
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Now to be quite honest, we do have "flying cars" ( more so riding planes ). And a lot of countries are throwing looks at 4 day week work, which isn't 2 but still, progress ( Except Greece IIRC which went back to 6 day a week ).

Now I am really baffled why the hell did space conquest stopped tho.

[–] 15 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I hate being bothered. Linux, while overall almost botherless, still looses to windows.

But damn me, when Win 10 loses support, I am jumping to nobara. Win 11 seems to be win 10 with every addon being something I harbor dislike for.

[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago

Honestly this. I began calling any white offshoot simply "Dirty white". Bring color into my life, I beg you...sadly, I live in small flat, so dark colors ain't an option.

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

Nobody wants to feed the troll, simple. But eh.

  • Highly militaristic Check
  • Isn't that strong Eh, just beating every other contestant with either tech, experience or both.
  • Treats it's people and outsider poorly MMMMM, okay, for EU standards yeah, but for global ones? They're mid.
  • Obvious problems with governance . . . nnnnnyeaah...
  • Air of superiority Yeah. Except not really. Ya all are dropping it more and more as time goes.
  • Never appearing weak It's justified tho.

So overall, yeah, 3,5/6. 0,5 for treating people part. Defo not sparta...i mean, if they vote Trump and I'll have to update this but eh.

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

I am so conflicted on this. My partner, as a child, had bad case of asthma. She went to normal doctor...which almost killed her by being overzealos with antibiotics (That doc also almost killed my best friend...). Her mother, a proper believer that natural healing is the way to go, took her then to a homeopath.

And it worked.

It bloody worked. Shit backed off enough that she's having a normal life. Granted, that homeopath also had doctorate in medicine and was long time practicing doctor, but shit.

Edit: Note to self, people dislike even actual real histories because homeopathy bad. Heh.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago
[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

. . . Ps4 is what.

...i am still on ps2 ;-;

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Stop. You're scaring todays companies. Optimization? That's a no-no word.

Now please eat whole ass libraries imported for one function, or that react + laravel site which amounts to most stock bootsrap looking blog.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

If you click "see more" in the description, there is a transcription! It's still kinda pain im the ass, but allows getting through it's not perfect tho.

Also. Captions and 2x speed ftw.

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago

Whaaaa, noooo. Belt off, helmet's for pussies, gas is meant to be floored, and ppl need to feck off. /s

Although I do drift with forklift irl...

[–] 25 points 2 weeks ago

Courage - I know the consequences and can bear them to achieve what I need

Stupidity - The risk is calculated, but I suck at math.

[–] 15 points 2 weeks ago

Meanwhile men don't have access to support groups, are not supported by anyone when they admit it, get straight up ridiculed for this ever happenning by both everyday people and justice system...

It happens to both genders. But we managed to build fundamental lattice of support for one of them (fundamental as in there's still so much to do), while failing to even recognize the other one faces this problem too. We do not have to compromise on helping one side to help the other - that's straight up not an option. But we should help, and recognize the need of help, for both.

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