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This community is for meaningful discussions of tabletop/pen & paper RPGs

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founded 1 year ago

Our indie dev group just released our third playable adventure! This is the climax of a four-part set! It is now available for free on DriveThruRPG!

It’s for a free, open-source game system/setting we made that’s like cyberpunk in a post-scarcity society. Check it out! Honest feedback is appreciated.

A gang of whitehat biohackers suspect they’re being targeted. That threat is about to get very real.

On a sunny summer day, your help is needed escorting a eccentric researcher to a meeting with their collegues. It’s been six weeks since unknown actors staged a daring armed robbery on their laboratory, and tensions are running high. But when this mysterious adversary puts their plans into action, it’ll take all your skills and judgement to avert a nightmare.

This story continues to build on the previous two in its scope, complexity, and challenges to give diverse player and character types opportunitites to see more places, meet more characters, and find ways to use their specialities to help their communities in a story with around 8 - 10 hours of content.


Hi, my name is Khan and I am the person behind Devabhumi. I am of Indian origin, and I have always been interested in non-European rpg settings. There is such a treasure trove of untapped stories, monsters, and legends in Indian Culture, which can provide fresh and unique content for your campaigns.

Devabhumi is a high fantasy TTRPG setting inspired by the history and epics of Ancient India. This setting features: -100+ pages of lore

  • A karma mechanic
  • 8 new races
  • 20+ historical weapons and armor

And much more!

You can check out the project here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/silvercompassmaps/devabhumi-a-dandd-5e-setting-inspired-by-ancient-india?ref=clipboard-prelaunch


Our indie dev group just released our second playable adventure! It is now available for free on DriveThruRPG!

It's for a free, open-source game system/setting we made that's like cyberpunk in a post-scarcity society. Check it out! Honest feedback is appreciated.

An adventurer is facing a mind-bending medical crisis. Are you prepard to join the rescue party?

Psychonaut Psilosybe Vulgaris has fallen into a catonic state while testing a new psychadelic. Now her doctor and friends need the aid of some daring and capable first responders ready to do whatever it takes to find a cure, before her mind dissolves away to nothing!

As the second published adventure within the Fully Automated! solarpunk game catalog, Psychonautica is written for new players who are ready for a more free-form adventure. Unlike the short and simple demo mission, this one has twists, turns, and opportunities for GMs and players to tell stories with a bit more freedom.

Respond to a medical emergency! Explore the wild mental dimension of neurospace! Meet a wilder, wider world of characters in a story that stands on its own while planting the seeds for an even more climactic sequel!


We don't have much lemmings talking about larp, and as I am moving forward in the prep of my next game, I thought about sharing some my tips/thoughts On this thread, I will focus on the typical "2-3 day heroic fantasy larp" with 80-200 players and some faction/PvP mechanics. The larp scene is pretty huge, and not all of my points my transpose to what you play nor your local game culture. So take it as a blog post with my view on-it, which may not fit yours

Expect that the logistic team will fuck up

If the writers fuck-up, you end-up with a boring story, if the NPCs fuck-up you end-up with wrong information. But in both case you end-up drinking and eating with your friends in a costume. Not that bad. On the other hand, if the only drinkwater tap is after the orc camp, or if the cook under-estimated how hungry the player are you end-up thirsty and hungry, add the lack of sleep and the fun week-end turns into a nightmare. So please plan to have extra water/food (also a whole ham on the table is a great diplomacy tool) worst case, you end-up storing some leftover at home after the game.

Another classic one in larp with "toilets" is that the toilet end-up clogged at the end of the week-end. So plan that you may-need to manage otherwise.

Finally, even though it's not a fuck-up from the logistic, plan for any possible water and adapt your playstyle. You may have temperatures above 40 or heavy rain, and sometimes both at the same game. So have a hat in your kit, extra socks, and choose the right shoes if rain is expected.

Self care

It's a bit linked to the previous point, but as much as beer can be refreshing and spiced wine can help negotiation, it doesn't hydrate. Bring water and drink water.

Force yourself to get some sleep, Game never stops, it usually get a bit quieter between 3 and 9 but that's it. However, I would seriously advise to still try to get some sleep. It can be tempting to keep playing until the dawn, and then be dragged in the day-game. But at a point the lack of sleep will catch-up, especially when you're driving. I don't tell you to get your 8h of sleep per night, but 8h for the whole week-end isn't reasonable either.

If you're not comfortable with something, or feel that a situation is physically dangerous speak-up. Can be the battle "near the stairs" which would make sense in a real combat but is a great way to break some legs in a game, can be the torture scene which is bit too realistic. speak-up if you see something dangerous physically or emotionally, most player would try to find a reasonable way to do it.

In game

Avoid the not my problem attitude, if you catch a plot hook pull it. It may not be your character main goal, but if some "game opportunity" come to you, take-it or (especially if you play a busy character), delegate to someone from your faction.

In the same category, in case of doubt say yes, you might have missed who was the great priestess of the sun, or that you had a side quest about building an orphanage. Also, sometimes, it's obviously "a trap" but the proper attitude is so what Yes you'll end-up jailed, tortured and executed, but you'll have more fun than sitting in the tavern

On the character

Remember that combat is a very small fraction of a larp. So you don't need to play a warrior in heavy armour to have fun. There is plenty of game where I didn't pulled a sword (and sometimes didn't even carried one)

Remember that you need a character you can play for 3 days, avoid the "loner type", or the "weird accent that you cannot keep on the long term".

Try to match your character with your faction, either by asking the faction which hypes you which kind of character they need or by asking the factions who would need the kind of character you want to play.

Character do die, especially the ones with some visibility, so have a second kit ready in case off.


Thrift store are a great ressource for a beginner kit, it may not be fully period appropriate but can be a generic costume basis (linen trouser/skirt, pirate-shirt) at a cheap price (well nowadays thrift store got trendy)

Layering works damn well. get a neutral basis layer, add stuff like doublet/cape to give a style to your character, and finish with accessories. Obviously expect that anything you'll bring to a larp will be lost or damaged. Make-up and hairstyle can do a lot for a character to.

Depending on the faction/character, adding some uniformity helps a lot. 10 persons with the same green/white cape/tabard looks way more impressive than 10 persons with random costume even if each one is way better than the common costume.

Remember that you're not doing cosplay, you'll be moving with these clothe, so try to craft some robust stuff. In the same category, unless you can afford decend larp shoes and the game-site permit it, better wearing some leather hiking boots and keep your feet safe and dry than twisting your ankle in period appropriate shoes

You never have too much pouches, try to keep your "out of game" stuff in a pouch, and keep the in-game items in another.

Print some "out of game sign" so you can indicate a robber visiting your camp which crates/boxes are "out of game"

Ok time runs out, I feel like I already wrote a lot, pretty sure some of you will have stuff to add, or stuff that do not apply to their games (which is fine), so I stop the thread here


I'm always on the lookout for run inspirations. But many Shadowrun missions were hit or miss


As a hardcore roll20 hater, I'm not too happy about this. Hopefully this at least makes R20 better and demiplane won't just be killed off in 6 months.


Hello everyone,

We are nearing the end of my first TTRPG campaign and in a few weeks, the DM is starting a homebrew. I joined this one half way through and a friend slapped together most of my level 7 character for me, a basic fighter. For this new campaign I'm hoping to have "more to do" in and out of battle so I'm looking for class advice.

I want to play a support class but I've been feeling overwhelmed by the class options. All I know is that I want it to be beginner-friendly support that can heal but also do more - like damage, buffs, or debuffs. Doesn't have to be all 3!

The group gave me a few suggestions but there was so much back and forth about how complicated they are, I thought I'd pose the question here.

Can someone help point me in the right direction on a simple support? Any help would be appreciated!


Has anyone looked at it? How streamlined it really is? Is this overhaul cohesive?


Pretty sure it happened to everyone, you lacked time to prep tonight session, and now the first player just arrived

Bonus point if you explain how to do it when tired.


The question is discussed in this podcast episode.

Cynthia Williams is out at WotC, which begs the question: If you were hired as the new CEO, what would you do to right the ship of game and sail us all to safer waters?


Here are two blog posts in response to a video and it's all about the old discussion if systems matter.

Here the question is slightly different: How do systems matter?

If an RPG system puts a great focus on combat (like 5e), does that make the game focus on combat? Alternatively, does it relieve the GM from combat simulation and instead let's them focus on other aspects (roleplaying, drama, improv, story, exploration, etc)?


...and why haven't you run it yet? :D

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by kapx132@beehaw.org to c/rpg@ttrpg.network

cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/12847215

Hello, im a new GM and im looking for places to get digital battlemaps. Im looking for ones that are compatible with roll20.


Alien RPG Starter Set has a discount currently. I think I've heard somewhere that it's doing some things well but I don't remember what & where. And I very rarely can get answers to my questions from description or reviews.
Does anyone have experience with it?

  • How the system works? (d20/d6 pool/special dice/similar to X/etc)
  • Rather crunchy or narrative?
  • Are there some system elements that play into the feel of the setting?

Cthulhu Hack, the simple and accessible Mythos tabletop roleplaying game from Just Crunch Games. This fast-playing standalone investigative game, based on David Black's minimalist fantasy RPG The Black Hack, pits ordinary people against the sanity-shattering horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. With simple Save die-rolls and three resources (Flashlights, Smokes, and Sanity), Cthulhu Hack deftly supports published Investigations and campaigns for any Mythos RPG. Learn the whole system in 20 minutes, teach it to your players in five minutes more, and in another five their characters will be ready for a slow spiral into self-destruction.

That piqued my interest, so I thought I'd share


cross-posted from: https://feddit.uk/post/8481417

GamesRadar+ can exclusively reveal that Modiphius, the studio responsible for tabletop adaptations of Star Trek, Fallout, and more, is working on a Discworld TTRPG.

Having secured the rights to the beloved series with an agreement from the late author Sir Terry Pratchett's estate, Modiphius is already at work on a Discworld roleplaying game "around the city of Ankh-Morpork and the wider Disc." This will hit Kickstarter later in the year.

Dubbed 'Terry Pratchett's Discworld: Adventures in Ankh-Morpork,' it's the first tabletop RPG to use that setting in almost 30 years. (To be precise, Discworld's last pen-and-paper outing was in 1998.) While it's unclear whether this version will use a new system or utilize one from the best tabletop RPGs, Modiphius promises "to publish tabletop games that honor the humor, satire, and darkly entertaining fantasy series."


Agter our latest DnD game our regular DM once again thought loudly on how to make dragons have more teeth. And it got me thinking about how Dragonbane handles capital M monsters differently.

DnD Monsters tend to have a slew of ways to nullify the PCs disabling abilities (magic resistance, legendary resistance). What those does are forcing the party to spend a couple of rounds having their cool stuff be nullified. For me that is boring. Without it though - CC fest and an underwhelming fight.

Dragonbane being a different beast and makes Monsters dangerous in a different way. With way less disabling abilities the PCs fun stuff isn't nullified and foes don't get CC'ed to death. So everyone can do their thing. Which Monsters can do multiple times each round (multi-attack but full turns) and their attacks always hits. Think about that - Monsters' attacks always hits. That brings danger and tension. The attacks are randomly selected lowering the rise of catastrophe, or increasing it as the GM cannot pull their punches.

To help the PCs out they have the option to take a defensive action (dodge, parry) which have already led to clutch moments. It comes at the cost of having an offensive action and the defensive action cannot be taken if they already have acted this round. Cost benefit choices whoooo! In a way it goes from Monster dodge (legendary resistance) to PC dodge. And PCs can build for defensive actions. And it can give you a counter attack. Defending is cool.

To sum it up. DnD gives monsters staying power by nullifying the PCs cool stuff allowing them to stay fighting. Dragonbane has less disables in general so Monsters have no need to nullify them. So Monsters stay around longer naturally bringing danger the PCs can actively try to avoid.


I know that eventually the answer is "whatever I want" but I would like to hear what others think.

There's an MCT oil rig on Baltic Sea. Anarchists from Kronstadt noticed peculiar data transfer some time ago going there and managed to hijack the place. Then they transmitted message that they are an eco terrorist group (I did not specify which one to my players) and demand MCT to stop polluting. After that, folded the satellite dish to buy some time for the decker and rigger to look around the host.

Now, from a point of, for example, TerraFist. An oil rig nearby is in disarray, none of their contacts in other groups say they're doing it. And MCT HTR is definitely on its way.
Does it make sense for them to come to the rig and make contact/make sure it gets disabled/make trouble for HTR?

I think their appearance has potential to turn this job into a nice chaotic clusterfuck and opportunity to show my players some variety of the world (they would definitely come on a yacht going superspeed with help of a spirit).
But does it make any sense at all for anyone besides me?


I'm not sure if this is the proper place to ask this, but I don't know where else to go. I'm having trouble reaching the pathfinder.social instance; I can't seem to post, or subscribe to their communities. Is anyone else having issues?


cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/7097518

More info at https://paizo.com/starfinderplaytest

According to the document they have up there, SF2E will be 100% compatible with PF2E. That's a huge win for me - I like Starfinder's setting and vibe, and love PF2E's action economy.

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