Ich finde neben dwd noch Windy sehr gut. Die kommen aus Tschechien und machen gute Vorhersagen weltweit
For me the question is if plants can actually hear these distress sounds, otherwise it’s not really for communication.
I feel like you’re doing Andy Clark a disservice by calling him some guy.
Yeah I need this too! But for me a long list is in itself overwhelming. So I started to use blank cards (like those in hotels) and only put 3 todos on them with a whiteboard marker. I still have the long list somewhere on my pc but this way, I only ever see 3 calls to action. I tend to make them more specific on the card. This also comes with the satisfaction of wiping away a task when it’s done (I hate a long list with striked through tasks, because I have to scan to find the remaining ones).
Thanks for sharing your story. Very interesting!
I think that’s still new, in terms of adoption.
IoT at home is still new and it’s good that there are explorative attempts. Just don’t expect to be there when the market found what works.
When you want to build something more complex than two rooms in Hammer Editor.
This „dependencies until you feel overwhelmed „ hits a bit too close to home.
Dann lieber mit Leber. Daher kommt nämlich der Name ursprünglich. Muss man wissen!
In den USA sollten Frauen „einfach“ ab jetzt eine Schusswaffe bei sich tragen. So wie es die Republikaner wollen. Dann gibt es immer einen good „guy“ die den bad guy aufhalten kann.