
joined 1 year ago
[–] 15 points 7 hours ago

Probably a pixelation joke too for nudity that the kids won't get but the adults will.

[–] 22 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

Why would I say no? If it can be turned off I don't care. Mozilla might get some money from the idiotic AI frenzy which will help keep them going.

Of course if its implemented badly to affect privacy and security then no. But forks of Firefox like Fennac and Librewolf will strip this stuff out. I'm no fan of this AI nonsense but I haven't seen anything yet to suggest this is anything more than a gimmick.

Just another example of how broken the premium end of the gaming industry is. Ubisoft is an old fashioned publisher, trying to churn out big hit AAA games based on big IP but producing poor quality buggy games, which don't turn a profit.

We keep hearing how the games industry is "in trouble" but its actually thriving with loads of smaller devs and publishers doing well. The problem is the behemoth publishers like Ubisoft who release games based on financials timelines rather than the games being finished or high quality.

Its not like Ubisoft are short of good IP. What they're lacking is good quality control and an environment to foster high quality creativity. When you treat gaming like its just a production line to generate money this is what you get. Making AAA games is expensive for sure, but its pointless if you don't get the quality and the creativity right too - they're just making expensice games.

We're seeing the same in the movie industry - big studios producing franchise movies on a financially driven schedule with poor quality and lack of creativity.

[–] 10 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

This seems very worthwhile, good on you for forking and resurrecting this.

It might be worth you updating the about page to say what lightly is - I had to google and find the original git to work it out. I'm still not even entirely clear - this seems to be more than a theme? As well as retheme Breeze It also seems to expand on what Breeze does?

Your project can stand on its own merits rather than just referencing defunct projects - that might help future new contributors better understand what the ask is and get then more interested / excited about helping?

[–] 25 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I'm sorry you and your brother have been through so much and been so damaged. I experienced an abusive up bringing and I know it never leaves you, and shapes who you are for the rest pf your life. For me i was lucky and it shaped me to try to be a better person then my parents and not repeat their mistakes; it sounds like you are also treading that path.

My siblings were not so lucky, they are all damaged and have been unable to live "normal" lives. I lost one brother who died through severe mental illness, another sibling is crippled by mental illness and another is struggling but fortunately getting by.

I've learnt the hard way that you can't fix other people, no matter how clearly you see what is going wrong. You can encourage people to deal with their problems, and you can support them when they try but ultimately they have to want to change or get better. Everything else you do, no matter how well intentioned, will not change anything if the person themselves does not see the problem or want to change.

Regarding your brother, you can reach out to him and try but sadly you may have to accept his life is stuck on a trajectory of self destruction and even sadly violence. I don't think anyone is born bad, but are shaoed by their childhood. Your step dad and mum are also likely products of bad events or difficult up-bringings and it sounds like they couldn't change their life paths either. Its a cycle of chaos and tragedy disrupting each generation.

But there is something you do have control over and can change - your own family. You can break the cycle by being a good parent to your children. You are now in the position your mum and dad were, and can be the role model for your kids and ensure they have a happy childhood. That is where you should focus your time and effort.

I'm sorry for your brother, despite his crimes, but your priority should be your wife and children and everything you do has to be focused on what is best for them. Sadly, if that means not including your brother in your lives then so be it. Be there if your brother reaches out for help but otherwise I think your time and energy is best focused on giving your children the upbringing and future denied to you as a child.

You succeeded despite your parents. Ensure your children succeed with your help and support. That will break the cycle in your family and that love, kindness and compassion will be felt by your grand children and great grand children. That is what you can realistically control and that could help many more than one person in your family long term. That choice could have positive echoes throughout your children and their children's lives.

[–] 26 points 3 days ago (3 children)

OpenSuSE - YaST is as good as is made out to be. I like how many fundamental parts of linux are managed via one tool. Other distros I'd used before were heterogenous mix of tools that felt cobbled together and inconsistent, while YaST feels well designed, integrated and consistent.

[–] 6 points 4 days ago (3 children)

England doesn't really have a national flower. The Tudor Rose is a heraldic creation to symbolise the fusion of the House of York and House of Lancaster after the wars of the roses, and the formation of the House of Tudor.

The two houses used white and red roses as symbols, and the Tudor rose was created as a mixed red and white rose which does not exist.

A real rose for England is otherwise a loose thing, not an official symbol.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

A - space travel would be harder. The difficulty with travelling into the solar system is gravity, not the vacuum. You would still need to launch something with enough energy to escape the earths gravity. Aeroplanes are not escaping earth's gravity - they're constantly using fuel to stay a certain distance from the earth's surface but they do not have enough energy/power to reach escape velocity.

So if you filled the solar system with gas you wouldn't fix the gravity problem. What you would do is add more friction which would cause drag on space ships, and slow travel between destinations as well as require even more fuel than present. Once a ship is in space currently, "aerodynamics" is not an issue; it's all about gravity and velocity. Throw in air, and you have new problems in drag, shape and as a result likely fuel consumption to stay on course or reach as far as you want to.

[–] 15 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (5 children)

Its not about memory size its about the asymmetric sticks. It was a classic problem with OS memory management in the past. Modern OS are better at dealing with it but it is not the optimal set up.

You're running windows game which use proton/wine that manage memory for the game and use linux for access to RAM. The asymmetry could conceivably cause issues you wouldn't notice with native apps.

I'd try removing the 16gb stick (or the two 8gb sticks and keeo the 16gb stick; all that matters is whatever ram isnleft is the uniform) and see what happens with the games you've been trying. It might not he the issue but the only way to know is to test it, rather than dismiss it because its not what you expected.

[–] 20 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

The common denominator in your issues would be your PC. If games are working according to protonDB and you're unable to get them to work on multiple distros that suggests its your PC.

There are two candidates in your specs - your RAM and your Graphics card.

As others have said, asymmetric RAM is unusual and it certainly was warned against in the past as it caused system issues. While OSs may be much better at managing RAM now, that doesn't mean all scenarios can tolerate it. Given what Proton is doing is complex (running Wine, which is essentially a windows layer) I would not be surprised if the memory configuration is just a step too far - you have windows software using a windows compatibility layer for memory asking a linuxn system for memory access.

An obvious way to test this is to remove the 16gb stick from your machine and see what happens.

The other side is your graphics card - are you using the latest nvidia drivers?

[–] 13 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (4 children)

The other problem with the "good guy with a gun" is how many people does an attacker need to kill before you are the good guy killing the bad guy? One? And what if you didn't witness it? The "good guy" with the gun attacking another guy with a gun without knowing what's going on, are they still the "good guy" in that scenario? It's a mess.

The whole thing stems from fallacious logic. Arming everyone doesn't stop bad guys murdering people, at best it might curtail the length of some attacks and at worst it causes innocents to die as so-called "good guys" try to save the day and make it worse.

Prevention is the way forward, as then 0 people die. And the best way to do that is no one has guns (not even most police; just a small subset of specialist police). That is an anathema or sacrilegious to Americans, but it's the approach taken in many democratic and free countries in the world.

If the chart is trying to make a point, it's making the wrong one anyway.

[–] 36 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (9 children)

I think Discovery had the worst. It isn't the technobabbke it self that was the problem, it was how it was delivered.

Everyone seemed to be needed to be the most intelligent person in the room. So one person would start with some sudden realisation and solution, and then another would interrupt them and pick up the idea and then either back to the first person, or yet another person would interrupt. Between then all they'd build a tower of technobabble and deus ex machina, and self congratulatory nonsense. It was just so silly.

Person 1 "wait if we reveresed the polarity of the neutron projector..."

Person 2 "yes! It'd cause a build of tachyons and we'd be able to resonate the electron confabulaotr! Oh but there wouldn't be enough plasma."

Person 3: "no wait, that might work! We'd have to recomboulate the manifolds and..."

Person 1: "...that would allow us to recrystallise the warp matrix! Of course!'

Whose a genius? Everyone in the room is a genius! Let's all give ourselves a round of applause.

That and all the space kung fu.

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