
joined 1 year ago
[–] 38 points 5 days ago (3 children)

I think it's more "Most consumers hate the idea of a bad, unhelpful customer service".

I'm fine with AI if it was actually helping to solve my issue, but it is generally not the case.

[–] 17 points 1 week ago (4 children)

It's not a new Fallout game, it's a mod from independent developers so you can except a higher standard.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It releases on my birthday !

I don't think I have a choice then, I'll have to get it on day one.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Je suis content d'avoir acheté ma voiture au début de l'année.

J'aurais bien aimé acheter une voiture électrique française ou européenne mais au moment ou j'ai acheté c'était au moins 50% plus cher pour une voiture de taille équivalente ou inférieur.

Du coup vu mon budget c'était

  • soit une voiture électrique chinoise qui roule à l'électricité française
  • soit une voiture française qui roule au pétrole Saoudien/Lybien

J'ai choisi l'électrique chinoise vu que les voiture thermiques sont sur la sortie er que ça même si ça fait un plus gros budget d'achat ça permet de réduire le budget mensuel lié aux déplacements.

Et évident en premier la considération écologique même si je pense que entre voiture thermique et électrique c'est un peu bonnet blanc, blanc bonnet.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Composing is really easy once you understand one basic rule: if it smell you have to much humid nitrogen.

Add a good amount of carbon to it and the smell will be gone the next day. Carbon can be dry leaves, cardboard, wood ... Usually "brown" material.

The is the exact same thing in dry toilet or chicken coop, if it smell bad add some carbon to it to bring back the balance between nitrogen and cardboard.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

For people interested an extensive report by French appliance store after sale service. It gives the reliability of each brand. There is a note for the reliability, ease and cost of repair.

It's only in French unfortunately :

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Bernard Arnault, the CEO of LVMH, is now the richest person in the world above Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos.

It did not happen by accident.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

I strongly disagree, for me a transient lifestyle like that can be great for kids. Discovering different cultures, new way of living, new languages is extremely enriching.

I'm a bit biased since I lived in 9 differents places in 3 different countries before I was 12.

However I have never been homeschooled so I can't give an opinion on homeschooling. There is schools part of the French educational network everywhere around the world so I've been able to stay in the French education system even when living in Africa.

But I know that people sailing around the world are able to maintain their kid education. I don't know for other countries but in France there is the "CNED" that gives material to study remotely, the parents uses the material to teach the kids and there is regularly tests that the kid send back (online now but it was by mail before) to be evaluated by real teachers.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

En théorie l'idée est bonne mais en pratique j'ai peur qu'on se retrouve dans des cas ou Jean Patron consomme 2500kWh par an pour 16000km avec sa Tesla et quasiment rien dans le reste de la maison vu qu'il vit dans une maison d'architecte quasi passive, un chauffe-eau thermodynamique couplé solaire, des panneaux PV, de l'électro-menager neuf basse consommation...

De son côté Martine-prolo utilise déjà 3000kWh rien que pour son chauffe-eau électrique, plus ses radiateurs électriques qui tournent a fond tout l'hiver pour arriver a maintenir 17° dans sa passoire thermique, son frigo Emmaüs qui consomme à fond ...

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Instead they put antibiotics in the chicken feed

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

When she was a kid, every year for her birthday my mom would get fancy silverware from her parents, that's it.

One year it would be the tea spoon, another year the snail forks ...

Of course she was not allowed to use it before she would get married. The idea was that she would get a full set when she is 18.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

A scoop of vanilla ice cream with chartreuse poured on top.


To be fair they were also using encrypted messaging to talk to each other like WhatsApp and Signal, they even show their mom how to use it which is extremely suspicious.

“All members of this group were particularly suspicious, only communicating with each other using encrypted applications, in particular Signal, and encrypting their computers and devices […].

The Investigating Judge

when the DGSI [a French security agency charged with counter-espionage, counter-terrorism, countering cybercrime and surveillance of potentially threatening groups] has questioned Bastien about what he thinks of Macron. A photograph on his computer is mentioned, which according to them details the President's security arrangements for the July 14th parade. (...)

The device in question (an aerial photo taken from the press) is highlighted in such a way as to draw a dick. A dick.

The link is made with Bastien's passion for drones. The implication is that he could have used a drone to attack this dick-shaped device using explosives.

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