joined 1 year ago
[–] HC4L@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (GBA). Being able to grind XP / gear to compensate for my bad platforming skills was amazing. Also this sparked my love for Metroidvania games.

[–] HC4L@lemmy.world 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It's very carefully being shoved in by touching the waters and seeing how far they can go. The first few times there is outrage but after a while people get tired, miss that it is happening or simply don't understand what it's about. The changes aren't that big but as a whole work towards something nobody wants. Same as with a lot of laws and / or social changes.

[–] HC4L@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I will look into it. I just have a small stack of CD's I can't play so I'll manage for now. 2008 is like brand new haha. Sony's look great so good luck!

[–] HC4L@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Was affraid of that. Affraid being a big word. I really fell for the look of this player and / or players from that era knowing age could be a problem. I can pick up a replacement laser for this unit for 36 Euro's while the unit itself cost me around 60 Euro's. I have put some love into it already and this might be a sunken cost fallacy thing but you can't put a price on love ;)

Don't know what the experiences are with swapping lasers but I'll look around. Buying something else from this era might just result in the same or different problems anyway. I really can't see anything modern I like. I can even hate a beautiful machine for the font used on the buttons ;)

[–] HC4L@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Thanks for answering! When it skips it's usually unplayable. This morning I've had a CD (as far as I could see in good condition) that did not play at all. It barely indexed and did not start. Others skip every few seconds and sometimes it even gets less after a few minutes. Also the skipping isn't always at the same moment.

Apart from those it plays most CD's flawlessly. It indexes really fast, also playing starts fast and so is changing to random tracks. That's what I thought was kinda weird about it.



I own a Denon DCD-810 which plays mostly fine. I've cleaned the lens, changed the belt and cleaned / greased the rails and gears on this thing and it can play hours without a hitch.

Now I notice that certain CD's skip sometimes. Nothing is physically damaged with the CD's themselves (as far as I can see). The skipping is not always on the same moments but seem to concentrate more on the first few tracks. Although that might also be my perception because usually I just throw in a different CD when the skipping starts.

So having playing Purple Haze for the third time now in a row I started out with skipping and now it plays almost flawlessly. The player has already been playing for more that an hour before so no cold components as far as I know. I can find no relation between the skipping CD's in age. Old or new both can be jerky.

Does anyone know what could cause skipping on certain CD's while others play fine for hours on end? I accept my DCD-810 being a fossil as a valid answer ;)

[–] HC4L@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago

This.. also, use your motherboards QVL when selecting your new kit.

[–] HC4L@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Short answer because I'm drunk but I have to admit I'm somewhat older so I play a lot of indie titles. And one of the few triple A games that I play (BF5) forces me to boot into Windows but that is a fraction of what I play.

I use Discord, Steam and Firefox mainly and don't do much productivity wise so probably a biased experience.

My 6750XT was automatically installed and had no work from it whatsoever.

[–] HC4L@lemmy.world 18 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Just switched after seeing how much of my Steam library I could play on my Deck. Just have to switch back for BF5 sometimes and I don't miss Windows at all. Very nice experience.

[–] HC4L@lemmy.world 8 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Can you give an example of a new game you find backwards graphics wise?

[–] HC4L@lemmy.world 21 points 1 month ago

As a European I'm so gratefull people didn't "go for talks" on that day they stormed the beaches.. sometimes you have to actually fight for your ideals and not water them down every time they are opposed..

[–] HC4L@lemmy.world 24 points 2 months ago (2 children)
[–] HC4L@lemmy.world 5 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Are the issues only with your home router / accesspoint? If the need is high you could always get a seperate accesspoint and hope that works.

Even borkier would be buying a USB-C network adapter or the dock for troubleshooting but that would get you online.


Hey guys,

Because of the unclear nature of Sharepoint folder permissions we want to make an export to Excel of each folder and the appropriate rights. Explicit rights only is fine but everything together is also fine.

Having tried and tested for hours I cannot seem to find a working script. Using outdated functions, random errors, etc.

Does anyone know a working script for this? A commercial solution (that does nog charge 4000$per year) is also fine. This is becoming an expensive headache for me.

I have already tried all the usual Google hits as well as ChatGPT. None seem to work but also not work with modern authentication when connecting to Sharepoint using Powershell for example which leads me to suspect they are too old.


Hey guys,

We are struggling with our Azure joined machines used by multiple people during the day. Each time they log on to a new machine we get a helpdesk call for us to set up OneDrive / Sharepoint libraries synchronization in the client.

We know Intune can do this but Intune settings can take up to 8 hrs to propagate by which the user has already called us. This takes too long.

I've made a support call with Microsoft which has been open for a month now with what I think is a fairly straight forward question but they keep telling me they' re discussing this with their team.

Is there a scenario that sets these settings instantly that minimizes helpdesk calls? Or is this made for 1 user per device scenario's? Apart from reinstating on-prem DC's and whatnot ;)

Hope you guys can point me somewhere because Microsoft doesn't seem to..

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