
joined 1 year ago
[–] Furbag@lemmy.world 5 points 1 week ago

If Zuck's cheating keeps Trump out of the oval office, he won't have the authority to send him to prison, now would he? Unless Trump is so delusional that he thinks he can win despite "cheating", which of course he would.

But if Trump loses, it can only be because of cheating or election interference, it can't possibly be because the American people opted not to chose him. Totally not the delusions of a sore loser, nope.

God, sometimes I wish he had his head blown off back in July. Not having to listen to this moron spew off nonsense day in and day out would have been nice.

[–] Furbag@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago (5 children)

The only people who are hurt by that stunt are Republicans who will then have no say in the matters of that aspect of government. Harris would instantly fill the position with a Democrat who wants the job and be no worse for wear.

If a Republican cabinet member wants to blow up their whole career to spite Harris, let them.

[–] Furbag@lemmy.world 6 points 1 week ago (7 children)

It doesn't mean she has to listen to them. A cabinet member is someone who serves at the pleasure of the chief executive, so I wouldn't expect some rogue Republican to do much damage on their own.

As for why, sometimes having someone from the opposition on your team can give you valuable insight on how to get shit done so it passes by party hardliners on congress.

[–] Furbag@lemmy.world 11 points 1 week ago

Mine is Magic: The Gathering, except I fully realize that I am pulling away from it and why.

The game sparked an immense amount of joy when I picked it up in high school. Now I barely recognize the game anymore. It doesn't truly have an identity of its own and exists in this permanent state of limbo where 3rd party IPs are taking over the demand for new product and the rules are becoming so bloated that they can't fit them on cards anymore.

This is such an "old man yelling at clouds" moment for me, because I heard just about every reason under the sun for why people quit the game when I was playing from power creep to changing art styles to just getting priced out of the hobby in general. I realize now that those people were not wrong, they were just not the target audience anymore. I am no longer a profitable demographic to pander to. I never buy packs anymore, and I've even stopped buying singles and I don't attend tournaments or collect anymore, so why would Hasbro/WotC make products for me? Especially when there are deep pocketed whales out there who will pay top dollar for their favorite crossover set, no matter how silly or out of place it might seem.

I wish I could enjoy the game the way I used to, but I just can't be bothered to hop back in when it doesn't feel the same anymore.

[–] Furbag@lemmy.world 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

If his team were actually smart they'd realize that lightning won't strike twice and keep Trump's mouth shut and keep him far away from the debate stage. Kamala will rip him apart in September, no doubt in my mind.

The only reason he didn't get a ton of criticism for his insanity at the last debate is because Biden was somehow worse and distracted everybody from Trump's failing mental health and complete lack of a plan of action to fix the problems he rants and raves about all day and night.

[–] Furbag@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

This is the only word I know of whose meaning can be redefined by majority consensus.

Case in point, my workplace wanted a bi-weekly committee meeting for our team to work on stuff over a zoom call. I asked what days these meetings would be held and they all agreed "Just Thursdays". When I tried to argue that a bi-weekly meeting necessarily means that there must be two distinct dates per week, they all agreed that bi-weekly obviously means every other Thursday and that I didn't understand what the word bi-weekly meant 😒

[–] Furbag@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

Hearing this word for the first time in the GoT audiobooks was a real surprise to say the least.

[–] Furbag@lemmy.world 21 points 2 weeks ago

Good riddance.

[–] Furbag@lemmy.world 8 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

The donor had the same name as the shooter, but was not the same person.

[–] Furbag@lemmy.world 9 points 2 weeks ago

We need more than just that. I'm continuing to email the Biden administration monthly about implementing a vacancy tax for private owners with 3 or more single family dwellings. I'll continue to do so under the Harris administration.

My only shot at every being able to afford a house is if the billionaires and real estate corporations get taken out of the equation. Taxing them for sitting on empty properties is much better than building more for them to snap up because they won't be priced fairly to begin with due to market manipulation.

[–] Furbag@lemmy.world 16 points 2 weeks ago

Cast thine undivided attention upon me, whelp.

[–] Furbag@lemmy.world 11 points 2 weeks ago

"Women are my favorite guy."

So true, so true. Google wise.

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