
joined 1 year ago
[–] EnderMB@lemmy.world 7 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

Someone add another row for Windows Phone.

[–] EnderMB@lemmy.world 15 points 22 hours ago

I've had a few awful teachers or professors over the years. One professor that sticks out was a total asshole to me. I had to go for surgery and rehab on an injury, so missed two of his classes. I emailed ahead to ask if there was anything important covered that I should make sure to read about in the required text, and his response was "this is an ignorant comment, everything I teach is important, if this is your attitude you're going to fail". The man was such a cunt that 16 years later I still use his work and personal email address (note: don't put your personal email in your book that every student is forced to read for your shitty intro class) as spam fodder whenever a dodgy website has a subscription or email box.

Pair that with another professor, who gave an assignment with tiers for extra credit, on the basis that you complete the first tier to be eligible for the second. I decided to go for full marks, and completed all tiers, but broke my code 10 mins before review. He reviewed, told me that it was great that I even attempted, and only marked me down for the case I failed - turning a potential zero into 90%. It was the final mark I needed to pass his class, complete my degree, and to get the prerequisite to join my masters degree programme.

[–] EnderMB@lemmy.world 2 points 23 hours ago

Atlassian is one of those companies that I equally laugh at, love, and hate.

They're in so many markets in software and project management, and have so many large clients that pay for Confluence, Jira, BitBucket, etc. Despite this, people almost universally despise their products, with bugs being left open for years, features blissfully ignored, etc.

I often imagine what it would be like to work for Atlassian, and what "that" code based must look like. Working there must be fun as hell given the impact and breadth of opportunities, equally frustrating if you dogfood your own products, and infuriating given just how much stuff must be utter shit under the hood.

[–] EnderMB@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

Sadly, Stevia doesn't agree with me either, although I don't feel as ill as if I have drinks with aspartame, which is what most drinks in the UK use.

I recently bought a soda stream for just this, since I now mostly drink sparkling water. There aren't many cordials here that don't use a sweetener, and many of my previously favourite kombucha brands now use aspartame - but there's enough to have some choice.

[–] EnderMB@lemmy.world 44 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I sometimes wonder what it must be like to run the Sonic The Hedgehog social media accounts. It's cool and all, but I bet that person has seen some things that'll haunt them for the rest of their days.

[–] EnderMB@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

I remember my university orientation so vividly, because I was sat next to several people that were taking the "Game Development" degree. They spent the entire orientation talking about what consoles they brought with them.

Two weeks later, they were all gone. The course was arguably harder than my CS course, based on some of the required classes they had to take. I think the dropout rate over the full degree was ~90%. CS was high, sure, but barely anyone actually graduated with the Game Development degree.

Game dev is hard, and I'm yet to meet a game dev that didn't bemoan how utterly ruthless it was.

[–] EnderMB@lemmy.world -2 points 2 days ago

True, and in typical UK fashion, the costs didn't go down, but up despite using a cheaper amount of sweetener to get the same sweet effect.

I'm not really sure why, but it felt like a huge surprise at the time that basically all sodas and squashes just switched sugar out almost overnight. For those with diabetes or intolerances, it was quite a tricky switch, and I've had a few friends that relied on drinks like Lucozade look for alternatives (and struggle).

Fully agree that the amounts are concerning. Removing sugar will have obvious health benefits, but drinking a lot of anything is likely going to be disastrous.

[–] EnderMB@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

I wouldn't say it was necessarily a drop, but you can socialize in so many different ways nowadays, so getting lots of people you don't really know/like together in your parents house is probably less appealing.

Lots of younger people don't drink nearly as much due to costs, so that probably factors in too.

[–] EnderMB@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago (2 children)

To be blunt, there is way more toxicity and extreme views on Lemmy than on Reddit. I've seen worse things in 15 months of Lemmy than I've seen in 15 users of Reddit use.

[–] EnderMB@lemmy.world -5 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Then call it out, but maybe not be such a cunt about it. It's an embarrassment for the fediverse that someone can't be civil to what is a fair comment, even if it's not factually accurate. Even on cesspools like Reddit you wouldn't see this kind of toxicity.

[–] EnderMB@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

I said this in another comment, but trying to find drinks that don't use sweeteners is painful nowadays. I can no longer drink most squashes, and my soft drink options are pretty much limited to coca cola (normal pepsi now has sweeteners), sainsbury's high juice, or rose's lime cordial...

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