this post was submitted on 15 Aug 2024
26 points (96.4% liked)

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founded 1 year ago

Acryllic paint and marker on paper.

Part of my series inspired by fiction books. This is based on Deb Rogers' Florida Woman. The book takes place on a macaque reserve, and some of the monkeys are dangerous carriers of the Herpes B virus, as depicted in the painting.

This book was more red herring than plot. I don't recommend it.

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[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I wish my intentions were more like what you describe. It's more that I'm actively looking for abstract art inspiration. I know some people use music, and I've considered it. But after reading Night Circus, I thought the black and white esthetic would be fun to interpret, and once I hit on that idea, I decided to keep doing it. It's a good way to keep myself regularly practicing since I average one book a week. I've done five so far, but none of the books has really moved me emotionally. I look forward to doing a piece after I eventually hit a five-star read.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

I think for me, it's whatever inspires me. You know? So like...could be a song, could be a movie, could be a show, could be a book, a play - eh, anything that moves me to want to illustrate what I feel/see in my head. The only catch is as the sands of time turn, it's hard to keep the names in line. I once saw a play about four people who get kidnapped in a backwoods area and ultimately tortured. There is an individual who acts as a totem, a wooden hummingbird carving that gets burned alive. She narrates from her viewpoint, how it feels to be immolated. I don't actually remember that much about the play by this point, but I do remember going in blind and walking out started. I went home and pulled out my markers and had to draw that little bird being burnt alive. Just took a peek and it, and sure enough it still feels fresh of the feelings I had put into it. It was like a transference of energy or something. I think you're still sneakily doing that here, but maybe it's a bit too woo-woo of a concept. Maybe it's not emotions, but perhaps you're just an archivist and this is how you're transcribing your knowledge =)