Pixel Dungeon

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This community is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions.


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founded 11 months ago

Hey Rat Punchers, and welcome to the first c/PixelDungeon community newspost and spotlight! These posts summarize community events over the last few months, and provide a good starting point for new readers.

If you're new here, welcome! c/PixelDungeon is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions. To sign up, just make an account on Lemmy.world: https://lemmy.world/signup. You can also use an account from any other Lemmy instance that lemmy.world federates with.

Recent News

Although this is c/Pixeldungeon's first newspost, it's the 11th one in total. The prior 10 posts were on our previous community on Reddit. That really does set the tone doesn't it? c/Pixeldungeon has come into existance as a new place for the pixel dungeon subreddit community, hosted by a platform that will hopefully be less abusive to its users.

After some initial turbulence relating to uptime and new registrations on lemmy.world, c/pixeldungeon now seems to have settled into a steady cadence of about 2-3 new posts a day. While I'd certainly like for us to one day get as big as r/pixeldungeon was, I think this is a great start. We've off the ground, and hopefully can continue maintaining and growing from here.

One thing I've been very happy to see is a strong presence from Pixel Dungeon developers! While I've been trying to make weekly posts of my own, there have also been dev announcements from both new and long-standing developers. Even if you ignore my posts, we're already doing quite well on that front I think. As for general activity, this newspost is a start, but I'll be seeing about making some megathreads soon to encourage more participation. In the meantime though, here are some of the best posts made in the last few months:

Top Posts

Here are our picks for top posts made in the last few months! There is a max of one post per person per category, and posts from moderators aren't eligible.

Top Recent [DEVeloper] Posts:

  1. More Info Shattered Pixel Dungeon by @inverse_snake
  2. My mod of shattered pixel dungeon by @elektrochecker
  3. Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.15.3 has been released! by @Trashbox_Bobylev
  4. New Map Editor Mod of Shattered Pixel Dungeon by @AlphaDraxonis

Top Recent [Original Content] Posts:

  1. Traditional Art: Pixel Dungeon Meshi by @onlineworms
  2. Traditional Art: I drew something for Inktober by @cats_hurricane

Top Recent Regular Posts:

  1. Let's discuss: Ring of Arcana by @GWLexx
  2. So..... I tried I ring of wealth run for the first time by @disce_pati
  3. I just started learning how to mod ShatteredPD to make my own PD game and found something I never knew about in the files! by @DonnieBirb
  4. New highest level throwing stone with updated blacksmith rewards by @depresbian
  5. Happy Halloween indeed! Make the Imp wear Christmas hat later, please! by @riomist

Didn't really play her like a monk, but I only need the freerunner and sniper now to get to the top and I've done them all


I'm also using the new Grid UI to overhaul Shattered Pixel Dungeon's journal notes page! The automatic adventuring notes, which record keys and landmarks, are now presented in a much more compact form! I've also added a few new landmarks, such as special floor types.

You might notice that there are a couple of other new things in this UI as well, more on that next week...

(Image description: An image showing the new 'adventuring notes' UI in the journal on the left. Notes are organized by dungeon floor with icons the player can tap for more info. On the right two example note descriptions are shown)


Got chased by burning champion flies into a gas trap. Got the plates from the sad ghost.

Seed is BQY-NNY-BCZ.


Picked up a +2 greataxe on floor 2 and a ring of might. By floor 9 I picked up +1 plate armour, wand of fire and corrosiom. Chains allowed me to destroy Tengu with barely any damage. Think it will soon be time to try Doom Slayer...


With a +10 ring of Arcana, stepping on grass grants you 32.5 turns of invisibility.

Attacking with the blooming scythe spawns a ton of grass as well.

And as the assassin, spending 9 turns while invisible provides a guaranteed one shot kill.

Deadly combo.


Why is Pixel Dungeon so underground? To me, it seems basically like a turn-based souls game. I am playing this game for 2 years now (The OG Pixel Dungeon) and i still find new content, like its infinite.


Apart from 3 slots (1 artifact, 1 ?, 1 ring) I feel there's a strong need for another column which will also provide much needed expansion for backpack to store few more items too.

But my focus is on the additional slot. Is it fair to have one? I know people will quickly find it problematic on game balance were we allowed to have more but can't there be something interesting that doesn't offset the challenge?

My suggestion is to have 1 more SLOT exclusively for artifact!

BUT it becomes permanent and can't be unequipped to ensure player chooses carefully with consequences in mind. Also this slot becomes available after defeating 2nd boss.

This will solve a major issue I have playing as Rogue or finding a good artifact drop later in the game and prefer not to swap existing artifact after upgrading them to maximum

I am also open for any other use case for 1 more SLOT apart from artifact

Would like community views on this question


Continuing the trend of interface improvements coming to Shattered Pixel Dungeon in the next update, I'm adding a new window when you try to upgrade items!

Currently the only way to know how the stats of an item change with upgrading is to actually spend an upgrade scroll, but with this new interface you'll get a helpful little summary first! The window includes almost every stat in the game that scales with item level.

My first ten wins! (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Lilly1509@lemmy.world to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

Finally got my first ten wins today and I'm beyond proud of it! As an achievement hunter, the badges system really motivates me to keep pushing further.

Some details in case anyone's curious:

  • Rankings 6 to 10 are 0-challenge runs and I got these first before enabling challenges. (Assassin * 2, Gladiator, Battlemage, and Champion. I didn't understand how to play the Huntress yet.)
  • Ranking 5 is a Badder Bosses + Doom Slayer run with the Sniper. I was confident with the build enough so I left all the Spawners intact and indeed totally dominated the boss fight.
  • Rankings 1 to 5 are 3-challenge runs (Badder Bosses + On Diet + Swarm Intelligence) with the other subclasses (Berserker, Warlock, Monk, and Warden. I still haven't understood Freerunner yet.)

Some particularly fun moments so far:

  • During my 3-chal (including On Diet) Monk run, I got a Horn +0 in the Prison, so I started keeping only one safety ration in my inventory and feeding all the rest to upgrade the horn. Turned out Monk's Combined Energy + Focus talents totally broke the On Diet challenge and by the time I was in the Demon Halls, I had 6 rations, 3 pride potions, 6 mystery meats + 1 phantom piranha meat and the Horn +10 was still frequently near full. This is also the only run so far where I managed to bring four blessed Ankhs to the surface!
  • The Warden run was blessed by RNG! I got the Rotberry seed quest, got a Wand of Corrosion +2 in the Caves so I immediately started dumping into it the SoUs I had hoarded, and later only used a single Enchantment Stone to get the Elastic glyph on my Bow. Basically I could hunker down in the bushes at will w/ the seed, cast a highly upgraded corrosive gas and keep knocking enemies into the gas and paralyzing them :D

How do you use the crossbow? Every attempt I've made to use it results in it being used as a melee weapon.


Ring of Wealth went super strong for this rogue run. Went assassin when I found a ring of sharpshooting and dumped the SoU on it and crossbow. Now I've got a stone gauntlet and ring of furor +2 and a ring of haste that needs a scroll of remove curse. Should I stick with my build or make the plunge for a faster, melee focused one?

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Lilly1509@lemmy.world to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

Image descriptionScreenshot of Shattered PD's global Steam achievement list, showing the unlock percentages of two adjacent achievements:

  • Master Gourmet (Eat food 40 times in one game), 15.1%
  • Starved (Die from hunger), 14.7%

Also, Hello (Lemmy) World! :D

I stopped using Reddit since it f*cked over all the third-party clients but always assumed the hobbyist communities didn't form yet on Lemmy (my mistake). Imagine my delight when I found out about c/pixeldungeon on shatteredpixel.com!


This mod has been conceptualized back in October as dedicated thing for 10th anniversary of Pixel Dungeon becoming free and open source software, but only now I dedicated the time to start making it. The core idea is that I am not the one, who design the features and new items, it's people from community of this game!

Currently this mod has 20 unique features from ideas of 21 people on PD's discord, all listed here: https://gist.github.com/TrashboxBobylev/98aa9c667af73c56bbae91413fe22a24


The number of times a run gets ruined or I just die outright because I accidentally tap the wrong place or just accidentally tap the screen at all is making me want to stop playing entirely.

Nearly every time it's entirely out of my control and something causes it to happen.

That gap between the search and quick slots? You can click there and your character will move. Many times I will be trying to search and my character will go kill themselves instead.

I desperately need to be able to select a tile and confirm the action to move or attack.

Edit: Another small thing this would resolve is when I intend on examining something and I thought I hit the examine button but apparently missed, then I end up doing something I did not intend on doing. This literally just happened to me where I was trying to examine the two crystal chests in a room to determine what kind of items are inside, and instead of examining one of them I just opened the chest.


Many games have a feature where you can clear the saved data and begin fom scratch. Reinstalling the game does not do this if you have Google play games on your phone, so could there be a way to do this in the app?


Yea i just wanted to hare it because it took me years to actually do this!!! And with the wand of warding too, one of my favourites (the hero's robe ability was the warp)

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by bjoern_tantau@swg-empire.de to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

In my Warden playthrough I got a Grim Bow a Grim Runic Sword and pretty early on a Ring of Arcana +0. The Imp gave me a Ring of Furor +2.

What do you think I should upgrade and wear? Arcana for a higher chance of Grim activation or Furor for a higher chance through more shots, especially since it's already +2.

I'd rather not wear them both because I like my Chains and Chalice too much.

Edit: I ended up with Furor +6 because I just like the fantasy of her firing off arrows like a machine gun. Should've enhanced it for speed, but that often means for the bow that it regularly does 0 damage in later levels. But I guess Grim would have offset that.


Huntress run. I got an eye of the newt and thought it would add well with heightened senses.

It doesn't. Fair.

Bit why can't you just energize the trinket and destroy it to at least get some energy back?


After 4 days on one of my best runs ever, I came so close to a perfect score on a 9 Challenge. Almost want to cry ๐Ÿ˜ข


As mentioned last week, Shattered Pixel Dungeon's catalog is being expanded, but it's getting more than just new items. The catalog now also includes all of the game's enemies (plus plants and traps), and lore documents!

In total this means the new catalog has gone from 101 things to just shy of 500! It'll also keep track of stats such as how many times you've defeated an enemy, and comes with 9 new badges.


First time beating Tengu on a Mage and I don't know what the best path forward is here. Only SoU I used is on the staff.


Is it possible to rearrange the items in the quickslot on Android? I am using the quickslot with swapper button, and it would be nice to rearrange so that I could have all my throwing weapons on one page. I also can't seem to remove stuff I have accidentally put there either. I haven't managed to find out how to do it, if it is even possible

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