
joined 1 year ago
[–] 14 points 9 hours ago

Oh man... this conflict is so, so, SO hard to watch or bear. It's so hard to process this kind of devastation.

Sometimes I feel kind of numb (like right now), and other times it gives me nightmares. Both are unpleasant. Even though they certainly don't compare at all to actually living through all this in Gaza.

[–] -2 points 1 day ago

Why must we divide the tribe? I don't know how leftist who can't identify as such plans to exercise collective power. But you do you.

[–] 44 points 1 day ago (10 children)

People joke about the shooter "missing", but at a few hundred feet away, a 2" miss is clearly within the influence of wind.

Trump got extremely lucky. I don't think this was the result of a poor shot.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

It'll be interesting to see how he responds to this. I think an appropriate message would be something like, 'This is terrible: assassinations only weaken democracy, and so no matter how great the threat Trump poses, his defeat must be electoral.'

To quote Dubya, I don't think Biden "does nuance". I doubt he's equipped. Perhaps this big event will give him an excuse to exist the race and say it's because of something other than the debate performance.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

That's a great point: I'm not saying that you have to draw them a footbath. Sometimes violence is necessary. But it's gotta be part of a larger strategy to remove their sources of power. Domestically, direct physical street confrontations and assassinations seem to usually belie a lack of larger strategic goal.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Yeah, on reflection, I agree.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Fair. If you've got better terms, let me know. My point is that I think it would be silly to worry that the guy who tried to assassinate a fascist is going to make peaceful, non-violent antifa activists look bad. Using violence to fight fascism is the name of the game, right?

To be clear, I'm not hating on antifa. It's a strategy, and I don't like to fight with allies over tactics. But I think it's silly to be engaged in violent struggle and worry about the bad press of being associated with violent struggle.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

You know what? I guess that's fair.

I guess we'll likely see.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Was the shooter a crisis actor? Did he fake this because he's planning to rig the election?

[–] 14 points 2 days ago (1 children)

With all due respect... Jesse what the fuck are you talking about

[–] 5 points 2 days ago

Yes, yes, yes!


Adam's podcast is just straight-up low-key solarpunk at this point. Like half the videos feel relevant.

Here is the audio-only version, too:


A lone figure at a party reflects that the rest of the revelers don't know that "xylophones" with metal bars are actually glockenspiels.


Before you get mad at me, relax: I live under an electoral system in which my vote isn't counted.

mood (

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The vote to elect a new chair of the Pacifica Grid closes in four days, and an auditor thinks there's something suspicious going on. Records of an incident for the lead candidate's past have been destroyed in a cyberattack, and the manager responsible for the files is being mysteriously tight lipped. Keeping power in the right hands requires answers, and it's going to take a few determined problem solvers to get them!

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The vote to elect a new chair of the Pacifica Grid closes in four days, and an auditor thinks there's something suspicious going on. Records of an incident for the lead candidate's past have been destroyed in a cyberattack, and the manager responsible for the files is being mysteriously tight lipped. Keeping power in the right hands requires answers, and it's going to take a few determined problem solvers to get them!

After releasing the core game manual a week ago, we've now released our first playable adventure. It's a concise little one-shot that can be played in 2-4 hours, written specifically as an easy entry point into the game's world and rules.

Like the game itself, it's FREE! So check it out, tell your friends, and if you like this weird little story of hard-science sci-fi intrigue, please leave us a rating and review!

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