
joined 1 year ago
[–] 13 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Would not object. It's been a good run, Donald.

[–] 36 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

It's rumoured Trump is having trouble finding rally locations this campaign because of all the places he's been to over years without paying refusing to have him back until he pays his bills. The highlight being owing El Paso, Texas over half a million, ^[1] but that's just the tip of the iceberg.^[2]

[–] 24 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Ketamine is a hell of a drug.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago

The undecided by a mile. Trump's cult can at least be somewhat explained away by brainwashing, lack of education and echo chambers - and maybe a side dish of widespread lead poisoning. But people who've been exposed to this shit for nearly a decade without becoming cultists, yet are still going "ehhh, I haven't seen enough yet to make up my mind here..." truly boggle my mind.

[–] 75 points 1 day ago

The only thing that matters to Trump is what he thinks is best for him personally right now. Ethics are irrelevant. Legality is irrelevant. Continuity is irrelevant. Reality is irrelevant. He does not remember the past and he cannot conceive of the future. "Me, now" is the only thing that matters to him. There is no big picture. His entire universe is a singularity of "me, now."

Best summary of Trump I've read yet.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

I don't really agree with the selection or the ranking, but I do really appreciate the attempt of going for "what's best to play right now" instead of ranking by historical significance or some kind of futile "objective" quantification.

It works better as a sort of "100 good games to play in no particular order, with individual descriptions of why" than any sort of ranked list to compare with other ranked lists, though.

[–] 7 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Civ VI instead of Civ V? List automatically invalid.

Jokes aside it's an interesting list and I like the idea of ranking based on "what's best to play right now" instead of by historical significance or some futile attempt at objective apples-to-apples quantification - even though at the end of the day I think I neither agree with the selection nor the ranking. But there are plenty of good games on there with solid reasons of why to play them in their descriptions, so it's a good read nonetheless.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Agreed. To me it seems like a mix of relying too much on her memorized prep and possibly a bit of the old Democrats "taking the high road" thing. She did well at baiting him, but less so at exploiting his openings I'd say.

[–] 25 points 1 day ago

It was very disappointing, even though it was pretty much as expected. They even let Trump talk over and interrupt the moderators!

[–] 46 points 1 day ago

Yeah I don't understand how people are still surprised by this either. He is an unrepentant, raging malignant narcissist. He physically - biologically! - cannot resist defending his ego when challenged.

[–] 38 points 1 day ago

I don't think Kamala demolished Trump as thoroughly as some people seem to claim, and I think she could have been way stronger and more direct on a lot of issues and talking poins. There is no denying however that her responses, stances and delivery on abortion was stellar. The whole "they didn't want that" part was very powerful.

[–] 122 points 1 day ago (14 children)

Don't expect internal consistency from the guy who says media can't be trusted and is fake news, but immigrants are eating people's dogs and cats because someone said it on TV.


It's a crazy story of the coaches Rasmus Jonsson and Anders Kristiansson - from Sweden of all places - theorising about ways to innovate the sport, and then scouting young talents to coach this method into from an early age. And years later, their pupils claim the Olympic gold. What a story.

If you want to read more about the new style here is an article about it.


[Watch the full video on YouTube]

O’Donnell ripped cable news networks for carrying the event live and called it “2016 all over again,” adding that outlets are making the “same mistakes” with their reporting as they did while covering Trump that election cycle.

He also criticized reporters for not asking follow-up questions and knocked networks for fact-checking only after Trump finished speaking.


O’Donnell also knocked networks for not covering Vice President Kamala Harris’ Michigan speech live after the Trump presser, noting that his network was doing Olympics coverage before bringing viewers the last few minutes of her remarks.

EDIT: Changed link target to comply with community rules.


An absolutely insane display of grit, adrenaline and the power of being pushed by the crowd. I think he's never put up a time below 3:30, and now clocks in at 3:27.65, setting an Olympic record in the process.


Let's see if this community still is active.

I'm not sure if it's officially agreed upon, but I would say the release of Doom in '93 properly marked the beginning of a golden age of PC gaming. Modern homogenisation and monetisation hadn't set in yet and over the next decade or so the PC gaming landscape would be full of innovation and passion, with a sea of classics being released in that time frame... but when did it end? Was there a specific watershed game that signalled a shift in the landscape?

This topic has been on my mind for a while, because I've pondered on whether there is an open niche for a community dedicated to games of this era. They're not quite at home in Retro Gaming subs, but still old enough now that they might warrant their own corner separate from main gaming spaces.


That was one of the craziest penalty shootouts I've ever seen. Heartbreaking for USA.


Vet inte om det anses som ett massivt problem men jag märkte när jag försökte synka mina konton att det inte går att se communities och personer på från Kbins sida.

Tydligen är problemet något med nginx config och det finns en patch tillgänglig någonstans, men detta är bortom min förståelse så jag bifogar en länk till personen som upplyste mig:


Jag har läst åsikter åt båda hållen när det gäller vilken approach som är bäst vad gäller Meta's intåg på ActivityPub. Vad tänker's Admins? Kommer ni federera eller defederera?

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