
joined 11 months ago
[–] 20 points 3 days ago

Don’t forget that every recent Intel CPU contains an extra 486-based system on a chip running a stripped-down version of Minix (a predecessor of Linux), to implement the remote management engine.

[–] 13 points 3 days ago (1 children)

He’s Woody Allen with the pseudointellectual posturing replaced with grossout gags

[–] 8 points 3 days ago (1 children)

It’s because the UK’s privatised electricity companies have made running electric trains prohibitively expensive, to the point where passenger railways run diesel trains on electric routes because it’s cheaper. Another thing we have Margaret Thatcher to thank for.

[–] 43 points 3 days ago

Some have called it the Habsburg Singularity.

[–] 7 points 4 days ago (2 children)

See also Jackson’s underrated masterpiece Return Of The Roller Blade Seven, which is essentially trash Kurosawa on a cocaine bender

There are no hidden layers to Elon Musk’s thinking. He likes the gratification of impulsively pushing a button and seeing the numbers go up. He likes games that are straightforward and easy to beat. He’d rather reset every 45 minutes than execute meticulous plans that extend far into an uncertain future. He does not think ten moves ahead. He just responds with maximal aggression to the latest change of conditions. (The stock is down again. Announce robotaxis!) When this works, he gets the satisfaction of dominance. When it doesn’t, he can always just reset and try again. Elon Musk’s suit of armor is that he is extremely rich.

So it’s the gamer equivalent of one of those big-game hunting safaris where the game has been corralled and pre-tranquilised for the client’s convenience?

[–] 33 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Such a compilation is unlikely to be published. There’s a phenomenon known as the Werther effect, in that as soon as suicide is mentioned in the news or popular culture, the suicide rate goes up (presumably as the awareness of it tips those who have been on the verge). As such, news publications have guidelines to avoid mentioning suicide as a motivation (often, the only tell will be a footnote at the bottom of a story giving the phone number of a suicide hotline). If such a compilation came out, it could be expected to trigger a wave of suicides, if not a small but noticeable permanent increase in the frequency of suicide, so I imagine few publishers ok r booksellers would touch it.

They also declared Biden unfit to run. Which translates as imploring the high-minded liberal centrists they envisage their audience to be to stay home and sit this one out. Meanwhile, the MAGAts will be voting.

[–] 5 points 4 days ago (1 children)


[–] 47 points 4 days ago (5 children)

We may soon see this in Russia, where they’re talking about banning the idea of not having children as “extremism”

[–] 44 points 4 days ago

That’s why they’re so keen about getting Trump back in

[–] 6 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Deng Xiaoping, when laying out the market reforms of the 80s, was quoted as saying “it doesn’t matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches the mice”

It turns out now that we are the mice.

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