Everybody should get on PrEP. It's cheap, it's proven, you don't have to trust your partners. If you're having casual sex, you should be on PrEP.
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You don't just casually take any number of medications just in case you might get in touch with something. How many pills would we have to take? 100 daily?
If your sexually active with casual partners, who also have casual partners, PrEP could be a sensible risk avoidance for you.
Also consider HPV vaccine, condom use, etc..
Everything is dependent on risk profile
So how long before one's next flight to Thailand should one start taking this? Asking for a friend.
what is PrEP ?
Basically a pill you take every day to make you immune from HIV. Which is useful for people who are sexually active.
PrEP isn't a magical pill that makes you immune to HIV, it's a fixed combination of medicines used to treat actual HIV infections taken in advance to prevent the virus from adding its genetic code to your CD4 immune cells DNA.
As any medication it has limitations (requires high compliance, especially in on-demand settings; only protects against HIV; ...) and side effects.
Everything you said is 100% true. Absolutely.
But compared to the horror of potentially getting HIV, it's pretty magical in promiscuous circles.
It's much better than the alternative
I see HIV patients on a daily basis at my job and there is no almost no horror. I haven't seen a "real" AIDS case (the final stadium of the infection) in years and even the one patient that came close had a Lazarus like recovery once he started ART.
HIV is still a serious disease with comorbidities but it's "only" chronical not lethal.
But a prevented infection is better than a treated one, so you're right.