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A community for discussing Plex Media Server. Plex Media Server is a smart software that makes playing movies, tv shows, and other media on your computer simple.

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Rule 1 - Don't be a dick

Don't be a dick. This includes any kind of trolling, baiting, etc. Bigotry may result in an instant permaban.

Rule 2 - No misleading or non-descriptive titles

No misleading or non-descriptive titles. Try to be brief but detailed.

Rule 3 - Keep post and comments relevant

Posts must be related to Plex and Plex-related products, apps. etc. Try to keep comments relevant to the parent comment and to the post.

Rule 4 - Keep discussions of "media aqcuistion" limited to means and methods only.

Discussions regarding media acquisition should be limited to the "how" not the "what", as this is not the place to discuss piracy of specific media. There are other communities for that, and we don't want to get this community defederated from instances where it's a forbidden topic. Posts/comments discussing specific acts of piracy ("How do I find X show?" or "Where can I download Y film?")will be removed. For further clarification see this post

Rule 5 - No asking / offering Plex shares.

No asking / offering Plex shares. There are other communities for that.

Rule 6 - No low-effort / spam / meme posts

No low-effort / meme posts. These are considered spam, and will be removed. Repeat offenses may result in a ban.

Rule 7 - No referral / self-promotion / affiliate links, personal voting / campaigning / funding, or selling posts

No referral / self-promotion / affiliate links, personal voting / campaigning / funding, or selling posts. These are considered spam, and will be removed. Repeat offenses may result in a ban.

Useful Resources

^This^ ^is^ ^a^ ^community^ ^page^ ^and^ ^is^ ^not^ ^affiliated^ ^with^ ^Plex,^ ^Inc.^ ^in^ ^any^ ^way.^

founded 1 year ago

Since this post was made last week, we've gotten a lot of feedback regarding the new policy, and it's understandable that many of you are unhappy with the restriction. It makes it difficult to discuss how to effectively set up a full Plex server stack which includes a VPN and torrent solution which feed into Sonarr / Radarr / etc. So, after some discussion and thought, we've decided to loosen the rule a litte bit in order to better facilitate such discussions.

Moving forward, discussions regarding how to acquire media will be permitted. Users here who need help setting up and troubleshooting the means and methods of acquiring media - such as installing VPN and torrent client docker containers - may come here for help and users here may feel free to answer openly. Soon, we may feature guides in the sidebar to help facilitate these processes, as the goal here is to help Plex users set up and operate Plex Media Servers.

The line where it becomes unacceptable is where discussion veer into the acquisition of any specific media. Posts or comments asking how to find/acquire specific shows / films / albums and on are not permitted. As stated previously, there are other communities for that. Frankly, they’re better resources for that kind of help anyway.

We hope these loosened restrictions make it easier for users here to have open discussions and make it more clear that we're trying to focus on the purpose of helping Plex users set up, troubleshoot, and maintain their servers.

Rule 4 in the sidebar has been updated to reflect this shift in policy.

We welcome feedback and discussion in the comments below!


-- c/Plex Mod Team


Weekly Advice / No Stupid Questions Post

This is part of a weekly series of Plex Advice threads for novices and pros alike to ask questions, give advice, troubleshoot, and share knowledge and resources! Please be polite and helpful to beginners just getting started out, and we want to be as welcoming as we can to newcomers to this community.

Common subjects can include:

  • Plex Media Server setup
  • System requirements and advice buying components
  • Advice choosing the operating system that's right for you
    • Getting started with a new operating system (eg. Linux, macOS, etc.)
  • Advanced setup and configuration
  • Help with PMS add-ons:
    • Docker
    • VPN advice
    • Setup / configuration of the *arr family of apps (Sonarr, Radarr, etc.)

Anyone who posts good starter guides, FAQs, and/or wikis may get their links added to the sidebar so the rest of the community can benefit!


Useful Resources


I'm an unemployed software developer with some time to make things I've wanted to exist.

I just released a web app that lets you log in with your Plex account which imports the movies available in your library, create a voting session, and invite friends to vote on movies. When a movie gets votes from all your friends in the session, it is declared the winner and the session creator will get a link to open the movie in Plex.

I was tired of endlessly scrolling through my movie library whenever it was time to pick a movie. I think this will help.

Here are some screenshots


Voting Session

Check it out if you like the idea. You can reply here or DM if you run into any issues or have any ideas.

Some of my ideas for the next features to add:

  • Filter by watched/unwatched
  • Select genres for the voting session
  • Make popcorn

This royally sucks for me. I like having my own local library integrated with Tidal.


Hi All,

About a year ago I transferred all my files to a new drive. I used filzezilla which did mostly ok-ish, but I didn't notice that some of the video files were corrupted. Random files will have a green tinge to them (like someone put a green filter over the lens).

It seems random, although if it's a series it's usually the whole series.

I've been replacing them as they come up, but I was wondering if anyone had any bright ideas to expedite the process.

Thanks for any help!


looks like tvdb doesn't have anything past season 9 yet. technically it's season 12, right?


cross-posted from:

I have followed the docs and have the recommended folder structures for my Plex and arrs setup.

sonarr has a volume set as /data which gives it access to e.g. /data/usenet/downloads This is working fine with SABnzdb

I am using a seedbox for torrents. Looking at ruTorrent on the seedbox, I can see that the local download folder there is set to: /home/seedit4me/torrents/rtorrent

sonarr is reporting "No files found are eligible for import in:

  • /home/seedit4me/torrents/rtorrent/Completed/tv-sonarr/filename.mkv

I have set a remote path in the download clients page in sonarr as follows:

  • Host - ****
  • Remote path: /home/seedit4me
  • local path: /data

I have ftp'd the mkv file to actual folder structure:

  • /data/torrents/rtorrent/Completed/tv-sonaar/filename.mkv

The permissions on this file are:

  • -rw-rw-r--

the folder permissions are:

  • drwxrwxr-x 2 myacct myacct 4096 Aug 2 11:41 .
  • drwxrwxr-x 3 myacct myacct

My uid=1000(my acct), same for gid I have set these as the PUID and PGID env variables in sonarr

The log file in sonarr is reporting: |Error|DownloadedEpisodesImportService|Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /home/(removed)/torrents/rtorrent/Completed/tv-sonarr/filename.mkv

Seeing this, i tried mapping /home/(removed)/ to /data/ but that doesn't work either.

Can anyone guide me on what I am doing wrong? I feel like I've checked everything so I can't understand the issue at all.---


I am finding older movies not having translation subtitles when people are speaking a foreign language, like in the beginning of The Hunt for Red October or Stargate. Watching the movie on the the physical copy of Stargate, when they are speaking Egyptian, English subtitles come up translating what they are saying. On my digital copy, I have to have subtitles on all the time in order to see the translation, which sucks because I don’t need subtitles the rest of the movie, just when they are speaking Egyptian. My theory is that there was some sort of trigger on the physical copy that activates the subtitles at that point that is missing from the digital copy. Is there a way to fix or get around this? Or am I just stuck reading subtitles the entirety of the movies if I want to know what people are saying in the foreign language?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

I followed the trash guide and have sonaar and sabnzbd working brilliantly together in portainer.

My plex media folders when I was on win11 were on external disks. After moving to ubuntu I can find them under /media//....

Plex is able to read from them, so it was quick to rebuild the library. My question is, how can I give sonarr access to them? I want to be able to import them and have sonarr able to write to them (when I download episodes).

Is there a clever way to put them into the /data structure that I followed in the trash guide?



I recently moved from win 11 on my mini PC to ubuntu. Following a tutorial, I have plex set up in portainer.

When looking to add the arrs, I came across the wiki which warns against using portainer for sonarr.

I don't know what to do now. Is it possible to run the arrs outside of portainer and still work with plex?

Or does anyone use portainer for arrs and find it's OK?

Just looking for advice on a way forward. Thinking I might start again with docker compose as they suggest.



I'd like to give a family member access to my live TV for the olympics, but I don't want to give someone who doesn't really know what they're doing that sort of control inside my account.

will the pin keep them out? or do they need the pin in the first place


I can't seem to find what tvdb designates them as. are they part of your Family Guy TV series, or are they movies?


if so, what do you use and why?


In January and February I had curated some playlists and shared them with friends and we watched them together via Watch Together. There was previously an option to Grant Access to the playlist, and after granting access, you could click Watch Together and start a watch party.

However, sometime in the last few weeks this option has disappeared in playlists, and now I am restricted to granting access, but not being able to watch together.

Really the only people who have access to my server is my partner and three friends. This has been a huge bummer, because I was curating old shows complete with old commercials in between.

If anyone has info on why this changed, I'd love to have an understanding, because the change kind of blows...


I hope this doesn't mean they are on the slippery slope of selling user data, thoughts?


I have a user who has watched Bedtime Stories with Adam Sandler 13 times in a month and I am starting to get concerned. I try to mind my own business with what people watch but when the stats say that it is the most watched movie and there is only one user that watched it, you start to get curious.


cross-posted from:

"I can see that one of my friends is apparently watching a ton of cheesy, soft porn stuff," a user said of Plex's Week in Review email and Discover Together feature.

Many Plex users were alarmed when they got a “week in review” email last week that showed them what they and their friends had watched on the popular media server software. Some users are saying that their friends’ softcore porn habits are being revealed to them with the feature, while others are horrified by the potentially invasive nature feature more broadly.

Plex is a hybrid streaming service/self-hosted media server. In addition to offering content that Plex itself has licensed, the service allows users to essentially roll their own streaming service by making locally downloaded files available to stream over the internet to devices the server admin owns. You can also “friend” people on Plex and give them access to your own server.

A new feature, called “Discover Together,” expands social aspects of Plex and introduces an “Activity” tab: “See what your friends have watched, rated, added to their Watchlist, or shared with you,” Plex notes. It also shares this activity in a “week in review” email that it sent to Plex users and people who have access to their servers.

This has greatly alarmed a wide swatch of Plex’s user base, who have blown up the Plex forums, the Discover Together blog post comment section, and Reddit with posts about disastrous overshares created by the feature. A sampling of posts: “Discover Together and Week in Review emails are a MASSIVE breach of privacy and trust!,” “Security breach: Why is my friend receiving notifications to rate movies I’ve watched?,” “Weekly review emails data leak,” “Plex crossed a line with ‘Your week in review’ emails today.’”

The feature is opt-out, meaning that many people were very surprised to get these emails and see this feature, as it’s up to users to proactively turn it off (instructions here and here).

“I can see that one of my friends is apparently watching a ton of cheesy, soft porn stuff (think classic ‘skinemax’ fare) from some server (it’s not mine) or Plex channel, and I am 100 percent sure they would be mortified to know that I know this,” one user wrote on the Plex Forums. “Now replace this friend, who’s just enjoying their downtime with some cheeky T&A, with a teenager who may be having difficulty figuring out feelings about their sexuality and are just trying to explore by watching LBGT dramas to see if anything there resonates or can help them figure things out. Suddenly, one of their intolerant friends or parents gets a detailed email report with a cheery title listing every little thing they’re watching…This is a dystopian nightmare of a feature and I honestly can’t believe it’s been rolled out as opt-out like this. SHAME ON YOU, PLEX!”

“I wonder how many people just had their week’s porn selections emailed to their Plex friends,” another user posted. “I just got an email about a friend’s watching habits which he definitely didn’t want to share. He insists he’s never opted into any data sharing, but…it went out anyway.”

“I’m sure there’s a certain percentage of people who want to know what kind of porn their grandma likes, but I’m hoping it’s not the majority,” another posted.

Otto Kerner, who is a moderator of the official Plex forums, said that porn viewing habits would only be shared if Plex can make a “match” of the media with online databases like IMDb. “Many pr0n titles are either not listed there at all [sic],” Kerner wrote. It’s worth noting, however, that there are many adult titles on IMDb.

There are hundreds of posts about the issue on the official Plex forums, many of which point out that many Plex users chose to use the service in the first place because it is a “self-hosted” alternative to streaming that many people go into believing they will have more control and privacy than is offered by Hulu, Netflix, and other streaming services. Plex is also used by many users to play and stream files that they have illegally pirated (the ability to do this is largely behind the initial popularity of Plex), though the company has been trying to move away from the perception that most people are using it to play pirated content. “The fact that this data is available to you AT ALL … That is just … Mind boggling, and completely against the very notion of self hosting,” one user wrote. “I feel betrayed that was done without telling me that this data was going to be collected. Let alone acted upon. It’s dangerous. Certain entities would LOVE to have that data…which could mean jail time for some.”

“The ‘See what your friends are watching’ will be great for all the people with secret porn libraries. Or when you start watching a Jan 6th documentary, and you see Aunt Becky start commenting about it being part of a satanic conspiracy,” a commenter on Plex’s blog post announcing the feature wrote. “I can also say that not one person I have talked to has ever liked the idea that I can see what they're watching from my server.”

Plex did not respond to requests for comment sent from 404 Media. Plex employees have been posting regularly in the forums explaining that people can opt out of the data sharing, and have also said media watch “sync events,” which it uses to track viewing history, do not tell the company the nature of the file played: “There is no way to know whether something being ‘watched’ occurred because you went and saw it at the theater and then marked it on the Discover page when you got home, you watched through a personal Plex Media Server Library, or anything else.”


I just saw they have a deal running again in case anyone was looking to upgrade. Code: FUZZYFRIDAY


Bonus points for FOSS


We both setup servers at about the same time a few years ago and shared with each other. I’m sure once the dust settles someone will pull the he plug on his server and it’ll be offline for good.

Watching School Of Rock on his server one more time while I can.

Edit: his server is officially offline now. Rest in peace.


I'm starting to create managed user accounts for my two daughters on plex. They are 7 and 4, so movies I'm giving them access to consist mostly of Pixar/Disney type stuff. Well, when I log into their users, it has recently added movies and TV shows, which show appropriatle the things I've given access to from my server. But below those it has "Binge Worthy Shows" "Plex Picks" "Summer Lovin'" and a few others which are all hosted "(on plex)" It even is advertising "The Marksman" right now, which is a guy holding a shotgun on the cover.

Is there a way to turn off those (on plex) suggestions so it ONLY shows the movies that exist on my server? Ideally I could just turn off those suggestions on a user basis as well.

Thanks for any help you can provide!


I know how to turn off the notifications, but Plex should not nag me to rate things I have watched.


BETA - Version

Platform: Mac, Linux, and Windows


  • (Agents) Some attributes were missing from legacy agent api responses (#14436)
  • (Analysis) MP4 Atom Parsing could fill logs (#14418)
  • (Automatic Scanning) Symbolic links with missing targets could cause changes to later entries in a directory not to be detected (#14398)
  • (DVR) Could not record a show if a show with the same name (such as a remake) and episode number already existed in the target library (#13444)
  • (DVR) Devices could fail to be recognized when IP addresses change (#13529)
  • (DVR) Multi-lineup DVRs could be created as single-lineups (#14395)
  • (DVR) Tuning in channels could fail for channel names containing special characters (#14391)
  • (Debian) Remove GPG lower version limit (Music) Scanning music could be pathologically slow in some cases (#14389)
  • (Playlist) Adding a Clip to a playlist would unexpectedly convert it to a photo playlist (#14381)
  • (Transcoder) An incorrect fallback font could be used when burning subtitles in some cases (#14357)
  • (Transcoder) Certain newer AMD GPU models couldn’t be used for hardware transcoding on Linux (#14416)



Anyone know of a way to auto skip nudity in movies and shows?

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