
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 hour ago

Well, for starters Xbox was dead on arrival, they had no system sellers lined up and the series S has held this generation Xbox back since the beginning. Sony on the other hand started off well, but then got the GaaS hard on and almost all of their gaas projects are failing hard. That's why they barely have a library of exclusives.

Not to mention this generation has also been a technological flop (not just on the consoles side but also on the PC side). The next big thing to change gaming is ray tracing, but the tech is still too raw to fully utilize it. Because of that we're largely getting the same tech as last gen, just higher fidelity.

And considering console exclusives started coming to PC I think there's even less of a consumer pull towards consoles. A lot of PC gamers owned a console and now they don't need one because the get to play their console games on PC at higher quality with better performance.

The next generation needs to be marvelous or I think console gaming, as we currently know it, will be dead.

[–] 8 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

I think her campaign is what an actual campaign is supposed to look like, it just looks incredible when you compare it to the dumpster fire that is Trumps campaign.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

I'm not sure what you were trying to accomplish but all I'm seeing is you agreeing that there is a wage gap. You argument was "it’s often that women outearn men." Which you've now clarified that post marriage and post child they clearly do not. So before marriage or before a child they should, where's the data? The "useless" unadjusted data shows a smaller wage gap in younger employees (who are much less likely to be married or have children) but there's still a wage gap in many EU countries.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

I wish I had your confidence. You pull the "data doesn't prove it" move and then won't even do the bare minimum to verify if you're talking out of your ass. Based on 2022 data men on average earned 12% more. It didn't even take me a minute to find this data. One Google search and you would've instantly known that you're wrong, but you're so confident in you being right you don't even need to check if you're wrong.

[–] 14 points 2 days ago

Kinda hard to make a solid catalogue when you follow the live service trend and your projects flop one after another.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Right. So let's imagine everyone uses Puppy OS for the phone OS? How does that prevent phone manufacturers from creating a new phone every year? It doesn't. I've already pointed it out with Pixel phones, TWICE. Pixel 5 runs the same OS as Pixel 9 and obviously it hasn't prevented Google from releasing 3 different version of Pixel 6, 7 and 8, and then also Pixel Fold and 4 different version of Pixel 9. If every Pixel phone moving forward would be stuck on Android 14 they'd still be able to release a new version every year because you still get marginally better camera, marginally more memory, marginally better processor etc. Using Puppy OS wouldn't prevent manufacturers from spitting out a new model every year because the other issue with phones is that they're not repairable. If your screen breaks or battery dies or charging port stops charging you can't really fix it without paying usually over half the price of a new phone, which means people just buy a new phone. A fixed OS doesn't solve hardware failures which leads to people buying new hardware. Regular wear and tear is the main reason for e-waste, because you can't fix your fucking phone. This is literally the reason EU is forcing phone manufacturers to make replaceable batteries a thing again, because it's the primary point of failure for most phones.

Solving e-waste doesn't start with the OS, it starts by making hardware easy to repair or replace. And that's exactly what fairphone does. And it's super weird how you're both "the hardware on fairphones sucks" and "hardware necessity is an illusion". You're undermining your own points.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (3 children)

I've already pointed out that most Pixel phones run on the same OS, it doesn't prevent Google from churning out new phones on a yearly basis because hardware is independent from software. The same OS doesn't prevent sticking in a better camera of a better CPU, it only prevents adding new features to the OS.

What you're suggesting could work if ALL pixel phones had to run on the same OS which effectively stifles technological advantage. I don't think you fully understand the impact of your suggestion. What you're basically saying is that 99% of personal computers should be using windows 3.1 (or I guess actually MS DOS) because that's the OS Microsoft created and that's what ran on the first PCs. Even the jump to Windows 95 is impossible because it literally might not fit on hardware that's designed to run windows 3.1. You could argue that it's a silly argument as it would start now, but guess what, 40 years from now Windows 11 can be just as ancient as Windows 3.1 is right now. If we somehow figure out quantum computing for consumer market you couldn't really benefit from it because you need to support windows 11 that has no idea how quantum computing works. Not to mention it actually makes entire companies obsolete because a brand new company could make an OS that supports quantum computing and everyone switches to that company OS because that OS doesn't need to support decades old hardware.

Forced baseline OS does not solve the issue. It only creates worse issues.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (6 children)

I say to all manufacturers and developers just get one OS and stick with it, and then there is no further e-waste if it’s cross compatible from a dual core spec hardware upward it just runs faster the higher spec you go, there will be no hardware or OS incompatability just an ever improving OS one fits all old and new.

But where does the new hardware come from? Google has one OS that is the same over all Pixel phones, it doesn't stop them from churning out a new Pixel every year. It also doesn't solve the problems Fairphone aims to solve which are a) ethically sourced materials and b) reducing ewaste by having higher repairability.

Let's say they create their own OS. How is the OS going to make sure the underlying hardware is "fairly" acquired? It's not. Nor is the OS magically going to turn a non-repairable phone into a repairable one. That's the reason why Fairphone makes their own phones, so they can verify their materials are ethically sourced and the phone is repairable.

All fairphone are goinn to do is become e-waste just with a smaller footprint than the rest but e-waste none the less, I do not see them surviving long either.

Actually the company recycles its phones. If you don't like your Fairphone you can send it to them and based on the model and the state of the phone they'll reimburse it. And how long is long because Fairphones are over a decade old?

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (9 children)

The idea behind the fairphone is that it's made fairly. It looks overpriced because they're paying a fair price for the raw materials + production costs. If other companies didn't exploit third world countries their phones would be priced similarly to fair phone.

You don't buy fair phone for the specs, you buy it so you can be certain some child in south Africa didn't have crawl in a mine to get the the metals that go into phones, or have a child sit in a factory putting together the chips that go into phones. Or you buy it because you don't want to throw your phone away after 3 years because you couldn't replace the battery or the screen or the charging port.

[–] 5 points 3 days ago

I guess it's regional bang-per-buck. I just bought a 4070 over a 7800XT because it cost only 20€ more and for that 20€ I get a better upscaler (I personally find DLSS visually better than FSR) and much better ray-tracing performance with only a marginal drop in rasterization performance. Oh and also better wattage which is a factor considering my cost of electricity, probably offsets that 20€ over the duration of me using the card. And I got the new shitty Star Wars game for free. I'm not trying to be an Nvidia fanboy here. When I decided to get a new card I was absolutely certain I'm getting an AMD card because Nvidia cards were supposed to be overpriced as hell. Well, turns out bang-per-buck Nvidia card came out on top.

I think my 4070 example is probably why they're going to target more budget cards, because xx70 cards are already outside the budget of the average gamer. If you look at the Steam hardware survey xx50 and xx60 cards make up the lion's share of the cards from the last 3 generations. There's literally only 3070 in the top 10 most popular cards, everything else xx60 or xx50. 3080 is the first xx80 card and that's only 15th most popular and 4090 is the first xx90 card while being 30th most popular. Why waste resources trying to compete with xx70, xx80 or xx90 cards when you could just beat the xx60 card and get most of the market.

I do hope their plan works out for them.

[–] 3 points 3 days ago

I agree the genre isn't exactly for me, but I don't think that's really relevant. Stardew Valley and Sims more or less fall in the same genre and I loved Stardew Valley and could see the appeal of Sims. I don't have an issue with those games being on the list but New Horizons just felt shallow. Outside of collecting things for the Museum there really wasn't anything that engaging. I remember also checking if I'm just playing it wrong and the sentiment from the AC vets was that the gameplay of New Leaf is better.

I did a quick check to see New Horizon is still in the same state as I remember and some people are claiming the 2.0 update made the game better so I guess I'll give it another shot one day. Maybe my opinion is dated because I haven't really played since 1.3 update.

[–] 7 points 4 days ago (3 children)

I'm going to give my probably controversial opinion. I don't think Animal Crossing New Horizons should be on that list and the main reason it got critical acclaim is because it released at the height of Covid. Had it released any other time people would've seen that it's a shallow game where in long term it's mostly a repetition of the same menial actions. There's nothing wrong with repetition, but having to check the store every day isn't exactly the peak of compelling gameplay.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

The major is upon us. Megathread to discuss the major. Opening stage is over, elimination is upon us:

Group elimination stage:

Advance to quarter finals:

  • Cloud9
  • Vitality
  • Spirit
  • Faze
  • Eternal Fire
  • Natus Vincere
  • MOUZ
  • G2


  • paiN
  • Virtus.Pro
  • Complexity
  • Imperial
  • TheMongolz

Group stage results.

Advanced to elimination stage

  • Cloud9
  • Heroic
  • paiN
  • Eternal Fire
  • Imperial
  • TheMongolz

Eliminated in the opening stage:

  • KOI
  • Lynn vision
  • Apeks
  • ENCE
  • Legacy
  • Gamerlegion
  • SAW
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

Kinda late with the post, but better late than never.

Day 1:

  • G2 vs NiP -> G2 advance, NiP drop to losers bracket
  • NaVi vs Compexity -> NaVi advance, Complexity drop to losers bracket
  • Vitality vs OG -> Vitality advance, OG drop to losers bracket
  • Astralis vs Falcons -> Astralis advance, Falcons drop to losers bracket

Day 2:

  • NaVi vs G2 -> NaVi advance, G2 drop to losers bracket
  • NiP vs Compexity -> NiP faces G2 in losers bracket, Complexity are sent to Spring Showdown
  • Vitality vs Astralis -> Astralis advance, Vitality drop to losers bracket
  • Falcons vs OG -> Falcons face Vitality in losers, OG are sent to Spring Showdown

Day 3:

  • Faze vs Gamerlegion -> Gamerlegion advance, Faze drop to losers bracket
  • Spirit vs Liquid -> Liquid advance, Spirit drop to losers bracket
  • VP vs BIG -> VP advance, BIG drop to losers bracket
  • C9 vs Heroic -> C9 advance, Heroic drop to losers bracket

Day 4:

  • Gamerlegion vs Liquid -> Liquid advance, Gamerlegion drop to losers bracket
  • Faze vs Spirit -> Faze faces Gamerlegion in losers bracket, Spirit are sent to Spring Showdown
  • C9 vs VP -> VP advance, C9 drop to losers bracket
  • BIG vs Heroic -> BIG faces C9 in losers, Heroic is sent to Spring Showdown

Day 5:

  • Vitality vs Falcons -> Vitality face Astralis in group finals, Falcons are sent to Spring Showdown
  • G2 vs NiP -> G2 face NaVi in group finals, NiP are sent to Spring Showdown
  • Gamerlegion vs Faze -> Faze face Liquid in group finals, Gamerlegion is sent to Spring Showdown
  • C9 vs BIG -> BIG face VP group finals, C9 is sent to Spring Showdown

Day 5:

  • Vitality vs Falcons -> Vitality face Astralis in group finals, Falcons are sent to Spring Showdown
  • G2 vs NiP -> G2 face NaVi in group finals, NiP are sent to Spring Showdown
  • Gamerlegion vs Faze -> Faze face Liquid in group finals, Gamerlegion is sent to Spring Showdown
  • C9 vs BIG -> BIG face VP group finals, C9 is sent to Spring Showdown


  • Astralis vs Vitality -> Vitality qualify for Spring finals, Astralis go to the deciders
  • NaVi vs G2-> NaVi qualify for finals Spring finals, G2 go to the deciders
  • Liquid vs Faze -> Faze qualify for finals Spring finals, Liquid face G2 in the deciders
  • VP vs BIG -> VP qualify for the Spring finals, BIG face Astralis in the deciders


  • Astralis vs BIG -> Astralis qualify for the Spring finals, BIG is sent to Spring Showdown
  • Liquid vs G2 -> G2 qualify for the Spring final, Liquid is sent to Spring Showdown
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

The yearly HLTV top 20 players of 2023 is upon us:

  1. Mathieu "ZywOo" Herbaut
  2. Nikola "⁠NiKo⁠" Kovač
  3. Robin "ropz" Kool
  4. Ilya "⁠m0NESY⁠" Osipov
  5. Lotan "⁠Spinx⁠" Giladi
  6. Álvaro "SunPayus" García
  7. Oleksandr "⁠s1mple"⁠ Kostyliev
  8. Dmitry "sh1ro" Sokolov
  9. Martin "stavn" Lund
  10. Helvijs "⁠broky⁠" Saukants
  11. Nicolai "device" Reedtz
  12. David "frozen" Čerňanský
  13. Nemanja "huNter-⁠" Kovač
  14. Guy "NertZ" Iluz
  15. Jakob "⁠jabbi⁠" Nygaard
  16. Benjamin "blameF" Bremer
  17. Emil "Magisk" Reif
  18. Casper "cadiaN"⁠ Møller
  19. Kaike "KSCERATO" Cerato
  20. Russel ⁠"Twistzz"⁠ Van Dulken


This community has been rather inactive for a long time and probably partly because the community creator and former mod was never active. There's also no strong CS community on lemmy so I decided to step up and hopefully shape this community into a healthy CS community, because I love CS and I don't want to go Reddit for my CS fix.

Moving forward I will take a more active role in this community to post content for others to discuss. To focus the discussions I will start by creating megathreads for the bigger happenings in the community. For instance instead of having 20 posts about the HLTV top 20 players that will get little to no comments, I will create a HLTV top 20 megathread to get more a discussion going on.

At least that's the plan, please do stick around and help me (by posting, commenting and upvoting) help you get this community up and running.


I would like to take a mod position to try and get this community off the ground as @Osiris seems to be inactive.

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