
joined 1 year ago
[–] 20 points 6 hours ago (3 children)

It really doesn't hurt to keep asking. Nobody that matters is going to be offended by it. Eventually someone will tell you, but just be aware that different people may have different reasons so don't assume feedback from one employer applies to all employers.

[–] 97 points 1 day ago (5 children)

A) it was a car accident where he hit a school bus B) no evidence of drugs, alchohol, or even speed C) He was legally in the country

[–] 40 points 2 days ago (1 children)

And the article points out that the new group he is associated with is partially owned by Peter thiel

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

Fact is countries continued supporting Israel, knowing what was happening. They're clearly getting something out of the situation if they're willing to defy voters to keep funding it.

The geopolitical situation that civilians never really get to see is the most likely cause.

It's not like Canada's liberal government is just sitting there going, "man I love it when allies kill civilians, we should keep sending them money despite it costing us votes in the election"

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Because intelligence agencies are known for letting the public know exactly what they know...

[–] 7 points 3 days ago

Wrap it before they tap it?

[–] 83 points 3 days ago (41 children)

He's quite a well known pollster. Up until recently he was responsible for Five Thirty Eight, but it got sold and he left.

He got the 2016 election wrong (71 Hilary, 28 trump) He got the 2020 election right (89 Biden, 10 Trump)

Right and wrong are the incorrect terms here, but you get what I mean.

[–] -2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Yea, generally when it's your government that loses the war and collapses, you don't get much say in how your country gets divvied up afterwards. A lot of displaced jews needed a spot after the holocaust, so it made sense to do this.

Those foreign countries were right to invade Israel and kill people? You fucking hypocrite.

Reparations? Again you're being hypocritical, you're asking for Palestinians to be given their own country in the spots they were prior to the formation of Israel. Why shouldn't the natives just be given the entire US back based on that logic? You willing to move back to whatever country your ancestors moved away from?

Rules for thee, but not for me. It's easy to demand things that don't cost YOU anything.

[–] 110 points 3 days ago (16 children)

Here's hoping Trump pulls a Biden tomorrow.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

This isn't quite the right analogy. The traffic between you and the VPN is quite visible, so it's more like the windows on the vehicle you're using are blacked out so that nobody can tell what's inside while it's moving between those two points.

[–] 62 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (7 children)

The big difference is that VPNs encrypt all traffic between your computer and the VPN computer, while this is usually not the case with a proxy. The lack of encryption and decryption can make a proxy slightly faster, but obviously less secure if you're tying to hide what you're doing.

ELI5 version:

VPN - You write a note in code, pass it to your friend who then decodes it, and then gives the decoded note to your crush. Your crush doesn't know it came from you, and if the teacher caught you passing the note to your fiend, they wouldn't be able to tell what it was.

Proxy - You just pass a note to your friend, who then hands it to your crush. Your crush doesn't know if came from you, but If the teacher catches you, they can read it. It's faster than having to write in code and decode.


Uber's reply to the new laws.


This is the true Canada, open to all ideas. Let's keep it this way.


Personally, it seems stupid not to have a liaison in high schools. This is where teens establish "bad" patterns, and every single one they manage to save early is one less problem for decades in the future.


Intent to injure?

Based on that call, any sort of pushing or shoving should be called.


Unfortunately, it looks like he's going to elected in a couple years. I just hope people remember after a term of the Conservatives cutting important environmental policies like the carbon tax, that they will have failed to make like more affordable AND fucked up the environment more.

The conservative parties that won in the UK didn't manage to make things more affordable, the conservative party that won in Australia didn't manage it either, no party anywhere has managed it.

This crisis isn't caused by local government zoning policies, approval red tape, or anything else that the parties are talking about. It's caused by landowners (including people who own only one property) using a home as an investment.

You cannot have homes appreciate in value faster than inflation (investments) and also have affordable housing. It's impossible. That's literally just a pyramid scheme.

Until the government starts implementing policies that start reducing existing home prices, this will not be fixed. Building more units doesn't do this unless you build impossibly (literally impossible) large numbers.

So stop voting with your emotions and vote with your brain.


In case anyone was wondering what happened at the grocery stores over the last couple days.


Because reasons?

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