
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Hmm, yes, normally one would consider an object in free fall when gravity is the only force acting on it (or following Einstein, no force is acting on it). This is what led me to my initial reply about the booster hardly (if ever) being in free fall during its flight.

But your point was about the relevance of gravity on the settling of the debris in the LOX tank in which case one can ignore most forces on the booster and still observe it as free falling.

The why is not easy to wrap my head around, so I understand why Zack and his team made the mistake, but I do get that it is the case. Thanks again!

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I had a feeling I was stretching into territory where I don’t know enough, thank you for the clarification.

Following that, and I hope you don’t mind me asking instead of following up myself, would I be correct to conclude that the vehicle technically is in free fall while going up? Just about everything to do with spaceflight can be so unintuitive, which is simultaneously what makes it interesting as well as frustrating at times :)

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (4 children)

There was a lot to digest, so I might be wrong, but I was under the impression that he was referring to the boost back phase, so not in free fall. I’m not smart enough to figure out if the gravity vector plays any significant role compared to the one from the engines in that situation :) Neither during the landing burn. There is a huge amount of deceleration which would be a vector straight through the booster? There is a slight tilt to the booster most of the way down, but I don’t know if that could make the debris settle unevenly.

In between those burns nothing can settle as you say. If Zac was referring to that phase than that was indeed an oversight.

[–] 7 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Well, I guess I better clear my calendar for the rest of the year after release. And for 2025. For a first quick playthrough to check things out.

Great fff to boost excitement. Not that it required any boosting.

(with pinky to mouth) one MILLION spm!

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

If that were true, ‘No’ is also an answer. Total Annihilation does not seem like the only option and certainly not an option to use as a lesson. Can’t teach a dead pupil.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Dan zouden ze het dusdanig moeten verkloten dat een groot genoeg deel van degenen die op hen stemt de oogkleppen wordt afgenomen. Ik vrees juist erger, dat bij nieuwe verkiezingen de PVV nog groter wordt. Dat is de reden dat de VVD en NSC zo ver gegaan zijn om dit kabinet te vormen; ze wisten dat ze bij nieuwe verkiezingen aan het kortste eind zouden trekken. Tenminste, ik hoop dat dat de voornaamste reden is dat ze zo ver zijn gegaan.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

Trap niet in de val van technisch correcte uitspraken van een fascist. De echte bedoeling is duidelijk. NSB vlag, ON notitieblok en nationaal socialistisch taalgebruik. Als het waggelt als een eend en kwaakt als een eend …

Edit: De PVV is niet gewoon een normale politieke partij. Dat we nu met z’n allen net doen alsof dat wel het geval is, gaat mijn pet te boven. Het is treurig om te moeten concluderen dat de lessen van de vorige eeuw niet voldoende zijn geweest om herhaling te voorkomen. Niet gezegd dat er nu al sprake is van herhaling, maar de huidige situatie maakt ruimschoots duidelijk dat we als het erop aankomt er weer net zo hard met open ogen in tuinen.