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Linux is a family of open source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Linux is typically packaged in a Linux distribution (or distro for short).

Distributions include the Linux kernel and supporting system software and libraries, many of which are provided by the GNU Project. Many Linux distributions use the word "Linux" in their name, but the Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to emphasize the importance of GNU software, causing some controversy.


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What was the last version of Windows you used before hopping on over? This includes the Linux greybeards too.

I was on Win10 but moved over as the end of life cycle is drawing near and I do not like Win11 at all.

Another thing for this change was the forced bloody updates, bro I just wanna shut down my PC and go to bed, if I wanna update it, I'll do it on a Saturday morning with my coffee or something.

Lastly, all the bloat crap they chuck in on there that most users don't really need. I think the only thing I kept was the weather program.

So what's your reasoning for the change to the reliable and funni penguin OS?


I don't want to use Osmc or LibreELEC. What I'm going for is something like Android TV (tried using LineageOS but that didn't work out for me).

I was interested in something like Plasma Bigscreen but most of the tutorial is about 4 years old and point to using an old image.

I installed the Debian package. After that, I logged in and set Automatic login, and switch the session to Plasma Bigscreen (x11). After applying and a reboot, it launched Plasma Bigscreen but some widgets (like the audio, KDE Connect) froze when clicking on them.

What do you recommend? I prefer to use a Raspberry Pi.


i've been searching nonstop. im stuck on gnome and i really hate it. i know theres mallit but its just a phone layout so how do i even exit vim? id need a full key layout


A while back there was some debate about the Linux kernel dropping support for some very old GPUs. (I can't remember the exact models, but they were roughly from the late 90's)

It spurred a lot of discussion on how many years of hardware support is reasonable to expect.

I would like to hear y'alls views on this. What do you think is reasonable?

The fact that some people were mad that their 25 year old GPU wouldn't be officially supported by the latest Linux kernel seemed pretty silly to me. At that point, the machine is a vintage piece of tech history. Valuable in its own right, and very cool to keep alive, but I don't think it's unreasonable for the devs to drop it after two and a half decades.

I think for me, a 10 year minimum seems reasonable.

And obviously, much of this work is for little to no pay, so love and gratitude to all the devs that help keep this incredible community and ecosystem alive!

And don't forget to Pay for your free software!!!


I found my 7th gen iPod Touch running 15.8.2. This device is no longer supported by Apple so I can’t Sign in with Apple ID to do anything useful. Any ideas of how I can save this device from becoming e-waste? I was trying to add Delta emulator to use it for roms but no luck.

Any ideas/suggestions?? 🤷🏼‍♀️ TYIA 💜


So, at school we use the whole Office 365 suite for a myriad of tasks.

Teams is used as the main way to share exercises and lesson material, Outlook is used as the resident email service, and you're expected to use OneDrive to store all/most of your data. There are some additional apps that require Windows, but beyond the office 365 suite they are all replaceable.

What I'm wondering is, what distro can run/access those apps without too much hassle and set-up?

I'm looking to do this on a HP probook x360, upgraded to 32 GB of ram. The only peripheral of note I've got is a Ugee drawing tablet, but I can use the openTabletDriver or their own on some distro's.

Edit: Thanks guys!

User helpimnotdrowning recommend Mint! This'll be my first real daily foray onto Linux, so it's definitely a good option. I'll also have a look at Gnome Vs KDE. I've been looking at KDE in the past, but gnome is definitely worth a peep as well.

User BearOfATime, thanks for giving the software name that allows for a seamless VPN transition! I'll also look into the win 10 LTSC. Not sure it's a right fit, but it's always fun to learn more!

As a couple of you recommend, there seems to be a teams flatpak to download, so I'll have a look into that!

Finally, I'd like to thank y'all for the useful and helpful answers! Many of you said to try the webapps, so I'll be doing that! My current plan is to use VMWare (alt is Vbox. VMware works (and looks) better) and try to actively use a mint VM. Not sure If I'll be able to stick to it, and not unknowingly switch to windows, but having it as a starting app should solve a couple issues. Slower start times, sure, but that's not the worst. Your advice is very much appreciated! It's given me a good confidence boost to start. Thanks for that :D


See title; I'm considering it, but the courses bundles are expensive


I’m trying to decide on a distro for my n100 mini pc. It’ll be for watching content, browsing the web, using discord And playing music. I have Garuda running in it right now just as a tester to see how it did at emulation and honestly it ran 3DS games pretty swell lol. But it feels very bogged down overall. Anything really light weight that will feel a bit snappier?


Hear me out, the mascot is a freaking chameleon, that's cool as shit man.

Also it's a German engineered distro, German engineering wins again!

Zypper is just a funnier name for a package manager and it has Tumbleweed which is arch but actually doesn't break for once!

Your rebuttal?


cross-posted from:

On Open Source and the Sustainability of the Commons par Ploum - Lionel Dricot.


Sorry if this is slightly off topic, I searched for communities about tech support on here and couldn't find anything that wasn't dead in the water. Basically I want to use WPA3 on my Network, however my Windows partition doesn't support WPA3 for some reason. I only keep that piece of trash around for school work. My Fedora Linux partition can use WPA3 just fine so I assume this is a driver issue. Is there any way to use Linux WiFi drivers on Windows?

(inb4 how the turntables)


cross-posted from:

I was previously using PopOS! 22.04 on my tuxedo laptop and I'd installed on it Howdy to take advantage of the IR camera and have a windows hello alike face recognition feature.

Everything was working fine, but after some time GNOME 46 and its new goodies were too tempting to stick with Pop's old GNOME version (at least for me) and therefore I switched to Ubuntu 24.04

However, when I tried to install howdy using the PPAs as I did with Pop I noticed it wasn't working because of some changes that were made regarding on how Python is managed, and I couldn't find a solution for that. Looking at howdy's GitHub issues, there are a lot of them talking about this problem that seems to be started with 23.x versions already, but having so many issues created a bit too much confusion to me and I didn't manage to find a working solution from there.

Is there anyone here using Howdy on Ubuntu 24.04? How have you managed to install it?


So I'm looking at trying am Immutable Linux Desktop (uBlue Aurora probably). One thing I'm not clear on is how to run GUI apps during development. From what I understand I should create a container with distrobox, install my toolchains in it and start developing. I'm used to containers for CLI and server work, but I'm not sure how it applies to the GUI (Wayland / KDE).

If I do a cargo run inside distrobox for a Rust GUI project will it just work? I saw that I can 'export' apps, but that is for already built executables whereas I will be building and rebuilding them.


Hello, all. I just got handed down a Surface Go (1st gen, 4gb ram), and I want to use it as a note taking machine, document reader, and secondary display for my primary laptop (Framework intel 12th gen running Fedora GNOME).

I have a pen but no keyboard, so any config will be done with a usb keyboard, but usage will be like a tablet.

  1. I have heard I should install GNOME on a tablet. I am generally ok with the 'opinionated' design of GNOME, but does anyone know what performance to expect? Would I be better off with a lightweight distro and de?

  2. What apps can be recommended for stylus notetaking? Would prefer svg output, and simple workflow to export them to my main machine, where I can embed in markdown notebooks

  3. Finally, the secondary display usage. Is this feasible? I know GNOME has RDP support, but my uni's wifi makes that very difficult, and I'd prefer a wired connection if possible. I don't need the stylus to work.

BONUS: If anyone has experience with the proprietary Surface Connect port, can it be adapted to usb c on linux, so that I can transfer power and >= 5gpbs of data? I see usb c adapters online, but they don't mention data; only power delivery.


Let’s talk today about kernel crashes, or even better, how can we collect information if a kernel panic happens on Arch Linux and on SteamOS, the Linux distribution used on the Steam Deck.


I have a server that is also plugged into my TV. It's running Ubuntu server, but then I installed the DE when I started trying to use it with the TV as well.

For the TV I'm using Kodi synced with Jellyfin. Unfortunately it's not very stable. Most of the time it's fine, but with specific files Kodi will crash, often bringing down the whole system. I expect this is at least partly because the DE was an afterthought and it's not running a full DE.

I'm looking at doing a full refresh of the server, and am wondering if there is a distro that is particularly good for this use case. I also want to be able to play games on occasion with xbox controllers.

TL;DR: Can you suggest a distro to run on a PC connected to a TV, used mainly to run Kodi and as a server via docker containers, but also for games via wine/proton with controller support?


Hello Everybody I've been encountering a recent occurred Problem with my installation of Debian 12. When I plug in my Phone (Fairphone 4) to transfer some large files, it won't get recognized, which is odd because I do this every few Weeks and since a couple of months this keeps happening. It will something like:

Malformed URL mtp:udi=/org/kde/solid/udev/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb2/2-7/.


Unable to open MTP device "002,086".

I've installed gMTP, but that won't recognize my devices either. I also tried to manually go to the media and mnt directory but found nothing. Likewise, I switched cables, Phones and USB Ports.

At first, I thought it was a Dolphin issue because when I switched to the Thunar File Manager everything seemed to be flawless, but now it's even occurring on Thunar.

These are my Specs if it helps.

  • OS: Debian 12 bookworm
  • Kernel: x86_64 Linux 6.1.0-21-amd64
  • DE: KDE 5.103.0 / Plasma 5.27.5
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-4790 @ 8x 4GHz
  • GPU: GeForce 720

Any Comments or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


I know most of you already know these apps or need something more advanced but I found them interesting so I thought I might as well share it here for those not familiar with them.

WARNING: one of the apps in the list (Plexamp) doesn't appear to be open-source so use it with caution.


I switched to Linux about 1.5 years ago now when replacing my old Macbook Pro with a Tuxedo Infinity Book. I am super happy with the transition, and for the most part my digital life has severely improved as a result of it. There's one thing in particular though that I haven't fully grasped or understood despite all the talk about it, and that really has mostly caused confusion on my part, and that is Xorg/X11 (I don't know the difference...) vs. Wayland.

I started out with Tuxedo OS 1 and 2 running KDE Plasma 5.x.x, and thus have been on X11 for the most part since switching to Linux. I never dared switching to Wayland myself. However, they somewhat recently started offering optional upgrades to Tuxedo OS 3 running KDE Plasma 6 where Wayland is the default, and I took the plunge. The only real difference I noticed was small annoyances that I had to fix. Glitching windows running on XWayland and having to configure some .desktop-files to force apps to launch natively in Wayland. Apps not showing the correct desktop icons but the generic Wayland logo instead, making Alt+Tabbing a bit more difficult because it is harder to tell applications apart. Annoying smooth scrolling (I don't want scrolling to have as much friction as polished ice) activated in all kinds of applications that I seem to have to turn off individually. Nothing breaking (though I haven't dared booting with my Nvidia dGPU yet in fear of breaking something irreversibly...), but I haven't noticed any improvements either, and I find it a bit frustrating not knowing where to make the necessary changes and always having to search for it seemingly on a case by case basis.

Now for instance I was updating FreeTube to a new version, and the flags I previously added to the ́.desktop'-file suddenly doesn't work anymore (--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform,WaylandWindowDecorations --ozone-platform-hint=auto). The application won't launch unless I remove them, but then it launches under XWayland instead. Not that I have any issues so far running it like that, but I guess I would prefer to run everything natively in Wayland if I can.


So recently tried zorin os and now im dual booting it with windows, and because of that I need a have NTFS partition between them. Now I have a 256gb windows partition, a 256 linux partition and a 1.7 Tb shared ntfs partition shared between them and I wonder how do you organize your files if you need to have them on another partition and cant use ~.

For programs they will always end up on / and I cant install them on another partition (dont know why) but what do you do for files? What folders do you have and where are they?

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