
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I don't get paid sick time I can use my PTO. Would I rather be sick and miserable at work(in which my day already sucks)and be paid and using my rest and relaxation time for something I want or do I use one of my 10 PTO days and cancel my vacation I may have already booked since I only have 10 days off a year 2-3 days I have to use for federal holidays since I don't get paid off since I am contracted with the bank but my company doesn't pay me for the holiday.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago

Why would I want a militarized nation who benefits from stoking war across the world to succeed. From shipping arms to our south destabilizing all those countries so we have essentially 2nd class citizens to do our labor. To literally imprisoning people and using them as slaves and Supporting genocide. Why would I want this country to succeed.

This country was set up for oligarchs, technocrats, and monopolistic from the beginning. This country was setup to strip it of its natural resources to make people rich. Why would I want that to succeed.

I want the country to fail so its citizens won't be complacent and comfortable. So they demand country wide change all the way to its roots. Progressiveness is nice but I am afraid they only just give us barely enough to keep us complacent

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

As a US citizen I hope my country fails too

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Locked down or behind a glass cage I bet

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Locked down or behind a glass cage I bet

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago

This youtube series is a great way to show how someone gets inundated and can turn

But here is somethings I noticed from my journey out of the right wing from my high school days.

First we were religious and we choose good decisions and other people's choices were unwise and their fault but even though we lived in the same projects, our choices and how we lived their was unfortunate and their's was their fault. It wasn't explicit racism it was culture of racism. We were scared because we didn't understand and thought we were superior since we were trying. Then we got better off and were in church more we got inundated with right wing propaganda on the economy and Frieman econmics blaming the government and socialism. We wanted to protect our jobs and our jobs blamed the government why they had to end manufacturing jobs in America. I graduated high school in 2010. I saw hatred towards Obama and noticed my side was with the KKK and I questioned it. That is how I got out. But if I kept to my beliefs I would have hated black people and others more. Thinking I was superior as a WASP (White Anglo Saxon protestant) since I made good decisions. My parents told me I could work through college and buy a house and everything and not to take out debt. So I tried that. It was impossible.

I blamed myself for not being good enough but I also didn't do it right because I was testing it out and not using and abusing my connections. Which is how you get ahead. When I figured out I wasn't enough and started to work with the people I know I was able to do more. But I could have blamed DEI stuff why I couldn't get into college or get better jobs. But it was I just wasn't good enough and the market is barren in Delaware.

My few relationships break ups I could have blamed it all on women and got a negative attitude with that too. Also since I was raised in the church a bit I could have said they should be a trad wife. But bleh

Back to being a Wasp. I could have blamed my failures and society failures on racist things or the color of my skin but I was lucky to realize it was the rich who fucked us all and the governments fault for letting it happen.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Easy arguement life saving supplies like organ donation or an expert surgeon. Harder argument world leaders like president. I don't agree with that one presidents shouldn't be above us.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Correct me if I am wrong but isn't this sort of the deficit.

Revenue-expenditures is deficit in the simplest terms I understand

In the guide below they don't use gdp for national deficit but every thing I see for fiscal deficit has gdp. So I guess one is measure of nations economy versus the government budget. A nation's economy it makes since to use gdp because that is all the money moved by productions so to show the economy of a nation's is able to produce more than it indebts itself is important

[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago

Agree with the message but I doubt the chiefs nor Kelce cares.

[–] 10 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)


Hear me out. If a $50k wages is $50k 10 years from now and all things stay the same why is that a problem? People at that wage can pay for a certain lifestyle at that wage forever.

Hear me out if all companies have a profit? Why have more profit next year? You can still grow you have profit.

Even loans still work as loans have profit built into them so what is the problem with stagnation

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago

Rich people have private security and doctors. If a rich kid is having a seizure an ambulance will show up not the police and if they did private security would escort the police if they have emt experience

[–] -1 points 3 weeks ago

That 13% is $10k in the bottom 10% median individual income they were earning $8,801 in 2022. Which is $1,199

90% median individual income is $135,605 in 2023. In 2022 it was 132,676. Which is 2% ...but they got $2,929 Same source

98% and 99% saw the largest nominal amount increase. 98% got 13,901 more money between 2022 and 2023 99% got $5,878 more money between 2022 and 2023 Same source.

Obviously $1k for someone making $10k is significant than someone getting $2k making $130k

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