Be the change you want to see in the world und so…
Und dass die Medien das oft nicht tun spricht leider noch weniger dafür…
Ja, die Eltern hätten sich hier um Hilfe bemühen müssen, wenn es anders nicht geht. Psychologen oder am Ende mindestens ins Krankenhaus. 19kg für eine 16 Jährige, unglaublich.
But think of the profits!
Respekt ans BMWK da auch einfach mal den Mund aufzumachen. Sollten sich viele unserer Journalisten mal eine Scheibe von abschneiden
You know, you can always sell your car and get something that fits your needs better? Don’t buy something more expensive or big just because you might need it in five or ten years .
News flash: almost all people in the US are immigrants. And the ones who are not are not treated very well…
Creme Cheese. Next Question.
That is simply incorrect. In lightning the wearing part also was on the cable. Simply by it being a softer metal.
Don’t worry about it too much. As long as you don’t physically damage the pins, there is no problem. They are protected against electrical shorts.
Impressive… that’s what I call dedication.