
joined 1 year ago

Ist dieser "leckere Rosenkohl" hier grade mit uns im Raum?

Ah, also richtig als praktische Umsetzungsfrage. Verstehe.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

Ernsthafte Frage: Ich habe das so verstanden, dass die Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention erst gilt, wenn die Person im Land ist. Bis dahin gilt normal das Schengen-Abkommen mit Deutschlands Länderwall.

Stimmt das nicht oder über sehe ich was?

Btw. ich bin dafür, den Quatsch zu lassen; Deutschland hat wichtigere Probleme und die Probleme der Flüchtenden teilweise mit verursacht.

Wenn das kommt, dann ist das der letzte Nagel im Sarg aller Ampelparteien.

ps -ax -o pid | xargs kill -9

Aber das ist gar nicht so viel, wie man immer denkt!

Ne, bei uns in dem stillgelegten Bergwerk ist kein Platz, da soll ja vielleicht mal ein Museum rein. Außerdem haben wir Grundwasser!

[–] 14 points 4 days ago (5 children)

As a rust fan I can say:

Don't be sorry, cause the code is in C!
Be sorry for what you did in C!

[–] 4 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Maybe those communities sync their bans to another instance, where you are banned.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I do know that, that's why I use FF.

But the sentence would be a lot longer if O wrote something along the lines of "To try if the website doesn't adhere to the official web standards instead of googles own, which brave uses, since it (like most browsers nowadays) is built on top of chromium unlike Firefox, which uses the gecko engine to render websites."

Wie kann es denn nur ständig um dieses sinnlose Thema "Flüchtlinge" gehen? Wir haben SO VIELE wichtigere Themen.

  • einen Krieg neben uns
  • Klimawandel
  • Wohnungsnot
  • Korruption
  • steigende Preise überall
  • Einflussnahme aus Russland und den USA
  • was auch immer China mit dem Markt anstellt

Und das sind nur die, die mir grade auf die Schnelle eingefallen sind. Was ist nur falsch mit den Leuten?

[–] 14 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Hi there, I use nearly all the stuff you do and I am on Linux for like 2-3 years now.

I use PopOS. PopOS is a distro with a user interface that differs a bit from windows. But you will get used to it, its not like on Linux "up" is "down".

PopOS has a lot of programs preinstalled, that help "normal users". This includes drivers for Nvidia-GPUs and Flatpak which is a way to install software on all Linux-Systems opposed to the normal package managers, distros ship with, Flarpak e.g. has Spotify and Discord. But other distros might ship it too and you can definitely install it later on.

What you should definitely learn to use is the software-center (or App store or whatever some distros call it). This is a central place, where most software can be found and installed. Also all software installed through it can be updated here. So it's in a way like steam for all the non-games.

I currently use (natively, so no web app or smth):

  • Spotify
  • Steam
  • Discord
  • Libreoffice (instead of MS Office)
  • Gimp
  • Brave (as backup browser to test if it's Firefox' fault)

Libreoffice is enough for day to day usage, if you are no power user with VBA-Scripts or mayor macros.

Games work mostly well, but as others have said, look at ProtonDB to check your specific Steam-Games. I mostly play single player titles or PvE stuff without the need for anticheat. Nearly all those titles work.

If a game is not on steam, you can check lutris. Lutris has install scripts for a lot of games as well as GoG among others. There is also the heroic games launcher, but you don't need to know all that yet.

PS: The great thing about Lemmy is that you don't have to ask your friend, you can ask here.

PPS: If you plan to game on your PC, may I suggest some games? (All work well for me, of course)

Dwarf fortress - is a city builder/sims-like game, on steam for money or on the official website for free, but with less art.

Core Keeper - a small Indy game about digging, crafting and fighting

Deep Rock Galactic - a first person shooter with mining and fighting bugs

Factorio - ~~an~~ THE automation game

Disco Elysium - probably the best RPG/Detective game ever

The Long journey home - a space exploration rogue-like

The day the phones went down (
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

This story is a few tears old, but I'll try to remember all the fun parts.

Back then I was working with a company that among other stuff also outsourced telephone services to customers. So they would get their phones from us, all the infrastructure, we did all the technical stuff with the ISP, got everyone their extension and call groups etc.

We had only a hand full of customer who used this service from us, but or company itself of course also relied on it.

Most parts of the infrastructure were customer specific except one. The main entrance/exit server (+backup) into/out of our datacenter. But for our cause, they were so oversized, that no amount of traffic would even be closely able to bring them down. (Or were they)

On usual days we would handle maybe 50-100 external calls simultaneously. Cause remember, those servers were to the outside. All other traffic would not touch them. The servers were (according to the specs) able to do 4000 simultaneous calls.

To the day of the incident. It began around 8 in the morning. We would get a few incidents reporting calls not being established, which we brushed off at first, cause it was more probable that the other site was at fault.

Later one of our customers also opened up incidents reporting this in mass. At this point, we were getting a little worried and looked into the logs. What we found was not fun. Much to our dismay, we saw that we had around 7000 simultaneous calls trying to bomb our system. Most of which were trying to reach one specific customers call center.

After a while we found out that this customer had a countrywide mandatory survey they didn't tell us about. For this survey an external call center was hired to handle all the calls.

We hopped into a call with them and found out a few things: They were expecting about 15-20k calls a day, and their contract said something about "up to 2k" and when questioned, how that would work, they told us about a specific rule in their contract with their ISP. This rule meant that all calls above the 2k limit would get a "number is busy" kinda answer and had to wait or hang up.

We called the ISP. They just told us (and the customer in the same call): "Yeah, we sell that feature, but that doesn't really work and mostly isn't even used..."

So the ISP broke their contract but were to big to fail and the customer didn't tell us enough, but was angry our stuff didn't work.

End of the story was, that we rerouted all the calls directly to the call center and then the call numbers dropped back to a few hundred.

Edit: Survey was mandatory.


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