Selbständige haben auch fast immer eine oder man kann freundlich bei oder ähnlichen Plattformen fragen. In unserer Nachbarschaft kommt das jede Woche vor und bisher wurde allen geholfen.
I wisch I had a workplace/laboratory like yours.
Diese "selektiv herausgepickte[n] Beispiele" sind u. a. zwei der aktuell mächtigsten Personen der Welt und ihre Steigbügelhalter.
Das von wem abgesegnet werden muss? Merkste selber, ne?
But at what price?
🥦 (wenn ich das denn konsumieren würde)
When you take care that you can make no kids anymore.
Just white bread with a slice of cheese and spiced ketchup.
If you ever want to try it but have no interest to make the starter, just ask around in your community. More often than you think there is this one person who has their sourdough and is more than happy to share it. I shared mine multiple times over the years, because I know getting started is no fun at all.
You can also freeze the sourdough to use from time to time or keep it in the fridge and just refresh it weekly to bi-weekly by mixing some of it with a bit of water and flour.
I bake my sourdough weekly. Once you have your sourdough it is pretty much the same effort, but you don't have to use yeast anymore and you need to plan a bit more time for the bread to rise. It is worth it for the taste.
A slice of bread with whatever is available to me.
I am in this diagram and I don't like it.