
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Dude I wish. I'd love to be able to point you in the right direction but getting this all working for me was just the product.of determination and posts / videos from all over the place.

I can tell you that adding proxmox to the equation made things way more complicated. And that vlans are not intuitive.

My advice would be to just kind of go for it. I ended up needing a smart switch, a mul5i nic pace card, a regular switch, and two access points (you could get a vlan aware access point but I couldn't find anything that made sense price wise).

The whole thing took days to set up. I frequently didn't know why things weren't working. It sucked.

You can pm me if you get stuck and I can try to give you a hand buy the frustrating truth I learned about the process was that I was kind of on my own since every set up is kind of unique based on your hardware.

I'm glad its done but doing it frankly sucked..

[–] 0 points 3 months ago (5 children)

Can we not do the whole the rotat8ng ring artificial gravity yet?

Like. Why are we not doing this? Can we not do this?

[–] 0 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Setting up a pfsense router / firewall virtualized in proxmox on my server PC with separate vlans for my iot devices and guest WiFi was tedious, time consuming, challenging, educational, and ultimately worth it. I'm not invincible buy at least I have fucking viability into what's going on in my fucking home network.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago
[–] -1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Cognitive dissonance at work.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

I mostly agree with this. I'm coming to think that in the future defining the word "art" for the context of a discussion would avoid a lot of the back and forth I'm seeing here and help these discussions be more productive.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (7 children)

So i had an idea for a thing. This thing did not exist. Parts of it may existed in some fashion, but the thing itself did not.

Now the thing exists. It hangs on my wall.

We may have different definitions of the term creation in mind here. Can you suggest a better word to use for using my input to make a thing that did not exist before? I can use that going forward.

And yes. Ai combines things that other people have made before into something else. Usually the Mona Lisa does not have my face. Then I spent around and hour in stable diffusion and maybe two hours in gimp. Now the Mona Lisa has my face. I would call this new, as the Mona Lisa, to my knowledge, has never before had my face on it. Let alone looked like my face belonged on it.

I'm making an assumption here, and feel free to correct me if its incorrect, but I'm guessing that you feel its okay when a person blends artistic styles into something that is distinctly their own.

If this assumption is true: why is it legitimate when a person does it and not a machine? Or is it?

And another question: if the issue is with artists being compensated (maybe another assumption here, in apologize if I'm off base): would you support legislation to the effect that those that inspired or influenced another artist's work receive recompense for it?

Second to last question: if an ai is trained solely on works in the public domain do you still have an issue with it?

Final question: if existing artists styles can be replicated using a genealogy of sorts using only those public domain works, and they're combined in a manner that no one has thought to combine them: are there issues you have with that? What are they?

Honestly trying to get a better understanding of where the borders of right and wrong here for you are so I can better understand your position.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Uh. No. You can tell because of how my post is.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (17 children)

I want to be able to create all the things Ive dreamed of creating my.whole life without spending 4-8 years in fucking art school, saddling myself in debt for a skill that was virtually impossible to make a living off of. and that was BEFORE ai. AI has enabled me to create things that would have been fucking.impossible for me to.create on my own and and absurdly.expensive to have commissioned. Its allowed me to create things that would be literally.impossible without it.

I had ideas. I just couldn't afford to make it real. With ai I've been able to.

I never would have paid an artist to do what I've been able to done for myself. Even if I could have afforded it.

Ai may commodotize creativity but it democratizes art.

Jeans Pierre can still build a lifesized model.of Donald trump.out of tampons and I get an to cover my walls with viking chicks with huge fits that look like they're painted by van Gogh, and oil paintings of my face instead of whoever the model.was on history's greatest works.of art.

If you're an artist pissed off about ai taking your money: you probably wouldn't have made much anyway. Being an artist was always a reckless gamble.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Sometimes objects im using have like, a personality and desire? Like they won't want to get thrown out or there's some kind of relationship between two forks.

Its kind of subconscious - I'm only somewhat aware of it. Its weird.

Also when in recalling things Ive learned recently I'll sometimes recall a place I've been to as well. This happens most frequently with code for some reason. Programs I've written or functions will be strongly tied to places in some way? I don't get it.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Who the fuck would rather repeatedly pause and in pause a fucking video, skim past bullshit, skip ads, or hell even USE YouTube over a block of text somewhere that c9ntains the info you were looking for.

People watch this dog.shit. is it because its.the you can find info anymore? Or do people actually LIKE this format?

[–] 0 points 5 months ago

If past.lives are real then every hr employee across the globe had a past life as some middle manag3mentnpaper.pusher making the Holocaust possible.

If you work in hr there's about a 99℅ you are irredeemably evil.

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