im ersten moment war ich auch empört und hielt es für extrem. Aber nach etwas recherchieren ists wohl die einzige Lösung.
Die Stadttaube ist kein Wildtier, das sind verwilderte Haustauben und Brieftauben. Die können in der Wildniss nicht überleben und sind vom Menschen abhängig. Deren Lebenserwartung ist 2-3 Jahre weil viele Jungtauben entweder verhungern oder an krankheiten sterben. Sie könnten 15 Jahre alt werden unter idealen bedingungen. Der Grund warum sie trotzdem so zahlreich sind, ist weil sie ihre Geschlechtsreife sehr früh erreichen und das ganze Jahr über Brüten können.
Sprich, Stadtauben haben in der Regel kein gutes leben und die Überbevölkerung ist ein großer Grund dafür. Die Massentötung würde das Leben der restlichen Tauben stark verbessern.
Japan simply thinks they have apologized enough. They call their current situation "apology fatigue". Basically the people are tired of feeling like they have to keep apologizing for something that happend "so long ago". Any Japanese politician who would issue another formal apology would commit political suicide. They would lose the support of their own party and of a big part of the population. This isn't just in regards to South Korea but towards all of Japans neighbors.
So for now Japanese politicians who want the two countries to work together try to find wiggle room. Japanese politicians generally acknoweledge that the South Korean people went through very hard times but do so without admiting Japanese fault.
That one somehow isn't as weird. I guess it's because the 100 years since WW1 was fairly recently and obviously everyone who was over 50 at the time was born closer to WW1 than today.
That's only 3-4 hours. I think most of us would be fine doing that for our job. I certainly would watch 3-4 hours of TikTok and write down some statistics for getting paid.
I said it eleswhere but this assasination attempt is almost certainly not related to spanish politics. The guy is retired and hasn't been in office since 2014. He still is active as a lobbyist for the ‘National Council of Resistance of Iran’ and ‘European Friends of Israel’. He is also considered a terrorist by the Iranian government. So if this is politically motivated, it's way more likely related to the current events in Israel.
He is not a currently elected official. He hasn't been in office since 2014. He isn't even running for any office. He is retired and "active" as a lobbyist for the 'National Council of Resistance of Iran' and 'European Friends of Israel'.
While no motive has been established, I doubt it's related to spanish politics since he is basically irrelevant there. If the attempt was politically motivated, it's way more likely to be related to the current events in Israel and Gaza. Or his general stance on the current Iranian government. He is considered a terrorist by the Iranian government.
So there is no threat to democacy and people cheering at this are just happy that a shitty person got hurt. Which still isn't the best mentality.
I lived in Vienna for over 20 years. Social housing is part of it. There are enough apartments available to house roughly 1/4th of the population. Average waiting time is 1-2 years to get one. So it doesn't work for everyone. But the requirements to get one are reasonable. The middle class has access to them.
On top of that, Vienna has some rent control. Houses built before 1953 have a legal maximum for rent. And a lot of buildings are older than that. Newer buildings that took advantage of government grants also have rent limits. And then there are Genossenschaftwohnungen. They are built by "non-profit" developers (not quite right but close enough). They also have rent control.
So there are a shit ton of affordable apartments available. And that keeps even the rent of units that aren't directly controlled in check. Obviously there are a few buildings and locations that still charge outlandish rent. But no one is forced to take them.
Of course landlords find ways to go beyond the limit. But we are talking at most $100-200 a month higher. Not outlandish higher. Because there are a lot of easy to use tools to check your rent price. You just put in what you pay, where you live and it will tell you if it's allowed or not. If they charge too much there are resources available to have the rent fixed and you get paid back what you overpaid.
Plus the law really favors renters. Perpetual rent contracts are the norm. Term-Limited rent contracts have a mandatory discount added to them. And they are limited to one extension. The second one would turn it into a perpetual contract. So landlords have a hard time getting rid of existing tenants/contracts. Or end up paying a lot for real estate agent fees.