
joined 1 year ago
[–] 22 points 5 hours ago (8 children)

School loan forgiveness? Universal healthcare?

[–] 10 points 9 hours ago (3 children)

That's not fiscal responsibility. Cutting the federal income without cutting federal expenses is irresponsible bullshit that wins them popularity contests with the greedy, but it leaves huge messes to be cleaned up later. That's why we're $35 trillion dollars in debt. Fiscal responsibility is balancing the freaking budget. This is very basic stuff, and yet it's completely lost on millions of people.

[–] 27 points 9 hours ago (5 children)

And then discounting their opinion.

[–] 22 points 10 hours ago (5 children)

The Republican party isn't fiscally conservative, so that's a stupid-ass position to vote on.

[–] 1 points 12 hours ago

I'll check that out. Thank you.

[–] 5 points 12 hours ago

Thanks for the great answer!

[–] 6 points 12 hours ago

Wow, that's actually really cool! Not the dying part, but the adapting part. Thanks for sharing!

[–] 8 points 13 hours ago

What does "don't let them get away with this" mean? Are you suggesting violence against people for allegedly calling for violence?

[–] 2 points 13 hours ago

Lol, that was literally my first thought when I heard the news. I've mentioned it a few times around here too.

[–] 5 points 13 hours ago

AKA: IDK how to be a proper website developer.


Newpipe hasn't worked on my Android for several days now. Has YouTube blocked the app, or did an update break it?


I've been using Arch on an old laptop for a few years now, but I use Pop on my gaming desktop. I've wanted to switch to Arch for a long while now, but haven't had the motivation (if it ain't broke, and all that). I'm finally ready to do it, but I'm a little concerned about my gaming experience. Are there any gotchas for gaming with an i7 and a 3070 ti that I should be aware of before I make the switch? Is it pretty seamless? Can I still use a freesync monitor with the g-sync compatibility setting? Is it easy to install the Nvidia drivers and well documented on the wiki? I'm open to information about any other sticky scenarios you guys encountered getting Arch set up for use as a daily driver and gaming computer.

Edit: is there any way to backup my internal drive mappings and mounting points, or will I need to set all of that up again?

I've only ever used Gnome for Arch, but one of the things that has me motivated to switch is that KDE 6 supports HDR. Does anyone have experience with it? Is it a pretty slick and simple DE?


Apparently if the majority of your camp supplies are alcohol, the game now gives you a hangover debuff after a long rest. Thankfully it doesn't last very long, but that's a fun little update.


I'm currently on my 3rd playthrough, and I'm playing as a dark urge character who gives into his urges. For spoiler prevention I'll describe what I just finished as vaguely as possible. I just completed the durge objective that gives you a powerful reward in act 2.

This is depressing. All of the good that I accomplished in my first two playthroughs is absent. My camp is nearly empty. Lae zel's lifeless body has been laying in my camp for 2 full acts. Karlach, Wyll, Zevlor, Damon, Jaheira, and many others are dead, either by my hand or because of my actions.

I didn't fully appreciate just how lonely and depressing, self-serving life would be. I have more gold and loot than either of my other playthroughs, and I'm more powerful, but to what end? My own lonely existence? I don't think that I will continue past this point. I've accomplished what I set out to do, which was experience the game as an evil character. I don't think I need another 50 hours of this to pound the point home.

Hats off to Larian for making such an emotional and realistic game, full of vibrant and exciting characters. I don't enjoy the world where I have betrayed them all.


In my first playthrough he was able to talk to Raphael outside of the Gauntlet of Shar. This time Raphael just left without ever giving Astarion a chance to ask any questions. So, I reloaded a save, did the whole House of Healing fight again, made sure to have Astarion selected when we approached the Gauntlet, and it auto switched to my character when the conversation started and he left again. Have they changed this sequence? Is it bugged? Do only certain dialogue choices give you a chance to barter?


I've added some instances to the instance filters, yet I continue seeing those instances. Is there something else that I need to do to block entire instances?


I hadn't tried it in 2 different playthroughs because it's rated really low online. But since I've used the other builds already, I figured I'd give it a go for Astarion in this new playthrough. He has an item that makes him invisible for two turns whenever he kills someone, which basically makes him a one man killing machine. For 3 different battles now I've split him off from the group and sent him out ahead to sneak attack the enemy group. Welp, reinforcements were never needed. He sneak attacks from range, turns invisible, moves away so he can't be detected, and attacks again. Each attack one-shots his victim, and he can make quick work of entire groups of enemies.

I can see that this build wouldn't be great for unexpected battles, or outright confrontation, but when you know that you want to fight, dang man! It's amazing.

If you happen to find that item that gives invisibility on kill, then I highly suggest getting a good bow, and giving assassin a try. It seems like it would be a good option for a playthrough without companions, as long as you are able to get back into stealth after attacking.

Can you find all 7? (
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

I didn't do anything to trigger it. I just hit an enemy with the t5 hammer. The weapon was not cursed. This is most certainly a game breaking bug.

Edit: this is Experienced Pixel Dungeon


Would a Federation warship like the Defiant out gun a Star Wars Star Destroyer? Who has a bigger armada? Who has the tactical advantage? Don't forget that The Federation includes the Klingons, who love warfare and have fast, agile, heavily armed ships, with cloaking devices, and the Vulcans with superior logic and tactical planning.

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