this post was submitted on 09 Oct 2024
83 points (96.6% liked)

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[–] 43 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

He didn’t bother to learn about outdoor survival before he left. He arrived in Alaska with little food and equipment. He was offered free food and equipment to take with him by the driver who took him to the trail but he refused.

He didn’t take a map. He was 800m from being able to get back across the river and towards civilisation but instead returned to the bus to die.

His death was avoidable and selfish and the romanticising of his death glorifies being an idiot and taking entirely unnecessary risks.

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)
[–] 24 points 2 weeks ago

Literal meters. He was across a river and a short walk from safety but it was through heavy snow and hypothermia inducing water. But still he didn't even knew that was there because he was completely off about where he thought he was. I mean, he died in a bus because a road was close enough for a bus to get stranded there. That place was a proposed trail or something.