
joined 10 months ago

Michael Jackson is a good example of how being rich and successful can lead to behavior that just feeds into mental sickness. He probably thought being rich and successful justified his aberrant behavior and that he shouldn't put himself on the level of those below him, until he eventually ended choosing drug abuse over therapy. His whole obsession with children can be traced back to his insecurities that he had been deprived of a childhood, probably in no small part due to growing up as as part of the Jackson musical group family. He must have thought he could relive with his childhood through someone else's by using his wealth and power to create Neverland Ranch.

[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

If anything is bad about it, it's that it's the most Bethedaist game to date. They are going full steam ahead with the Creation Store, and after trying to charge slightly less than 10€ for the second quest to the Tracking Alliance, they are now charging more than 10€ for a standalone quest .

I love the genre, but I've just had to stop playing it today because of the extreme whaling monetization. I refuse to be part of a franchise where the whales are going to set its course. They've tried to do this with Fallout 4 and Skyrim, but never this early on, and paying so much for a single quest sets a terrible precedent that's far worse than simple cosmetic horse armor. I can ignore everything else in the Creation Store, but not getting left out of the story and lore of the game because I'm not a whale

They've reduced the price by half, but it still seems too high for me, even if it is 5€ - for six of these you could get a full game.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

That only points out that Iraq was chosen as a target of opportunity chosen by a war criminal. Funny how the logic of "well it was provoked" just seems to create a feedback loop of hate that principally benefits the most powerful war criminals of both sides of the conflict (see Israel-Iran).

Could be, people want the choice of a platform instead of cheap devices with overpriced games that cost more in the long-term.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I better be able to set the airplane in autopilot and then go out and watch an inflight movie. Unfortunately, walking around inside the plane doesn't seem possible.

Then again, if I couldn't walk around the plane while it's flying upside down or while part of its hull has been ripped off the plane, I would be disappointed. Preferably with NPC coworkers and attendants screaming at you.

Too many capitalist milkshakes, and Turkey has the added incentive of wanting to keep its culture closed off from the rest of the "West".

Just poor enough not to be affected, had to stick to the 12th generation.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

CPUs? No. GPUs running on ARM architecture? Yes.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (4 children)

It's in a state similar to Linux gaming, it depends on the game. It's potential is making Intel and AMD sweat, though. AMD is already designing ARM CPUs, but so is NVIDIA. It could be very good ... or very bad if they attempt to embrace, extend, and exploit with their own chips.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

Thank fucking god the rest of the world isn't as deluded as the people in this thread:

It's funny how much your interests align with those of pedos, just because you can't click on another f-ing link for content and stream hosts that already exist for porn.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (3 children)

You might as well tell people they are not good parents if they allow their children the moral ambiguity of playing cowboys and indians and watching pirate of the Caribbeans with that sort of level of logic. Sometimes the biggest caricatures are those accusing other people of being it. Sorry for offending your sensibilities for thinking there should be enough distinction as to keep children away from prostitution. Is clicking on a different url for the same thing really that hard for you?

[–] 0 points 10 months ago (2 children)

In the US there was a period of time where it was illegal to export encryption above a certain level, so in a way it has already happened. Dumb has never stopped governments before.

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