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[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Minoxidil is produced in 5% concentration creams and foams, and that study is comparing rosemary oil to a 2% preparation. It's impressive that rosemary oil is comparable at all, but obviously if you're not taking a therapeutic dose of Monoxidil, it's not going to work properly.

[–] 25 points 3 weeks ago

I use topical Minoxidil. It's clearly made some difference, replacing a bald patch with a thin patch, and making my scalp noticeably warmer to the touch due to the extra bloodflow. It wasn't the brilliant instantaneous wonderdrug some people told me it would be, nor totally ineffectual like others said, so I guess it's something whose efficacy varies from person to person.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

But it does mean you can spend forty hours a week or thereabouts putting effort into a particular goal and maintaining the knowledge, skills and experience to keep doing it to a high standard without having to sink time and effort into something else in order to get paid enough to live on.

[–] 7 points 4 weeks ago

Those forks aren't maintaining Firefox itself, just their own modifications. If a bug is found in Firefox, the LibreWolf team don't have to fix it themselves, they can wait for Mozilla to do it, and incorporate the fix once it materialises. There are forks that diverge further, but they either get quickly abandoned after their creator realises how much of a headache maintenance will be, or they're left with gaping security holes.

[–] 6 points 4 weeks ago

When the internet was becoming a world-changing technology, there weren't thirty years of websites to keep working and malware to protect from, web standards were far simpler, and a much higher proportion of users were enthusiasts who were excited by anything they could get and didn't mind if things were rough around the edges. Similarly, two brothers could make the world's first aircraft that flew under its own power, and yet with the combined might of everyone working for Boeing, people are worried about airliner doors falling off and an eight-day space trip has become an eight-month one. Mature technologies need a lot more effort to build and maintain than emerging ones.

[–] 1 points 4 weeks ago

UX isn't universal. What intuitively clicks for one person might be unusable for someone else. Good UX is adequate for as many people as possible, but it can't be perfect for everyone at once when some people work best with large labelled buttons with big, clear icons that have to go into submenus to fit on the screen, and other people prefer lots of small buttons whose purpose and location they've memorised which all fit on screen at once to save them needing to click into submenus.

[–] 16 points 4 weeks ago (9 children)

Maintaining a web browser in the 2020s is an expensive thing to do. You need full time employees who specialise in all the systems that make up a browser, and can't leave security-critical parts like ensuring the integrity of the JavaScript sandbox to volunteer hobbyists. It's far from the only thing Mozilla spend money on, so if they need to mage cost savings, it won't necessarily stop them being able to maintain Firefox, but another organisation picking it up if they do stop isn't likely.

[–] 14 points 4 weeks ago (4 children)

If you're doing things properly, you'll know your Microsoft account password or have it in a password manager (and maybe have other account recovery options available like getting a password reset email etc.), and have a separate password for the PC you're locked out of, which would be the thing you'd forgotten. If someone isn't computer-literate, it's totally plausible that they'd forget both passwords, have no password manager, and not have set up a recovery email address, and they'd lose all their data if they couldn't get into their machine.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Yep, I've since looked it up, and it's apparently the most malleable metal, with Silver coming second. To be fair, Lead is pretty malleable, too, and you can leave bite marks in it if you put it in your mouth.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (2 children)

A lot of the comments are making the assumption that the buttons are telling the truth about being different sizes, but I've flushed plenty of toilets where both buttons do a full flush. If you can't tell the difference after experimenting, it might just be broken or cheap tat.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

You can bite into lead. ~~You can't bite into gold, silver and bronze. That's why it used to be a test for fake coins. If the chips are bite marks, the metal's really low grade.~~ Biting into Gold and Silver is even easier.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Innocent until proven guilty is a mantra used when determining if the state can deploy violence and curtail your liberties, e.g. by physically confining you in a prison. It's not a universally applicable rule, and isn't what's used in civil court, where judgements are made on balance of probabilities (i.e. if they think the evidence suggests it's more likely that you've done something than that you haven't) and isn't what's used in contexts other than the legal system, like when a duty of care exists - generally it wouldn't be enough to say someone was safe to work with children if they were only probably not a paedophile.

It's my understanding that there isn't enough knowledge available to the public to exhonorate Snoop Dogg, and without that, he's left looking sketchier than he was before. One dropped allegation could be nothing, or the start of a pattern, and that's different to there being no allegations at all.

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