
joined 1 year ago
[–] 27 points 1 month ago (2 children)

More efficient or even lossless, sustainable energy storage.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Have a look at GitLab.

I'm doing the same thing you are doing, but automatically. I have a repo per app and a few GitLab runners connected on my Raspis/servers. Everytime I push a change, the shell runner runs the commands configured for the pipeline. I don't have to lift a finger after changes.

[–] 0 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Bin kein AfDler oder so, aber der Artikel hat nicht dargelegt WARUM die Argumentation der AfD falsch war.

Muss zugeben ich kenne mich bei den Ausschuss-Prozessen nicht aus. Es hört sich an, als ob es um eine Feinheit geht bzgl. des "bestimmens" eines Vorsitzenden, der jedoch immer (geheim) gewählt wird, was lt. AfD-Ansicht falsch sein soll?!

Kennt sich da wer aus? Warum genau liegen die braunen falsch?

[–] 0 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I recently started using

It's basically a self hosted Google Photos and it's working really well. You can just mount your heap of photos into the container, declare it as external library and you're good to go.

After a few hours/days of training the face recognition, extracting meta data, generating thumbnails ans possibly transcoding videos you'll have a very responsive and easily searchable timeline of ALL your pictures and videos.

[–] 0 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I did the whole "GDPR, delete my stuff dance". They replied with "you have to delete your posts yourself". I didn't budge, gave them the required 30 day ultimatum, but they gave zero fucks.


Any pointers on how to report them?

As requested, I'm posting the full text of the email into this post body. I hope it's screen reader friendly:


tl;dr – you’re invited to a special program that lets redditors purchase stock at the same price as institutional investors when we IPO. Details about eligibility and next steps follow. This (long, dense) email has all the info we can provide due to legal restrictions.

As you may have heard, Reddit has taken steps toward becoming a publicly traded company with the initial public filing of our registration statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on February 22, 2024. Yes, it’s happening.

And because you have helped make Reddit what it is today, you now have the opportunity to become Reddit owners at the same price as institutional investors.

We’re offering a Directed Share Program (“DSP”) that invites eligible users and moderators who have contributed to Reddit to participate in our initial public offering (“IPO”). (Including you!) Program Requirements While being selected to pre-register is the first step, there are certain legal and regulatory requirements to participate in the DSP that are outside of Reddit’s control. Bear with us here…

To be eligible for the DSP, you must: • Be a current U.S. resident; o You will be asked to provide the DSP Administrator a valid social security or permanent resident number, along with other personal information. Reddit will not have access to this data. o Please note that U.S. residents using a VPN may face application limitations if the VPN locates them in certain non-U.S. jurisdictions. • Be at least 18 years old; • Provide your full legal name and an email address; • Not be a current or former Reddit employee (FTE). When the DSP launches (a few weeks after pre-registration ends), individuals who have been confirmed for the program will be contacted by our external DSP Administrator. You will then be asked to provide additional information securely to the DSP Administrator to confirm your eligibility. How to pre-register The number of people who can participate in the DSP is limited; we will offer this opportunity to as many redditors as we are able to accommodate. If capacity is reached before the deadline, you will be added to the waitlist. Based on demand, we may also limit the number of shares available.

If you are interested in being part of Reddit’s DSP, please go to on desktop to complete the pre-registration form. If you are one of the confirmed participants, we will follow up with an email with more details in the coming weeks. You can also refer to the Frequently Asked Questions for more information. Due to regulatory restrictions (yeah… we know…) we are not able to respond to further inquiries or questions.

Pre-registering does not guarantee that you will be invited or able to participate in the DSP; it also does not obligate you to purchase shares.

As with any investment opportunity, you should make an individual decision based on your own personal circumstances and risk tolerance. Therefore, we urge you to review the preliminary prospectus, when available, before deciding whether to invest in Reddit.

The deadline for pre-registering for the DSP is March 5, 2024. If capacity is reached before the deadline, you will be added to the waitlist. What happens next? While there won’t be a confirmation email immediately after you pre-register, everyone who pre-registers will receive an email in the coming weeks from “”, telling them whether they can proceed with the next steps for the DSP.

This is an automated message (beep, boop, beep) and does not receive replies. Please refer to the FAQ for more information. Per our lawyercats, we are not able to respond to further inquiries or questions. Prospectus and Important Disclosures The offering will be made only by means of a prospectus. When available, a copy of the preliminary prospectus related to the offering may be obtained from: Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, Prospectus Department, 180 Varick Street, New York, New York 10014, or email:; Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, Attention: Prospectus Department, 200 West Street, New York, New York 10282, telephone: 1-866-471-2526, facsimile: 212-902-9316, or email:; J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, Attention:c/o Broadridge Financial Solutions, 1155 Long Island Avenue, Edgewood, New York 11717, telephone: 1-866-803-9204, or email:; and BofA Securities, Inc., NC1-022-02-25, 201 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28255-0001, Attention: Prospectus Department, telephone: 1-800-294-1322, or email:

A registration statement relating to these securities has been filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission but has not yet become effective. These securities may not be sold nor may offers to buy be accepted prior to the time the registration statement becomes effective. This notification shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy these securities, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation, or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction.

No offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the registration statement has become effective, and any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time prior to the notice of its acceptance given after the effective date. An indication of interest in response to this notification will involve no obligation or commitment of any kind.

You are receiving this email because a Reddit account, USERNAME, is registered to this email address. 548 Market St., #16093, San Francisco, CA 94104–5401

[–] 0 points 7 months ago (1 children)

They do, in the EU. If you fuck up your customer's data, you'll face fines consisting of hefty percentages of your yearly revenue!

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Do NOT self-host email! In the long run, you'll forget a security patch, someone breaches your server, blasts out spam and you'll end up on every blacklist imaginable with your domain and server.

Buy a domain, DON'T use GoDaddy, they are bastards. I'd suggest OVH for European domains or Cloudflare for international ones.

After you have your domain, register with "Microsoft 365" or "Google Workspace" (I'd avoid Google, they don't have a stable offering) or any other E-Mail-Provider that allows custom domains.

Follow their instructions on how to connect your domain to their service (a few MX and TXT records usually suffice) and you're done.

After that, you can spin up a VPS and try out new stuff and connect it also to your domain (A and CNAMR records).

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

A self-hostes RSS reader? Probably the ability to read your stuff from anywhere without installing something. Like on your work PC... ;)

[–] 0 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)

Media Server? No content backup at all.

If you lose everything, just download new stuff you want to watch, or redownload a few TV series/movies.

Music? There are streaming services.

Only backup configurations and maybe application data, so that the reinstall will be easy. Those few kB/MB could sit anywhere. I'm using GitLab for this purpose.

Edit: Images! If you have your photos on there, back them up! They can't be replaced!

[–] 0 points 11 months ago (17 children)

Frechheit! DE soll sich auf seinen Meerzugang beschränken; im Mittelmehr hat es nichts zu suchen!

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Ich glaube, dass sich das wieder aufhebt: Eine von 10 Dorfvereinen gemeinsam genutzte Eismaschine zB. wird auch 10x so schnell kaputt und muss 10x so schnell ersetzt werden. Selbiges bei Mietwägen. Wenn die permanent gefahren werden müssen sie viel schneller ersetzt werden.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (6 children)

Eine Eismaschine zu mieten, ergebe vor allem bei einmaligen Events oder in der saisonalen Gastronomie Sinn. Es schone nicht nur die Geldbeutel der Gastronomen, sondern auch die Umwelt.

Den Schmarrn versuchen sie uns immer wieder zu verkaufen... "Mieten ist umweltfreundlicher..." Blödsinn, sage ich!

Der Umwelt ist es egal, wie du deine Eismaschine bezahlst, genauso wie es ihr egal ist, ob du mit einem Car-Sharing-Auto von A nach B gurkst.

Am Ende werden mit Strom und Wasser Eiswürfel von einer Maschine erzeugt, die irgendwer hergestellt hat, genauso wie du mit der stinkenden Sharing-Karre von A nach B gefahren bist.

Mieten wischt die Umweltbelastung nicht einfach zur Seite. Weniger Kosten? Ja, aber wenn du gerade nicht Eis machst/Auto fährst dann machts jemand anderes.

Aus dem heraus kann man argumentieren, dass ein Mietauto oder eine Mieteismaschine weniger ökologisch sind, da diese intensiver genutzt werden als ein eigenes Gerät, das mal Standzeiten hat...

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