
joined 1 year ago
[–] Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 hour ago

Let's hope that people will start to favor on-prem solutions and smaller independent cloud providers vs the massive trillion dollar corpo clouds that control so much now.

[–] Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 hours ago (6 children)

Very good read. I totally agree with your sentiment that more and more, "engineering" is becoming just gluing together and managing cloud services and features.

My job as a sys admin has become the same. It's not about actually understanding the technology at a deep level and troubleshooting problems, it's about learning specific applets and features to click on and running down daily and weekly checklists.

Performance and how configurable things are, plus ease of use.

For instance, my default router/modem device from my ISP was super clunky and confusing. I needed to set up some custom port forwarding and firewall rules. The aftermarket router I bought was faster, had way better wireless coverage, and the UI was so much easier to set up the configs I needed.

So it's up to you, from what you said, seems like you probably would be good with the default from your ISP.

[–] Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml 19 points 4 days ago

Yeah, I have a friend who was very interested in switching to Linux on his gaming computer.

His game of choice is Arma 3, which I play and runs great on Linux. But then he asked me, "what about mods?" He plays Arma with a massive amount of mods, and not just Steam workshop ones, all kinds.

I tried to replicate all his mods on my installation as a proof of concept, but after over 2 hours, it still didn't work.

Having really solid and easy modding would be awesome.

[–] Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml 34 points 5 days ago (4 children)

Never mind, found the Debian security bulletin, my version is patched already.

Leaving this here for any other newbies that might be wondering.

Sorry, all!


I'm running a few Debian stable systems that are up to date on patches.

But I just ran ssh -V and the OpenSSH version listed is "OpenSSH_9.2p1 Debian-2+deb12u3" which as I understand is still vulnerable.

Am I missing something or am I good?

[–] Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml 13 points 6 days ago

Asserting authority over it's domain.

[–] Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml 4 points 6 days ago

Fair point. Frustrating to feel like we live in a world of literally "pick your poison."

[–] Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml 18 points 6 days ago (5 children)

In the last year I have switched to all cast iron, carbon steel, and stainless steel for all my pots and pans.

No Teflon or "non-stick" coated garbage for me. Properly seasoned and cared for cast iron, carbon, or stainless steel will all be nearly as good as a "non-stick" pan and doesn't have the risk factor.

Recently, non-stick pans have been released that supposedly are safer, but I don't really feel like trusting billion dollar corpos to not lie for the 20th time about that, not when there are fantastic alternatives.

[–] Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml 24 points 1 week ago

Sure thing...now GPL/Creative Commons all your code involved in any way for your models, documentation, parameters, data sets, and allow full unlimited integration and modification by any parties to any portion of it.

[–] Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml 51 points 1 week ago (9 children)

IT workers desperately need to unionize. There is so much bullshit that happens, folks are expected to do three different roles at once, have multiple technical stacks they are experts in, and work extra hours + be on call after hours or on weekends.

[–] Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 week ago

Thanks, and right back at you.

[–] Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml 16 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Most every day this week, I'm scared that I'm not going to be able to accomplish all that I want and should.

I'm scared of letting down the people I care about most.

I'm scared that I'm not going to be strong enough when life throws really brutal curve balls at me.


Crossposted this on the main Linux Lemmy, but figured y'all would also appreciate it.

I'm visiting my parents for the holidays and convinced them to let me switch them to Linux.

They use their computer for the typical basic stuff; email, YouTube, Word, Facebook, and occasionally printing/scanning.

I promised my mom that everything would look the same and work the same. I used Linux Mint and customized the theme to look like Windows 10. I even replaced the Mint "Start" button with the Windows logo.

So far they like it and everything runs great. Plus it's snappier now that Windows isn't hogging all the system resources.

My mom even commented on "how nice it looks." Great work Mint team and community, we have added a few more to the ranks!

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