
joined 1 year ago
[–] 23 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

Davos: "There is land in the reach, go start your own house"

Unsullied: "You... you do realize what we are, right?"

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Tourists in Bulgaria, for example, always get caught out by this. They shake their head for yes and nod for no.

[–] 22 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Exactly what I wanted to say. All that talk of "perfection" makes me imagine them snapping and going full psycho because a train was cancelled and they need to book a different one.

To OP: just stop trying to plan that much. A general plan is good. Just be aware things will change and that's ok. As long as you two are having a good time, the rest really doesn't matter as much as you think it does.

If you want a little psychological trick to make the trip more memorable than it otherwise would be, whatever you think is going to be the most impressive, save it for last. Our memories have a very strong recency bias.

[–] 15 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

Exactly! Had a group of guys complaining to me the other day, saying "You can't just shoot dogs in the street", "That was my seeing eye dog", and "Murderer".

I say that's really overreacting. We're smarter than them, we can do what we want! Namby-pamby vegans always get in the way of my recreational dog shooting.

[–] 16 points 4 days ago

Me as a Romanian: heh. Yup, no post WW2 puppet government extracted our resources, no sirree bob. Totally benevolent soviet occupational forces who bestowed flowers, kisses and rainbows upon the populace.

[–] 16 points 4 days ago

It also tends to be people farthest away from what's going on. The most anti-Russian countries tend to be those geographically closest to Russia. Those on the border with them know what's at stake and why having military backing against Russian aggression is so important.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

It’s illegal in most countries and frowned upon by most beekeepers.

Could you please give me a source on the legality? Can't seem to find anything. From my own google-fu, it seems it's a controversial practice, with different beekeeper blogs laying out the pros and cons. It looks very much like an ongoing discussion rather than a clean "It's bad, don't do it ever" like declawing is for cats, for example.

Considering putting pigs (who are known to be smarter than dogs) into gas chambers to suffocate to death while their lungs burn is 100% legal in the EU, I would be absolutely astonished if they actually had a strong animal welfare stance on bees.

[–] 4 points 5 days ago

i really think it’s just more nuanced.

Absolutely! Despite making a short straightforward comment about my own experiences with the time commitment and cost of veganism, I fully understand that it's more nuanced in my own life, let alone across the breadth of differing human experiences and cultures worldwide.

One of my absolute favourite food products is Felix vegetarian hash

I am genuinely glad you managed to find a cheap and tasty food which can at least help you reduce slightly your meat purchases.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Ok, sure. You do realize all these are methods to prevent the bees from leaving, which undermines your original point, right?

[–] 4 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Being a vegan is expensive in time and money

I don't think the second half is true. Despite being subsidized like crazy, meat is still relatively expensive.

It's definitely more time-consuming if you wouldn't be cooking otherwise. At least in my experience if you want to eat something vegan you gotta make it yourself (at least in my home country).

[–] 8 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

How does his decision to move the embassy make sense in that context?

Here's a quote from that article, to illustrate how people saw the Trump government on Israel at that moment:

Every previous US administration has been pro-Israel but made some effort to understand and respond to the Palestinian narrative, says Mr Miller.

This one is so "deeply ensconced" in the Israeli narrative it has crossed a red line, he says.

If so, it will be difficult for it to keep propping up the framework, with unpredictable results.

It is true that key Arab countries seem more willing to sanction a settlement less favourable to the Palestinians than before because they want Israel as an ally against Iran.

But Mr Trump's decision on Jerusalem, and Israel's heavy-handed approach in Gaza, reduces their room for manoeuvre.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Interesting article, thanks. Based on that, I think it's more correct to say that that these encryption schemes will likely not be breakable by current quantum computer algorithms. It's possible that there are entirely new approaches and algorithms that would be unaffected by these new approaches to encryption.

I believe we're a long way away from the end of the quantum arms race.


If you look at the top ~20 servers on fedidb, they are very clearly botswarms. Either intentionally set up that way, or accidentally due to turning off protections and not deleting users.

You can tell this because they have 70,000 registered users, but only 10 of them are active.

I believe we should pre-emptively defederate with botswarms before they're turned on. If the instance owners clear out the bots on their instances (like did) then they should be immediately refederated.

I don't know about you guys, but I don't want this place to be drowned in spam as soon as they're activated.


There doesn't seem to be a general-purpose atheist community yet, so here is the closest thing. I hope this link fits in with your community! If not, fully understand if it's deleted.


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We've been defederated. Were there that many trolls/assholes on our server? What on earth happened while I was asleep?

hey folks, we'll be quick and to the point with this one:

we have made the decision to defederate from and we recognize this is hugely inconvenient for a wide variety of reasons, but we think this is a decision we need to take immediately. the remainder of the post details our thoughts and decision-making on why this is necessary.

we have been concerned with how sustainable the explosion of new users on Lemmy is--particularly with federation in mind--basically since it began. i have already related how difficult dealing with the explosion has been just constrained to this instance for us four Admins, and increasingly we're being confronted with external vectors we have to deal with that have further stressed our capabilities (elaborated on below).

an unfortunate reality we've also found is we just don't have the tools or the time here to parse out all the good from all the bad. all we have is a nuke and some pretty rudimentary mod powers that don't scale well. we have a list of improvements we'd like to see both on the moderation side of Lemmy and federation if at all possible--but we're unanimous in the belief that we can't wait on what we want to be developed here. separately, we want to do this now, while the band-aid can be ripped off with substantially less pain.

aside from/complementary to what's mentioned above, our reason for defederating, by and large, boils down to:

  • these two instances' open registration policy, which is extremely problematic for us given how federation works and how trivial it makes trolling, harassment, and other undesirable behavior;
  • the disproportionate number of moderator actions we take against users of these two instances, and the general amount of time we have to dedicate to bad actors on those two instances;
  • our need to preserve not only a moderated community but a vibe and general feeling this is actually a safe space for our users to participate in;
  • and the reality that fulfilling our ethos is simply not possible when we not only have to account for our own users but have to account for literally tens of thousands of new, completely unvetted users, some of whom explicitly see spaces like this as desirable to troll and disrupt and others of whom simply don't care about what our instance stands for

as Gaywallet puts it, in our discussion of whether to do this:

There's a lot of soft moderating that happens, where people step in to diffuse tense situations. But it's not just that, there's a vibe that comes along with it. Most people need a lot of trust and support to open up, and it's really hard to trust and support who's around you when there are bad actors. People shut themselves off in various ways when there's more hostility around them. They'll even shut themselves off when there's fake nice behavior around. There's a lot of nuance in modding a community like this and it's not just where we take moderator actions- sometimes people need to step in to diffuse, to negotiate, to help people grow. This only works when everyone is on the same page about our ethos and right now we can't even assess that for people who aren't from our instance, so we're walking a tightrope by trying to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. That isn't sustainable forever and especially not in the face of massive growth on such a short timeframe.

Explicitly safe spaces in real life typically aren't open to having strangers walk in off the street, even if they have a bouncer to throw problematic people out. A single negative interaction might require a lot of energy to undo.

and, to reiterate: we understand that a lot of people legitimately and fairly use these instances, and this is going to be painful while it's in effect. but we hope you can understand why we're doing this. our words, when we talk about building something better here, are not idle platitudes, and we are not out to build a space that grows at any cost. we want a better space, and we think this is necessary to do that right now. if you disagree we understand that, but we hope you can if nothing else come away with the understanding it was an informed decision.

this is also not a permanent judgement (or a moral one on the part of either community's owner, i should add--we just have differing interests here and that's fine). in the future as tools develop, cultures settle, attitudes and interest change, and the wave of newcomers settles down, we'll reassess whether we feel capable of refederating with these communities.

thanks for using our site folks.


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