
joined 5 months ago
[–] 7 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I see a lot of honey in 'plant based' foods.

This is what plant based capitalism gets us - selling products to a wider audience vs the struggle for animal liberation.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I had to bring it to the table which was just enough of a delay that I survived...barely.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It's potato salad!

Omg, that whole plate looks amazing. I need to find some fresh corn 🌽

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I love these 😍 They look so delicious and refreshing.

I don't think the meme is making a judgement on whether hunting with traditional weapons is okay or not, it's asking people to stop using other people as excuses for why they are not vegan.

This is making me hungry...

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Brussel sprouts rule

You're giving me ideas 📝

No worries friend! Thank you for participating in the community and reflecting.

This is an excellent comment! I wanted to add that commercially produced carnist cat food has supplemental taurine added to it already, so switching to a plant based food isn't introducing a new and 'exotic' ingredient.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Another banger 😍


Soak, apply tomato product, pressure cook and BAM - delicious and creamy beans.


I went on a work trip for 5 days. I'm mostly gluten free (not celiac, just intolerant).

My hotel didn't have a microwave (I couldn't find one that did) but it did have a fridge. I brought premade food (pictured) in a cooler as well as snacks.

I was able to microwave food at the rest stops which meant I could eat delicious home cooked food instead of paying $7 for a bag of chips.


A few lunches/dinners were catered and I gave my dietary restrictions. They were fine but they were things like one (1) baby eggplant with some veggies on top, so I was obviously hungry lol. Having a tub of hummus and crackers in the room made sure I was fed and didn't need to go looking for food at restaurants.

I also brought oats which are my normal breakfast and kept my tummy happy. This is beginner level travel food but foundational for a reason!


Things that went well

  • bringing food to microwave on the drive, although the final test stop didn't have a microwave.
  • bringing a bowl for the oats and soap to clean the bowl out with after using.
  • room and purse snacks that didn't need a microwave.
  • the cooler stayed cool on the 8 hour drive.

Things to improve

  • I lied to myself and said I would go pick up some fresh fruit and veg. I should have just brought some with me. It was chaotic leading up to my departure and grocery stores were a 30 min drive away from where I was staying.
  • I should have made my own granola bars/snacks versus buying them. They are expensive!

I am doing a longer (9 day, personal) trip in just over a week and I am bringing my rice cooker lol! I will more than likely have access to a kitchenette and will definitely go to the grocery store, as I am crossing a border and don't want to deal with bringing fresh fruit/veg over that. I'll make a post about that when I get back 🤠


As I understand these lists may be outdated, but they are an excellent resource that can be referred to in order to better understand the reach of animal agriculture companies into "vegan" foods.

If course, the best way to avoid all this is to come join the Vegan Home Cooks ;)

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