Die Aktion hat ein bisschen Vibrationen wie von getackertem Brot.
Loide mut dat sein?
rage rage rage
That's a bit incomplete.
Those who stay back would find cities, economy, infrastructure and culture crumbling and uprooted. Ghost town culture doesn't exactly inspire hope and confidence.
On the other hand, there would be somewhat of a plague syndrome benefitting those.
Half a million movers per month would both wreck California and rural states real quick.
Tickle tickle
that his support can largely be explained by his compelling, if not mesmerizing hold on crowds.
Don't forget that there was massive propaganda to create this narrative, especially after the power grab for the NSDAP and Nazi movement.
I think he was likely good at instilling anger in his temporary audience. There's a lot of emotion transported.
Also important to note: The 1933 power grab and the totalitarian regime in the next 12 years wasn't Hitler's work alone. The German electorate, Hindenburg and those who followed knew what they were doing.
Popular jungle producer Roni Size mentioned in an interview that he used to live in a council flat with prepaid electricity and he could only work 15-20 minutes on a track before the flat ran out of electricity and he was forced to top up the meter.
Absolut wild KO-Tropfen nicht als Waffe verstehen zu wollen (von denen)
Bezeichnet werden Waffen unter anderem als Gegenstände, die dazu bestimmt oder geeignet sind, Lebewesen physisch (meist durch mechanische Einwirkung) infolge Verletzung oder Tod bzw. psychisch in ihrer Handlungsfähigkeit zu beeinträchtigen oder handlungsunfähig zu machen.
Prism is awesome. I should try the Controllable mod then, thanks.
Ein flüssiger Gegenstand kann sehr wohl als Werkzeug eingesetzt werden.
Weber ist schon echt unsympathisch.