this post was submitted on 21 Aug 2024
175 points (99.4% liked)

Femcel Memes

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Welcome to femcel memes. A place where anybody can post memes that fit the vibe.

Warning: We have a tendency to post things that may at times come from a self-deprecating perspective or things that are funny coming from another queer person. This space will always be a safe place for transfems, non-binary people, people with a feminine gender expression (GNC or otherwise) or anybody else in the LGBT Community to come together and share about our experiences but we truly feel that laughing about the sometimes silly and embarrassing parts the queer experience can help bring us together. We never mean offense or harm in anything posted but rather they are satirical takes coming from queer people.

A note about 'Egging': Our community is mostly made up of transfem individuals, and as such most memes posted will be posted with the intention of having a transfem perspective. However, regardless of gender identity, all feminine presenting individuals are welcome here. Whether that means you're NB, GNC, transmasc, or any other identity, you are welcome here. It is not our intention or goal to invalidate these identities. If something makes you uncomfortable, please feel free to report the post and I will address your concerns on an individual level. For more information regarding the problems with 'Egg-culture', please see Here.

Love Y'all and thank you for following this community

founded 1 year ago
top 10 comments
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[–] 14 points 2 months ago (1 children)

ooof im so sorry that sounds horrible ;-;

[–] 24 points 2 months ago (2 children)

It's not that. I have hyper mobility, which gives me minor aches and pains at my joints, but estrogen has made things a little worse for the time being. It makes my ligaments more flexible and my muscles atrophy if I don't use them a lot. It's not a problem as long as I stay active and don't sit at a computer with bad posture; it just amplifies the discomfort if I don't treat my body right. In a way, it gives me more motivation to be healthy.

[–] 13 points 2 months ago

ohh ok! i didnt know e did that. well at least it's motivation to hit the gym n workout! we love our wheyfus :D

[–] 6 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Both a blessing and a curse, but sounds like gymnastics could be a good option!

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

I miss doing gymnastics as a kid!

[–] 7 points 2 months ago (1 children)

this is just a sign that your body is recognizing the need for more trains

of all kinds

[–] 7 points 2 months ago

Need a massage maybe?

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

My life changed when I could afford a car with heated seats.

It changed again when I upgraded to a car with heated AND cooled seats(!)

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

Cooled seats oof